Module : Company Data
Path: Company > Company > System Preferences
Topic : System Preferences
Version(s) : Version 5.1 and up
Editions : All Editions
What Is System Preference?
Just as the name implies, System Preference is where you will set system wide configurations for your OrderLogix.
Where Will I See This Within OLX?
Settings configured here will be spread throughout the entire OrderLogix application.
Navigate to the System Preferences module from the Company Data menu. (Company Data > Company > System Preferences)
The Edit System Preferences window will pop up.
Company/New Order

The Company name, address information, phone and fax number are what will appear on the packing slips and invoices for your company. This will be overwritten if there's a different address set on the Campaign. - *Company Name
- Address
- City
- State
- Zip Code
- Country
- Phone Number
- Fax Number
- Logo URL
Order Entry Options:
- Enable Zip Code lookup when entering a new order
- Checked - when entering a zip code and tabbing out of the field, if there are more than one record for the zip code a popup will display with the city, county, state, country selections available. When record is selected fields will auto populate. If there's only one record, the city, state, country fields will auto populate.

- Unchecked - when entering a zip code and tabbing out of the field, you will go to the next field. No auto populating of data will be supplied.
- Use stored credit card info for a new order on existing customer
- Checked - When clicking on new order tile from Customer Detail you can select a payment profile from the customer record to auto populate the information on a new order.
- Unchecked - When clicking on new order tile from Customer Detail you can select a payment profile from the customer record, but the information will remain blank on a new order.
- Restrict Subscripts in new order by pay methods and do not sell states
- Checked -
- Unchecked -
- Require bank city and state for Telechecks when entering a new order
- Checked - When entering an order and selecting Telecheck for payment method, agents will receive an error if the Bank City and Bank State are left blank

- Unchecked - When entering an order and selecting Telecheck for payment method, agents will be able to create the order if the Bank City and Bank State are left blank
- Close script window when leaving order
- Checked - when source is designated as Customer Service call type, script popup window will close when order is submitted
- Unchecked - when source is designated as Customer Service call type, script popup window will not close when order is submitted

- Show products that are set to disallow pay and shipment processing
- Checked - products offers that have either Pay or Ship Process set to Disallow on base item will display on order screen
- Unchecked - products offers that have BOTH Pay and Ship Process set to Disallow on base item will not display on order screen
- Do not require manager override for coupons
- Checked -
- Unchecked -
- Default tracking field to use when entering a new order

- Promo - agents will enter Promo Code
- if more than one source is using the promo code entered, a popup will display for the agent to select the source for order entry
- Source - agents will enter Source name
- this will set the default selection on Sales Order Entry

Placeholder Credit Card Numbers for Tokenized Accounts
- Visa
- Discover
- Mastercard
- American Express
Click on the Limits tab to edit the processing and general limits for your system.

System Limits
- Max number of transactions before an item is set to fatal decline
- how many times an item can participate in payment processing before moving to fatal
- Min number of days before an item is resubmitted for payment processing
- how many days must a line item wait to be picked up in payment processing
- Max number of days before an item is resubmitted for payment processing
- how many days past the last attempt to payment process is an item still eligible to participate in payment processing
- No. of days before the current date to set the pre pay. processing cutoff date
- auto sets processing > prepayment processing > Pre-process Not Yet Available items Cutoff Date
- Max dollar amount an order can have before it is held due to high $ filter
- All items on the order will go to an Invalid status
- Include credit items in high $ filter
- Checked - order total plus total dollar value of credits on single order must be under value set for high dollar filter, else all items will go to item invalid
- Unchecked - value of credit will not be included with the order total to determine eligibility of high dollar filter
- Default number of days after an RMA is opened before it will expire
- The system will automatically close RMA's when they hit this number of days
- Refund will not be created
- Number of days between Password Changes
- how many days to require agent to change their password - please note if agent refuses to change their password several functions and menus will be unavailable until the password is updated.
- Default backorder expiration days
- Hold shipment on orders with backorders
- Checked - order with a line item in backorder status will NOT split ship
- Unchecked - order with a line item in backorder status will split ship (if no overrides are set on job configuration)
- Prevent duplication of notification emails (Days)
Click on the System/Autoship tab to edit default system information and Continuity preferences.

System Defaults
- Default to 'All' tab on Customer Details page.
- Checked -
- Unchecked -
- Select all criteria for using an existing customer in the OLX Import.
Unchecked - match criteria must be set on import job OR within import XML
If checked the OLX order import matches the following:
Address 1
Address 2

This is meant only for the OLX Import that comes standard to your system. This is only to preselect the configurator and would not work for any custom imports.
- Enable break buttons in Timecard window.
- Checked - the
button will display
- Unchecked -
will NOT be displayed
- Require Manger Override for Credit amts greater than Orign Amts.
- Checked -
- Unchecked -
- First day of the fiscal week.
- Selecting the dropdown allows you to choose which day of the week will be the first day of the fiscal week
- Quick order/customer lookup default.

