Batch Rollback Authorization Form
From time to time a mistake may be made when creating batches. In many cases, we can roll back the batch for you, giving you the opportunity to recreate it.

Please note that this is a billable task and by invoking this form, you will not require a separately signed estimate to perform this work. You will be invoiced for the actual time required to perform this service (quarter hour minimum).
Payment Batch

Note: payment batches in ‘Complete’ status cannot be rolled back
From Payment Processing
- navigate to processing > payment processing
- Copy the Batch Name, Processing Account, #Trans, and Created Date/Time

- you would then complete the rollback form like this

From Order Details
Commission Batch
- navigate to company > HR Reports > Sales Agent Commission Detail
Shipment Batch
From Process History
- navigate to processing > process history
- open job in question
- when you click on the download file link the batch name will display as the File name to save

- Total Items Exported is Number of Transactions if requesting a full batch rollback

- you would then complete the rollback form like this

Additional information that can be helpful if you're not able to click on the download file link:
- JobID
- DataFileID
- hover over the download file link to grab the DataFileID (this will help ups to determine the batch if you are having issues clicking on download file to get batch name)

From Order Details
- navigate to the order
- hover over the pencil icon to display the ITEMID

- click
on the item status of the line item in question to display the transaction

- scroll
down and look at the Shipments section

- copy
the batch name and shipment date and Transaction ID

- you
would then complete the rollback form like this

- if you're requesting a full batch rollback
- Number of Transactions will equal number of all transactions in the batch and you do not need to add itemID
Copyright 2024
Revised 9.15.2024
Please use the attached authorization form to request the rollback of eligible payment, commission, or shipment/order export batches in OrderLogix editions.
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