This report is for orders in OLX and any autoship orders that are going to be generated from the orders. Orders are flattened to one or more lines with 5 items per line.
ActiveAuto | Whether or not the order is part of an active autoshipment, True for active auto, False for cancelled auto N/A for orders not part of an auto sequence |
Address | Ship to address of the order |
Address2 | Ship to address 2 of the order |
ANI | The ANI of the call associated with the order, if available |
BillAddress | Bill to address for the order |
BillAddress2 | Bill to address 2 for the order |
BillCity | Bill to city for the order |
BillCompanyName | Bill to company name for the order |
BillCountry | Bill to country for the order |
BillFirstN | Bill to first name for the order |
BillLastN | Bill to last name for the order |
BillPhoneNumber | Bill to phone number for the order |
BillPMPhoneNumber | Bill to pm phone number for the order |
BillPostalCode | Bill to postal code for the order |
BillState | Bill to state for the order |
CallImportID | The import id of the call the order was placed on, if available |
CampaignName | The name of the campaign of the source of the order |
City | Ship to city for the order |
Client | The client of the source of the order |
ContactFirstN | Ship to first name for the order |
ContactLastN | Ship to last name for the order |
Continued | Whether or not the row is a continuation of the previous row. Occurs with orders over 5 items. Y or N. |
cost1 | Unit cost of the first item |
cost2 | Unit cost of the second item |
cost3 | Unit cost of the third item |
cost4 | Unit cost of the fourth item |
cost5 | Unit cost of the fifth item |
count1 | Unit count of the first item |
count2 | Unit count of the second item |
count3 | Unit count of the third item |
count4 | Unit count of the fourth item |
count5 | Unit count of the fifth item |
Country | Ship to country for the order |
custnum | The customer ID of the customer |
Custom1 | The custom 1 value for the order |
Custom2 | The custom 2 value for the order |
Custom3 | The custom 3 value for the order |
Custom4 | The custom 4 value for the order |
Custom5 | The custom 5 value for the order |
CustStatus | The current customer status of the customer |
datecreated | The system entry date of the order |
dateordered | The order date of the order, initial order date for autoship generated orders |
DateProc1 | The last payment transaction date for the first item, can be approved or declined |
DateProc2 | The last payment transaction date for the second item, can be approved or declined |
DateProc3 | The last payment transaction date for the third item, can be approved or declined |
DateProc4 | The last payment transaction date for the fourth item, can be approved or declined |
DateProc5 | The last payment transaction date for the fifth item, can be approved or declined |
DateShip1 | The shipment date for the first item |
DateShip2 | The shipment date for the second item |
DateShip3 | The shipment date for the third item |
DateShip4 | The shipment date for the fourth item |
DateShip5 | The shipment date for the fifth item |
DayCreated | The difference in days between the minimum order date in OLX and datecreated + 1 |
DayOrdered | The difference in days between the minimum order date in OLX and dateordered + 1 |
DayProcessed1 | The difference in days between the minimum order date in OLX and DateProc1 + 1 |
DayProcessed2 | The difference in days between the minimum order date in OLX and DateProc2 + 1 |
DayProcessed3 | The difference in days between the minimum order date in OLX and DateProc3 + 1 |
DayProcessed4 | The difference in days between the minimum order date in OLX and DateProc4 + 1 |
DayProcessed5 | The difference in days between the minimum order date in OLX and DateProc5 + 1 |
DayShipped1 | The difference in days between the minimum order date in OLX and DateShip1 + 1 |
DayShipped2 | The difference in days between the minimum order date in OLX and DateShip2 + 1 |
DayShipped3 | The difference in days between the minimum order date in OLX and DateShip3 + 1 |
DayShipped4 | The difference in days between the minimum order date in OLX and DateShip4 + 1 |
DayShipped5 | The difference in days between the minimum order date in OLX and DateShip5 + 1 |
declines | For declined items, the total number of declines for that item |
dnis | The DNIS of the source of the order |
EmailAddress | The email address of the customer |
EmpFirstN | First name of the employee who took the order |
EmpLastN | Last name of the employee who took the order |
enteredby | Employee number of the employee who took the order |
Gender | Gender of the customer |
holdDate1 | If the first item is on reg hold then the release date |