- Allow cancellation of Shipped Items
- CS actions are prevented when an order is Locked due to having an item in Item Awaiting Ship-Confirm status
- checked - allows agents to cancel the line item.
- unchecked - agents will not be able to cancel the line item in Item Awaiting Ship-Confirm status
- Disable shipping orders lock
- checked - disables the LOCK status on orders when a line item is in Awaiting Ship-Confirm status.
- unchecked - enables the LOCK status on orders when a line item is in Awaiting Ship-Confirm status.
Subscription Preferences
- Outstanding Item Types
- Sets the default option on Processing > Continuity Processing configurator
- All Items
- Installment Items Only
- Autoship Sequence Items Only
- Max number of outstanding installments before continuities will not be created
- Sets the default option on Processing > Continuity Processing configurator
- Max installment balance before continuities will not be created
- Sets the default option on Processing > Continuity Processing configurator
- Max number of days from the due date a Subscription will still be created
- Sets the default option on Processing > Continuity Processing configurator
- Autoship Label

- Select Change
- Set the labels to the desired terminology for your business settings

- Autoship Label - Anywhere within OLX the Autoship Label is used the term listed here will be used in place of
- Autoship Label Plural - Anywhere within OLX the Autoship Label Plural is used the term listed here will be used in place of
- Abbreviated Autoship Label - Anywhere within OLX the Abbreviated Autoship Label is used the term listed here will be used in place of
- Create multiple Subscriptions on single order?
- This is now done inherently within the system and is a non-active setting expected to be removed from OLX in a future build. Please disregard.
- Show confirmation number when canceling an autoshipment.
- Checked - popup will display when canceling a continuity from an active order with a reference number than can be looked up via CS Event Lookup > event notes contain [enter confirmation number]

- Unchecked - no popup will display with a reference number for the cancellation number
- Stop autoship if items are cancelled status.
- when continuity processing runs, it will check for orders that are eligible to be created and then check the most recent order created to see if the continuity item was cancelled. If the continuity item was cancelled on the last order, the system will stop the continuity during the current job.
- Unchecked - when continuity processing runs, it will check for orders that are eligible to be created and skip checking the most recent order created for item status of cancelled
- orders will not create - they continuity just doesn't cancel. An alert icon will display on the customer record allowing you to manually ignore the last order and move the continuity forward. it is recommended to run a Pending Continuity Report using layout = Next Ship Date/Item Status/ Customer and date range for dates in past.
- Stop autoship if items are shipment cancelled status
- when continuity processing runs, it will check for orders that are eligible to be created and then check the most recent order created to see if the continuity item was shipment cancelled. If the continuity item was shipment cancelled on the last order, the system will stop the continuity during the current job.
- Unchecked - when continuity processing runs, it will check for orders that are eligible to be created and skip checking the most recent order created for item status of shipment cancelled
- Stop autoship if items are fatal auth status
- Checked - when continuity processing runs, it will check for orders that are eligible to be created and then check the most recent order created to see if the continuity item was fatal auth. If the continuity item was fatal auth on the last order, the system will stop the continuity during the current job.
- Unchecked - when continuity processing runs, it will check for orders that are eligible to be created and skip checking the most recent order created for item status of Fatal auth
- Allow autoship on Telecheck orders.
- Checked - continuities will create when method of payment is credit card OR telecheck
- Unchecked - continuities will only create when a credit card is the method of payment
- Negative Adjustment Reconciliation (To Backorder)
- Oldest - when inventory is updated and there is not enough qty for orders currently placed in the system, the oldest orders will be marked as backorder before newer orders.
- Newest - when inventory is updated and there is not enough qty for orders currently placed in the system, the most recent orders will be marked as backorder before older orders.
- Do not process receipts
- Checked -
- Unchecked -
- Remove Allocation During Declines
- When an item goes to Item Decline Authorization the inventory is removed from the line and added back to available units for new orders.
- Once payment processes, inventory is added back to the line item and will move to ship ready or backorder if there are not enough units available for the order at that time.
Click on the Report Info tab to edit default report info.
Report Info

- Show actual # of ADD in Call Log and Performance reports
- Checked -
- Unchecked -
- Show actual # of USL in Call Log and Performance reports
- Checked -
- Unchecked -
- Show actual # of XSL in Call Log and Performance reports
- Checked -
- Unchecked -
- Show actual # of CTY in Call Log and Performance reports
- Checked -
- Unchecked -
- Show actual # RSH in Call Log and Performance reports
- Checked -
- Unchecked -
- Show net % of ADD/RSH/CTY in Performance report.
- Checked -
- Unchecked -
- Do not show Batch entered orders in Performance reports.
- Checked -
- Unchecked -
- Do not show Cancelled Items in Performance reports.
- Checked -
- Unchecked -
- Do not show Shipment Cancelled Items in Performance reports.
- Checked -
- Unchecked -
- Do not show Held Items in Client Performance report.
- Checked -
- Unchecked -
- Do not include Short Aban in Aban % in Client Performance report.
- Checked -
- Unchecked -
- Adjust Rates for Script Settings in Performance reports.
- Checked -
- Unchecked -
- Hide Adjusted Columns in Performance Report.
- Checked -
- Unchecked -
- Do not show Add ons in Performance reports.
- Checked -
- Unchecked -
- Do not show Imported Calls in Performance reports.
- Checked -
- Unchecked -
- Only show one decimal place in performance reports.
- Checked -
- Unchecked -
- Show # of Ords and % in Net Sales Report for Cancels, Declines and Rejects.
- Checked -
- Unchecked -
- Include ring time in short call calculation.
- Checked -
- Unchecked -
- Include ring time in short abandon call calculation.
- Checked -
- Unchecked -
- Show days until next shipment date in packing slips.
- Checked -
- Unchecked -
- Check the Show Inactive Checkboxes by Default.
- Checked -
- Unchecked -
- Recording URL
- Recording URL Suffix
Click on the Export Info tab to enter default system settings.
Export Info

