Position | Field Name | Req. | Type | Max | Description |
01 | RECORD TYPE | YES | Alpha | 1 | Record Type. For Shipment Header Records, the type should be "O" |
02 | BATCH ID | YES | Numeric |
| OrderLogix Assigned Shipment Batch ID. |
03 | BATCH DATE | YES | Alpha |
| Create stamp of Shipment Batch |
04 | SHIPMENT ID | YES | Numeric |
| OrderLogix Assigned Shipment ID.
*** Note: This number needs to be passed back to OrderLogix in the Shipment Confirmation file. |
05 | ORDER ID | YES | Numeric |
| OrderLogix Assigned Order ID. |
06 | ORDER DATE | YES | Alpha | 8 | The date is for the local time of the server to which the order came from. Format: MM/DD/YYYY |
07 | ORDER NUMBER | YES | Alpha | 255 | This field contains the reference number assigned to this order at the time the order was placed. |
08 | CUSTOMER ID | YES | Numeric |
| OrderLogix Assigned Customer ID. |
09 | BILL COMPANY | NO | Alpha | 255 | Billing company. |
10 | BILL LAST NAME | YES | Alpha | 50 | Billing last name. |
11 | BILL FIRST NAME | YES | Alpha | 30 | Billing first name. |
12 | BILL ADDRESS1 | YES | Alpha | 255 | Billing street address. |
13 | BILL ADDRESS2 | NO | Alpha | 255 | Billing street address continued. |
14 | BILL CITY | YES | Alpha | 50 | Billing city. |
15 | BILL STATE | YES | Alpha | 20 | Billing state or province abbreviation. (Ex. ME for Maine) |
16 | BILL ZIPCODE | YES | Alpha | 20 | Billing zip code or postal code. Format for US: ##### or #####-#### Format for Canada: XXX XXX |
17 | BILL COUNTRY | YES | Alpha | 3 | Country code for the billing address on an order. Country codes "001" for US, "034" for Canada. |
18 | BILL PHONE NUMBER | YES | Alpha | 30 | Billing phone number. Format: (###) ###-#### |
19 | BILL PHONE NUMBER2 | NO | Alpha | 30 | 2nd Billing phone number. Format: (###) ###-#### |
20 | EMAIL | NO | Alpha | 255 | Customer email address. |
21 | NO SOLICITING | NO | Boolean | 1 | No soliciting (1) or soliciting OK (0). |
22 | SHIP TO COMPANY | NO | Alpha | 255 | Shipping company |
23 | SHIP TO LAST NAME | YES | Alpha | 50 | Shipping last name |
24 | SHIP TO FIRST NAME | YES | Alpha | 50 | Shipping first name |
25 | SHIP TO ADDRESS1 | YES | Alpha | 255 | Shipping street address |
26 | SHIP TO ADDRESS2 | NO | Alpha | 255 | Shipping street address continued |
27 | SHIP TO CITY | YES | Alpha | 50 | Shipping city |
28 | SHIP TO STATE | YES | Alpha | 50 | Shipping state or province |
29 | SHIP TO ZIP | YES | Alpha | 50 | Shipping zip code or postal code. Format for US: ##### or #####-#### Format for Canada: XXX XXX |
30 | SHIP TO COUNTRY | YES | Alpha | 3 | Country code for the shipping address on an order. Country codes "001" for US, "034" for Canada. |
31 | SHIP PHONE NUMBER | YES | Alpha | 30 | Shipping phone number. Format: (###) ###-#### |
32 | SHIP PHONE NUMBER2 | NO | Alpha | 30 | 2nd Shipping phone number. Format: (###) ###-#### |
33 | SHIP METHOD | YES | Alpha | 255 | Shipping method for order |
34 | SOURCE CODE | YES | Alpha | 50 | Source code for order |
35 | SOURCE NAME | YES | Alpha | 255 | Description of source code for order |
36 | CAMPAIGN | YES | Alpha | 255 | Campaign for order |
37 | SOLD BY | YES | Alpha | 255 | Person or entity that sold the order |
38 | PAYMENT METHOD | YES | Alpha | 255 | Payment Method of order |
39 | CARD TYPE | NO | Alpha | 255 | Credit Card Type (If Payment Method is “CREDIT CARD”) |
40 | ORDER SUBTOTAL | YES | Numeric |
| The sum of all products on the order using formula quantity * (unit price – discount). |
41 | ORDER SHIPPING | YES | Numeric |
| Shipping Amount for entire Order |
42 | ORDER TAX | YES | Numeric |
| Tax Amount for entire Order |
43 | ORDER TOTAL | YES | Numeric |
| The sum of all products, shipping and tax on the order using formula (quantity * (unit price – discount)) + shipping + tax. |
44 | ORDER COMMENTS | NO | Alpha | 4000 | Order Comments |
45 | | No | Alpha | 4000 | |