holdDate2 | If the second item is on reg hold then the release date |
holdDate3 | If the third item is on reg hold then the release date |
holdDate4 | If the fourth item is on reg hold then the release date |
holdDate5 | If the fifth item is on reg hold then the release date |
ImportOrderNumber | The import id of the order if available |
iscredit1 | Whether or not the first item is a credit item |
iscredit2 | Whether or not the second item is a credit item |
iscredit3 | Whether or not the third item is a credit item |
iscredit4 | Whether or not the fourth item is a credit item |
iscredit5 | Whether or not the fifth item is a credit item |
Last4 | Last 4 digits of the credit card number, if available |
Location | Location of the order |
MediaType | The media type of the source of the order |
NoSoliciting | Whether or not the customer allow soliciting |
OrderID | The order ID of the order |
OrderTime | The time of the order date |
OrdTotDebit | Quantity * UnitPrice for ALL the debit items on the order |
paymentmethod | The current payment method for the order |
PhoneNumber | Ship to phone number for the order |
PostalCode | Ship to postal code for the order |
price1 | UnitPrice of the first item |
price2 | UnitPrice of the second item |
price3 | UnitPrice of the third item |
price4 | UnitPrice of the fourth item |
price5 | UnitPrice of the fifth item |
prod1 | Product name of the first item |
prod2 | Product name of the second item |
prod3 | Product name of the third item |
prod4 | Product name of the fourth item |
prod5 | Product name of the fifth item |
promocode | The promo code of the order if available |
qty1 | Quantity of the first item |
qty2 | Quantity of the second item |
qty3 | Quantity of the third item |
qty4 | Quantity of the fourth item |
qty5 | Quantity of the fifth item |
Script | Script of the source of the order |
ShipCompanyName | Ship to company name of the order |
shipping1 | Shipping of the first item |
shipping2 | Shipping of the second item |
shipping3 | Shipping of the third item |
shipping4 | Shipping of the fourth item |
shipping5 | Shipping of the fifth item |
ShippingMethod | The shipping method of the ship charge profile for the order, if available |
SourceName | The name of the source of the order |
State | Ship to state for the order |
status1 | Item status of the first item |
status2 | Item status of the second item |
status3 | Item status of the third item |
status4 | Item status of the fourth item |
status5 | Item status of the fifth item |
tax1 | Tax amount of the first item |
tax2 | Tax amount of the second item |
tax3 | Tax amount of the third item |
tax4 | Tax amount of the fourth item |
tax5 | Tax amount of the fifth item |
total | Quantity * UnitPrice + Shipping + Tax for the whole order |
totalShipping | Shipping for the whole order |
totalTax | Tax for the whole order |
Tracking1 | Tracking number of the first item, if available |
Tracking2 | Tracking number of the second item, if available |
Tracking3 | Tracking number of the third item, if available |
Tracking4 | Tracking number of the fourth item, if available |
Tracking5 | Tracking number of the fifth item, if available |
type1 | Item type of the first item |
type2 | Item type of the second item |
type3 | Item type of the third item |
type4 | Item type of the fourth item |
type5 | Item type of the fifth item |
VoiceLogID | The recording id of the order if available |
WebOrderNo | The web order number of the order |
For Pending Autoshipments | |
ActiveAuto | True |
Address | Ship to address of the autoship profile |
Address2 | Ship to address 2 of the autoship profile |
ANI | blank |
BillAddress | Bill to address of the autoship profile |
BillAddress2 | Bill to address 2 of the autoship profile |
BillCity | Bill to city of the autoship profile |
BillCompanyName | Company name of the customer record |
BillCountry | Bill to country of the autoship profile |
BillFirstN | Bill to first name of the autoship profile |
BillLastN | Bill to last name of the autoship profile |
BillPhoneNumber | Master customer record phone number |
BillPMPhoneNumber | Master customer record pm phone number |
BillPostalCode | Bill to postal code of the autoship profile |
BillState | Bill to state of the autoship profile |
CallImportID | blank |
CampaignName | The campaign of the source of the base order |
City | Ship to city of the autoship profile |
Client | The client of the source of the base order |
ContactFirstN | Ship to first name of the autoship profile |
ContactLastN | Ship to last name of the autoship profile |
Continued | N |
cost1 | Unit cost of the autoship item to be generated |
cost2 | 0 |
cost3 | 0 |
cost4 | 0 |
cost5 | 0 |