- Default Order Export Prefix
- When orders are exported from your system to another system the value will be added to
- Don't allow partial shipments for exports
- Checked -
- Unchecked -
Edit default warehouse export columns
- Datawarehouse Available Columns - Please see the Datawarehouse Export Definition article for more information regarding available columns
- Datawarehouse Selected Columns - Columns listed here will be the default selected columns for any new Datawarehouse Export. These columns can still be adjusted when creating new Datawarehouse Exports.
- Flattened Available Columns - Please see the Flattened Export Definition article for more information regarding available columns
- Flattened Selected Columns - Columns listed here will be the default selected columns for any new Flattened Export. These columns can still be adjusted when creating new Flattened Exports.
- Right Single Arrow - This will move any highlighted items to the Selected Columns table
- Left Single Arrow - This will move any highlighted items to the Available Columns table
- Right Double Arrow - This will move all items from Available Columns table to the Selected Columns table
- Left Double Arrow - This will move all items from Selected Columns table to the Available Columns table
- Up Single Arrow - This will move any highlighted items up one space on the list within the Selected Columns table
- Down Single Arrow - This will move any highlighted items down one space on the list within the Selected Columns table
Click on the Delivery/Default tab to enter e-mail delivery information and default system settings.

Delivery Options
By clicking the Change icon

on Export File Delivery Options and selecting OK from the Please Confirm popup you will automatically be taken to the Email Profiles screen.

Enter your Export Delivery Options. These will be used for generating any e-mails from OLX:
- Profile Name:
- SMTP Server: The e-mail server you use to send company e-mail.
- SMTP Logon:
- SMTP Password:
- Confirm SMTP Password:
- Port:
- From (Default): The return address as it appears on the e-mail.
- Email Client: Selections are as follows:
- Secure -
- Legacy - Any authentication method older than Secure methods (see above)
- Auth Mechanism: Selections are as follows:
- UserPassword (Recommended) - The password currently in use on the SMTP
- Kerberos
- Is Active: Check this box to activate
- Save: To save changes and exit popup
- Close: To exit popup without saving changes
- Send Test Email: Will send a test email
Delete: Delete profile settings and exit popup

"DefaultDeliveryProfile" (scheduled Jobs to email results outside the system) & "DefaultNotificationProfile" (Notifications in OrderLogix) are reserved profiles and unable to be renamed or deleted.
These are required for existing features for file delivery & notifications.
- Default OLX Agent Calls Location:
- drop down all created Locations in your instance
- Default PBX Calls Location:
- drop down all created Locations in your instance
- Default Orders Entered Location:
- drop down all created Locations in your instance
- Default Payment Processing Account - Any campaigns without a default Pay Processing Account will use this account:
- Default Commission Owner - This Determines which employee receives commission for an order or autoship order:

- Employee who took the original order
- Employee who added the item to the order.
- Static Employee (i.e. 'House' account)
- Default Autoship Comm. Owner:

- Employee who took the original order
- Employee who added the item to the order.
- Static Employee (i.e. 'House' account)
Edit your default auth settle type.
- Default Auth Settle Type This determines whether your items will be fulfilled after the initial Authorization or Settled first:

- Auth->Settle->Fulfillment
- Auth->Fulfillment->Ship Confirm->Settle.
- Check "Show inactive" checkbox in list filter by default.
- Checked - inactive records will display in search results
- Unchecked - inactive records will not display in search results
- Expand Customer Details Order History by default
- Checked - order history will be expanded to display line items
- Unchecked - order history will be collapsed, requiring agent to expand order manually to display line items
- Expand Sales Agent Commission by default.
- Checked - commission will be expanded to display line items
- Unchecked - commission will be collapsed, requiring agent to expand record manually to display line items
Custom Values
- Add new record
- Name - This will be given to you by an OLX employee and must match exactly. Spacing, special characters, and capitalization matter.
- Value - This will be given to you by an OLX employee and must match exactly. Spacing, special characters, and capitalization matter.
- Edit icon - Allows you to edit an existing entry
- Delete icon - Allows you to remove an existing entry
- Click the Save button and all changes will be applied and saved. The Edit System Preferences window will close.
- To cancel any of the current changes you have made, click the Cancel button. This will close the Edit System Preferences window without saving any changes.
- To apply the current changes you have made, click the Apply button.
- To print the current Edit System Preferences window, click the Print button.
System Preferences
Copyright 2019
Revised 11.25.2024