Packing Slip

Packing Slip

Module: Order Detail Screen
Path: Order Detail Screen > Print Packing Slip
Topic: Print Packing Slip
Version(s):  Version 5.1 and up
Editions:  All

What Are Packing Slips

The Packing Slip displays all the relevant shipping information pertaining to the order. Only items that have been shipped will be included in the packing slip.

Making The Connection

Where Will I See This Within OLX?

Print Packing Slip button can be found on the Order Detail screen just below and to the right of the order information tiles.

What Reports Can Be Pulled?

  1. Shipment Batch Report
  2. Data Warehouse Export

What Imports/Exports Relate to xxxx

  1. Shipping Export

Trouble Shooting

  1. There are no shipment transactions for this customer. Can not generate packing slip.

    1. Order must be exported via a shipping export and in one of the following item status
      1. Item Awaiting Ship Confirm
      2. Item Shipped Awaiting Settlement
      3. Item Shipment Delivered

Packing Slip

Address can be adjusted by updating the Packing Slip Info on the Campaign.

  1. Top Left Address -
    1. Campaign Packing Slip Info tab

    2. If left blank the header will default to what is set in System Preferences.

  2. Web Order Number
    1. OrderLogix (or imported) Web Order Number
  3. Order Date
    1. Date the order was created
  4. Order Number
    1. OrderLogix order ID
  5. Ship To
    1. Shipping address
  6. Bill To
    1. Billing address
  7. Shipping Method 
    1. REG - if there are no items on the order with rush shipping
      1. does not show the shipping method set on the order such as:
        1. USPS
        2. Fedex
        3. UPS
    2. RSH - if has the order has a rush item on it the packing slip will say RSH
  8. Customer ID
    1. OrderLogix customer ID
  9. Employee ID
    1. Employee that made the sale
  10. Payment Type
    1. payment method: credit card type if paid by card.
  11. Source Code
    1. DNIS
    2. AUTO means the order was created via system for continuity processing
  12. Product Code
    1. Product offer name
  13. Product Description
    1. Product offer description
  14. Discount
    1. Amount being subtracted from unit price
  15. Qty
    1. How many units of item was sold
  16. Price
    1. Unit Price - Discount
  17. S & H 
    1. Shipping and handling for that line item
  18. Tax
    1. Tax for that line item
  19. Extended Price
    1. Price + S & H + Tax
  20. Your next shipment will arrive in about # days.
    1. System Preference Report Information tab has setting for Show days until next shipment date in packing slips.
      1. Checked - will show days until next shipment date in packing slips.
      2. Unchecked - will not show days until next shipment date in packing slips.
  21. TOTAL
    1. Sum of each column for all rows on order
    1. Notes entered via Campaign Information on Order Detail 

Copyright 2019
Revised 7.23.2024

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