count1 | Unit count of the autoship item to be generated |
count2 | 0 |
count3 | 0 |
count4 | 0 |
count5 | 0 |
Country | Ship to country of the autoship profile |
custnum | The customer ID of the customer |
Custom1 | Custom 1 field of the base order |
Custom2 | Custom 2 field of the base order |
Custom3 | Custom 3 field of the base order |
Custom4 | Custom 4 field of the base order |
Custom5 | Custom 5 field of the base order |
CustStatus | The current customer status |
datecreated | blank |
dateordered | The initial order date |
DateProc1 | blank |
DateProc2 | blank |
DateProc3 | blank |
DateProc4 | blank |
DateProc5 | blank |
DateShip1 | blank |
DateShip2 | blank |
DateShip3 | blank |
DateShip4 | blank |
DateShip5 | blank |
DayCreated | blank |
DayOrdered | The difference in days between the minimum order date in OLX and the base order date + 1 |
DayProcessed1 | blank |
DayProcessed2 | blank |
DayProcessed3 | blank |
DayProcessed4 | blank |
DayProcessed5 | blank |
DayShipped1 | blank |
DayShipped2 | blank |
DayShipped3 | blank |
DayShipped4 | blank |
DayShipped5 | blank |
declines | 0 |
dnis | The DNIS of the source of the base order |
EmailAddress | Email address of the master customer record |
EmpFirstN | First name of the employee who entered the original order |
EmpLastN | Last name of the employee who entered the original order |
enteredby | Employee number of the employee who entered the original order |
Gender | The customer gender |
holdDate1 | blank |
holdDate2 | blank |
holdDate3 | blank |
holdDate4 | blank |
holdDate5 | blank |
ImportOrderNumber | blank |
iscredit1 | 0 |
iscredit2 | 0 |
iscredit3 | 0 |
iscredit4 | 0 |
iscredit5 | 0 |
Last4 | blank |
Location | Location of the original order |
MediaType | The media type of the source of the base order |
NoSoliciting | Whether or not the customer allow soliciting |
OrderID | blank |
OrderTime | blank |
OrdTotDebit | Quantity * UnitPrice of the autoship item to be generated |
paymentmethod | The payment method of the autoship profile |
PhoneNumber | Ship to phone number of the base order |
PostalCode | Ship to postal code of the autoship profile |
price1 | Unit price of the autoship item to be generated |
price2 | 0 |
price3 | 0 |
price4 | 0 |
price5 | 0 |
prod1 | Product name of the autoship item to be generated |
prod2 | blank |
prod3 | blank |
prod4 | blank |
prod5 | blank |
promocode | The promo code of the base order |
qty1 | Quantity of the autoship item to be generated |
qty2 | 0 |
qty3 | 0 |
qty4 | 0 |
qty5 | 0 |
Script | The script of the source of the base order |
ShipCompanyName | Ship to company name of the base order |
shipping1 | Shipping amount of the autoship item to be generated |
shipping2 | 0 |
shipping3 | 0 |
shipping4 | 0 |
shipping5 | 0 |
ShippingMethod | Shipping method of the base order |
SourceName | Source name of the base order |
State | Ship to state of the autoship profile |
status1 | Pending Autoshipment |
status2 | blank |
status3 | blank |
status4 | blank |
status5 | blank |
tax1 | 0 |
tax2 | 0 |
tax3 | 0 |
tax4 | 0 |
tax5 | 0 |
total | Quantity * UnitPrice + Shipping of the autoship item to be generated |
totalShipping | Shipping of the autoship item to be generated |
totalTax | 0 |
Tracking1 | blank |
Tracking2 | blank |
Tracking3 | blank |
Tracking4 | blank |
Tracking5 | blank |
type1 | The item type of the base item |
type2 | blank |
type3 | blank |
type4 | blank |
type5 | blank |
VoiceLogID | blank |
WebOrderNo | blank |
Order Date Range | Order date of the order |
System Entry Date Range | System entry date of the order |
Payment Date Range | Payment date of the order, can be approved or declined |
Ship/Export Date Range | Ship date of the order |
Hold Date Range | Hold date of items that are in regular hold status |
Auto Date Range | Next ship date of autoship items |
Payment Method | The payment method of the order |
Single Order # | The order ID |
Single Auto Seq. # | The cycle number of autoship generated orders |
Product Code | The product offer name of the item |
Single DNIS | The DNIS of the source of the order |
Single Ship State | The ship state of the order |
Single Source Client | The client of the source of the order |
Single Source Campaign | The campaign of the source of the order |
Single Script | The script of the source of the order |
Single Product Group | The product group of the item |
Single Media Type | The media type of the source of the order |
Single Employee | The employee who entered the order |
Single Team | The team of the employee who entered the order |
Single Ship Charge Profile | The ship charge profile of the order |
Single Location | The location of the order |
Item Status | The status of the item |
Item Type | The type of the item |