Continuity Sequences

Continuity Sequences

Module: Product Data
Topic: Continuity Sequences
Version(s): Version 5.1 and up 
Editions: All Editions

What Are Continuity Sequences?

Continuity Sequences are offers that auto create on a predetermined schedule for your customers.
Please note, depending on the System Preference setup in your specific instance you may see Autoship, Subscription, or another verbiage in place of Continuity

Making The Connection

Where Will I See This Within OLX?

You will see Continuities displayed on the Customer Detail Center under Continuity Information

What Reports Can Be Pulled?

  1. Continuity Projection - Displays estimated autoship statistics. Report can be scheduled.
  2. Continuity Configuration - A list of sequences for autoship configurations Report can be scheduled.
  3. Continuity Retention - Displays actual autoship statistics. Report can be scheduled.
  4. Continuity Status Report - Displays the total items and returns for each autoship cycle. Report can be scheduled.
  5. Continuity Customer List - A list of information pertaining to continuity orders. Report can be scheduled.
  6. Pending Continuity Report - View autoshipments that have not been paid or shipped yet. Report can be scheduled.
  7. Continuity Retention Analysis Report - Displays gross and net autoship statistics.
  8. Continuity Batch Report - Autoship breakdown.
  9. Data Warehouse Export
  10. Flattened Export

What Imports/Exports Relate to xxxx

  1. OLX Autoship Sequence

Trouble Shooting

  1. My product offer is not found in the drop down on Per-Order Offers

    1. Check the tax category on the offers associated base item
    2. Currently the system only supports tax related offers to be added to continuities.
  2. Continuity Sequence did not create on Customer Record

    1. Check the method of payment
      1. continuity orders will only create if payment method is credit card
        1. there is a system preference setting that if checked will allow continuity to create for telecheck orders


Navigate to Company Data > Product Data > Continuity Sequences

Tool Bar

Utilizing the buttons on the tool bar  you can:
Go back to the previous screen 
Add new 
Minimize module 


You can use the filter options to narrow down the displayed selections.

Base Product Offer
Delay First Shipment
Add additional filters by click the Add button 
Apply the filtered selections by clicking Apply Filter 
Remove the filtered selections by clicking Remove Filter 
To show inactive accounts in the displayed records check Show Inactive 
You can set the number of records to be displayed 

Add New

  1. To edit an existing record, click on the edit pencil next to the record you wish to edit.
  2. To add a new record, click on the Add New button in the blue module bar.
    1. A new Continuity Sequence window will pop up.

  1. Select the starting Client from the drop down menu.
  2. Select the Starting Offer from the drop down menu.
  3. Select the Pay Preference for commissions from the drop down menu.
    1. You can choose from
      1. All Orders,
      2. Approved Sales or
      3. Net Orders.
  4. Select the Item Type for reporting from the drop down menu.
    1. You can choose from
      1. CTY,
      2. ORD,
      3. USL,
      4. XSL or
      5. RSH.
  5. Enter the description of the continuity sequence as you want it to appear in the autoship sequence lister as well as the customer detail screen for enrolled customers.
  6. If you want to allow a discount to be applied by an employee without requiring a manager override, enter the percentage in the Max Discount field.
  7. Enter the initial number of days that the continuity will delay before making a new order eligible.


Edit Sequences: Deactivating a sequence will affect creation of new subscriptions, but not existing subscriptions. Modifying the product offer will affect creation of new subscriptions as well as existing subscribers to the sequence.
  1. To add a sequence to the continuity, click the   Add New Record button at the bottom of the data grid.
  2. Select the product offer from the drop down menu that is to be created when the first continuity cycle is due.
  3. Enter the Qty of the offer.
  4. If the price varies from the value that is associated to that offer in the product offer lister, enter the alternative Price into that field.
  5. If the shipping cost varies from the value that is associated to that offer in the product offer lister, enter the alternative Shipping into that field.
  6. If the Rush cost varies from the value that is associated to that offer in the product offer lister, enter the alternative Rush into that field.
  7. Enter how many times the sequence is to reoccur into the "Re" field. 
    Note: Entering the value of 0 into this field determines that sequence repeats infinitely until the customer cancels.
  8. Enter the number of days between cycles.
  9. Click the Save button, the changes will be saved 
  10. If there are multiple offers in the sequence, continue previous steps for each sequence.
Note: You cannot change the starting product offer when you are editing an continuity sequence.


  1.  If you want the sequence items to use the base items commission settings, check the corresponding box under options.
  2. If you want to take back commissions on continuity items that are returned, check the corresponding box under options.
  3. If you want to use the quantity of items from the initial item for continuity items, check the corresponding box under options.
  4. If you want to add the cycle days to the order date, check the corresponding box. By default, the cycle days will begin when the order is exported.
  5. The system defaults to use the base order shipping method for the continuity, however you can choose a different ship method from the drop down menu below that checkbox.
Note: If a continuity sequence is attached to an order in the system, and you are attempting to edit the sequence; a dialog box will appear that states the sequence is already attached to an order.

Per-Orders Offers

Some fees may be a requirement for every order placed. There are means for enforcing item requirements during initial order entry, but not for subsequent automatically created orders. Generic support for adding additional items to each continuity order will be created. A new table binding additional required offers-per-order will be added to a sequence.
  1. Select offer from the drop down
  2. Click Add
When such offers have been attached to a sequence, they will be included in every order created for the life of the continuity. 
Currently the system only supports tax related offers to be added
There will also be some special logic for items that are tagged with the “Delivery Fee” category. These fees are contingent on the sale taking place in certain regions, such as Colorado. In some cases these items should not be added to the order, but this determination should be made by the tax service (such as Avalara or the internal tax calculator), and not by the autoship process. The following special logic will be implemented as each order is created.
  1. Each required offer listed in the Per-Order tab will be added to each continuity order
    1. The offers product is tagged with the delivery fee tax category AND…
    2. The resulting total amount of the item (Unit Price+Shipping+Tax) is Zero
      If the aforementioned logic indicates that the item is not needed, it will not be included in the new continuity order.

Closing Continuity Sequence Manager

  1. Update Existing Customers
    1. UnChecked - edits made will only effect newly created continuities moving forward
    2. Checked - edits made will affect newly created continuities as well as update existing continuities in the system.  *** This will also remove any coupon codes associated to existing customers
      1. When saving with this option checked you may receive an additional popup:
        1. Some customers have custom pricing for this Continuity. Do you want to override their custom pricing?
          1. Yes - All existing customers we receive the updates to the continuity
          2. No - Existing customers without custom pricing will be updated
A CS event will be added to customers affected by a Sequence change (that has been applied to existing
continuity customers).
  1. To save the changes click the Save button .
  2. To cancel any of the current changes you have made click the Cancel button .
    1. This will close the window without saving any changes.
  3. To print the current window click the Print button .
  4. To delete the selection click the Delete button .
    1. This will prompt you to make sure you want to delete this item.
    2. Clicking OK will delete the selected item and close the window.

Continuity Sequences
Copyright 2019
Revised 2.05.2024

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