Manage Scripts: Script Rules

Manage Scripts: Script Rules

Module : Maintain Scripts
Path: Campaigns > Advertising > Maintain Scripts > Rules tab
Topic : Script Rules
Version(s) : Version 5.1 and up 
Editions : All Editions

What Are Scripts

Scripts are the rules setup for order entry, whether the order is entered into the system via order import or manually entered. Each script is tied to one or more DNIS that in turns ties the order to a ClientCampaign and Source.

Scripts have multiple parts, each with their own settings that have to be configured. Each tab within the Script Profile needs to be setup for optimal use.
  1. Details
  2. Subscripts
  3. Surveys
  4. Region/Taxes
  5. Prod Offers
  6. Element
  7. Dispositions
  8. Payment
  9. Shipping
  10. Custom
  11. Demographics
  12. Rules
  13. Forms

What Are Script Rules

Script Rules are the specific parameters that have to be met to place an order within OrderLogix. Script Rules will be checked against an order when the Wrap Up button  is clicked on, prior to submitting payment.

Connect The Dots

Where will I see this within OLX?

The settings provided here will set the limits during order creation. Script Rules can reject a new order or hold the order for review depending on the selections made during setup (see below).

Script Rules works off the Honor System. If you requested to have an additional offer and/or charge added to the order, the message will be displayed but your team can ignore the message and click Accept to continue on with processing the order as is.

For orders that will be held for review, you will see on the Order Detail page that the item(s) on the order are in an Item Pending Review status.

Navigate to the Customer Detail page and scroll down to the Customer Interactions section to complete the CS Event for Sys:Order Held For Review.

What Reports Can Be Pulled?

  1. Customer Service Activity Report
  2. Item Status Report
  3. Product Offer List Report
  4. Demographics Report
  5. Performance Report
  6. Client Performance Report
  7. Adjusted Performance Report
  8. Data Warehouse Export
  9. Flattened Data Warehouse Export
  10. Data Entry Batch Detail Report
  11. Gross Sales Report
  12. Net Sales Report
  13. Continuity Retention Report
  14. Continuity Status Report

What Imports/Exports Relate to Scripts

Order Imports will supply a DNIS and tie the order to a script. During the import you may receive exceptions that do not allow the order to import if the settings are not within the parameter set on the script. 

Setting Up

  1. You can attach a global script rule to the designated script by selecting the rule from the "Attach Global Rule" drop down menu. Click on the add new button.
  2. Once a global rule is attached you can remove it from the script by clicking on the "unlink" button beside the rule. 
    Note:  You can not create a product offer specific global rule, due to offers varying with scripts.
  3. To create a new script rule through the script itself, click the "Add" button. A script rule window will pop up.

  1. Enter a name for the rule.
  2. Select if this rule is to be used for direct order entry, and or for imported orders.
  3. Enter the error memo that will appear when this rule is broken. This should describe what measures should be taken for the order to be submitted.
  4. While on the tab "If the following conditions are true..." click the add button which will bring up the "Edit condition" screen. The options that are available for the rule, will be displayed in the drop down menu.
    IF: Conditions that must be met before rule is applied.

    Select what type of condition you are creating the rule to be based on. Additional criteria will then populate depending on the selection made.
    To apply the rule to every order placed using this script select Unconditional from the dropdown.

    Choose to either click on the checkbox "selected" if the condition should be chosen on the order, or do not check the box which means that the rule applies when the condition is not selected.               

    Note:  If you want to create a "group" of conditions, you can select "Condition Group" and associate multiple options to that one group.

  5. Click the  save button to save the conditions, the cancel button to cancel the changes, or the  delete button to delete the condition choice.
  6.  Once you have created your condition choice, select the "Then require the following conditions" tab to create the action that should be taken upon the condition being met.
  7. This will then open up a similar screen regarding the choices that can be made. Click the  add button which will bring up the "Edit condition" screen.

  1. The options that are available regarding the actions for this rule, will be displayed in the drop down menu.
    THEN: Conditions that are required when the conditions on the IF tab are met.

  2. Select what condition you desire to be required when the first condition of the rule is met. The secondary field based on the criteria that you have chosen will open up and allow you to enter a value. Choose to either click on the checkbox "selected" if the condition should be chosen on the order, or do not check the box which means that the rule applies when the condition is not selected.
  3. Click the save button to save the conditions, the cancel button to cancel the changes, or the  delete button to delete the condition choice
  4. Once you have the rule created the way you desire, click the save button to save the rule, the cancel button to cancel the changes, or the  delete button to delete the rule.
  5. The screen will refresh to the "Rules" tab of the script properties.

  • * To save the current script  click the  Save button .
    * To cancel any of the current changes you have made  click the  Cancel button .
          This will close the Script Properties window without saving any changes.
    * To apply the current changes you have made  click the Apply button .
    * To print the current Script Properties window click the Print button .
    * To delete the current script click the Delete button .
          This will prompt you to make sure you want to delete this item.

    Clicking OK will delete the script and close the Script Properties window.


Sample Script Rules

  1. Billing and Shipping Address Must Match
  2. Credit Card BIN File Script Rule
  3. Fraudulent Address 
  4. High Dollar Held For Review
  5. Householding
  6. Delivery Fee (
  7. Minnesota Retail Delivery Fee (
  8. Colorado Retail Delivery Fee (

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