Customer Detail Page

Customer Detail Page

Module: Customer Detail Page
Topic: Page Overview
Version(s): Version 5.1 
Editions: Standard, Commerce, Call Center

What is Customer Detail Page?

The Customer Detail Page is hub for information about a specific customer. The page contains the customer’s address information, demographics, payment profiles, order history, future shipments and subscription profiles, as well as customer service interactions and notes.

Page Filtering/Layout:

In the top bar of the Customer Detail Page, you will find filters for Campaign and Product Group. These filters allow the data on the page to be limited to fit the criteria selected.
  • Campaign – when the campaign filter is used, only orders belonging to that campaign will be displayed in the Order History.
  • Product Group – when the product group filter is used, only orders with an item tied to that product group will be displayed in the Order History.

Click the  Lock Icon to lock or unlock the modules on the page. When unlocked, the different sections can be re-ordered to meet your desired needs by dragging and dropping.


The seven tiles lining the top of the Customer Detail Page are both informational and action icons. The first four will give you an at-a-glance look at the customer’s history. The following three access the most common customer service functions.

The first tile displays the date that the customer record was created. This gives you an idea of how long your customer’s relationship has been established with your company.

The second tile displays the order status of the customer’s most recent order. Status may show as New, Open, Locked, or Closed.
  1. New represents an order where all items are at Not Yet Available status.
  2. Open will display when any items on the order are at a status that is not final.
  3. A Locked status will prevent editing the Address Profile or Payment Profile associated to any order with an item in the status of Item Awaiting Ship-Confirm. 
  4. Closed will display when all items are at a final status. 

The third tile, Net Revenue, displays the sum of the Order Total for all of this customer’s orders.(Formula= quantity * unitprice + shipping + tax + fedtax (all items except canceled and fatal auth))

The Orders/Items tile displays a count of orders and a count of items on all of this customer’s orders.

Click the next tile, New Order, to enter an additional order for this customer.

Click the tile, New Event, to add a new CS Event for this customer

Click the last tile, Cancel All Orders, to cancel all activity for this customer.

Customer Details & Profiles:

The Customer Detail section stores and displays personal information about the customer

Customer Information:

  • The customer information tab displays the main customer address, phone numbers, and email address. You can edit the customer’s information by clicking the edit pencil  beside the customer's name


  • Hover over the   icon to see a log of changes made to the customer’s information.


Self Service Accounts:

  1. Self Service Accounts displays the emails linked to this customer that have created a Customer Portal account.
The only way to change an email address for a customer's portal login is to create a new login for that customer.
  1. You can NOT reset the password for your customers. Only send a link for the customer to do so themselves. This is a security feature and can not be changed. Your customer will have to know the answer to their Security Question in order to reset their password.
    If your customer does not remember their Security Question or their password it is recommended that you delete the existing account and create a new account for the customer.
    1. You can add a new account
      1. Click on the Add Account button
      2. The customers information will automatically populate from the Customer Details & Profiles information
      3. You can edit the First Name or Last Name field
      4. You can edit the email address to associate a different email address to this account for the Customer Portal account
      5. There are 3 action buttons available to you:
        1. Copy to Clipboard - This will copy the Customer Portal link to your clipboard to paste into a chat window or email being sent from outside OLX
        2. Send Invite Email - This will automatically send an email with the Customer Portal link to the email above
        3. Send Reset Link - This will send an email with a link to reset the password should the customer not be able to login to their account
      6. Result will display what action was taken 

    2. You can edit an existing account
      1. Click on the edit icon beside an existing account
      2. You can edit the First Name or Last Name field
      3. You can edit the email address to associate a different email address to this account for the Customer Portal account
      4. There are 3 action buttons available to you:
        1. Copy to Clipboard - This will copy the Customer Portal link to your clipboard to paste into a chat window or email being sent from outside OLX
        2. Send Invite Email - This will automatically send an email with the Customer Portal link to the email above
        3. Send Reset Link - This will send an email with a link to reset the password should the customer not be able to login to their account

    3. You can delete an existing account by clicking on the Delete button 
      1. A popup will display asking to confirm deleting user account
        1. Click OK  if you're sure this is the user self service account you wish to delete
        2. Click Cancel  if you do not wish to delete this user account

Customer Demographics:

Demographic information for the customer that has been captured will be displayed on this tab. To edit the customer’s demographics, click on the edit pencil  on this screen.


Address Profiles:

  • Addresses used on this customer’s orders can be found on the Address Profiles tab. Click  to add a new Address Profile for this customer or edit the existing addresses by clicking the edit pencil icon beside the address.
    • Editing an existing Address Profile actually creates a new record. 
      • You will need to delete an incorrect Address Profile once the record has been updated (new record created)
    • New records will only be created so long as all 4 fields of Name, Address, City, and State are not exact match


    • The  person icon indicates that this address profile is the customer’s master address.
    • The  order icon indicates that this address profile is used on an open order
    • The  package icon indicates that this address profile is used for future shipments.
Name, Address, City, and State fields can not all match an existing record on customer address profile

Payment Profiles:

The Payment Profile tab enables the user to add and/or modify payment information for the customer. This is useful in a case where the customer wants to apply another payment method for a current order or proactively for an upcoming continuity.


  1. The  order icon indicates that this payment profile is used on an open order
  1. The  package icon indicates that this payment profile is used for future billing.
  1. Click  to edit an existing Payment Profile.
    1. Credit cards
      1. The payment method will be updated when the expiration date and Cvv2 are changed.
      2. A new payment method will be created when the Payment Method and/or Credit Card Number are changed.
    2. Telechecks: 
      1. The payment method will be updated with a new check number when only the check number is changed.
      2. A new payment method will be created when the Routing Number and/or the Account number are changed.
It's important to note that when updating an expiration date for a tokenized payment profile you will need to create a new payment profile as the gateway is not updated by edits to current payment profiles.
  1. Click  to add a new Payment Profile.
    1. Select the Payment Method from the available dropdown
      1. Visa (see American Express below for setup information)
      2. Mastercard (see American Express below for setup information)
      3. Discover (see American Express below for setup information)
      4. Telecheck
        1. *Bank Name - This is typically located above the notes/memo line on bottom left
        2. Bank City - this may or may not be listed on the check above the notes/memo line on bottom left
        3. Bank State - this may or may not be listed on the check above the notes/memo line on bottom left
        4. *Routing Number - The routing number is the nine-digit number printed in the bottom left corner of each check.
        5. *Account Number - Account number (usually 10 to 12 digits) is the second set of numbers printed on the bottom of each check
        6. Savings Account
          1. checked - the check will be noted to come from a savings account
          2. unchecked - the check will be noted to come from a checking account
        7. *Check Number - Check number is the third set of digits found on the bottom of each check
      5. American Express
        1. *Select radio button for:
          1. CC Num
            1. Enter the credit card number
            2. Cardholders Name - if left blank the system will fill in with the Customers First and Last name
          2. Token
            1. Select the Pay Proc Account from the dropdown
              1. dropdown will display only when Token is selected
              2. PPA's that are eligible for Tokenization only will automatically display in the dropdown
            2. Click on Generate Token  icon to display popup

                1. Card #
                  1. 15 digits for American Express
                  2. 16 digits for all others
                2. Exp
                  1. MM/YY format
                3. CVV
                  1. 4 digits for American Express (typically found on front of card)
                  2. 3 digits for all others (typically found on back of card)
              1. Click Save when done to create Token
              2. Click Cancel to exit popup
        2. *Expiration Date
          1. if token is selected this will auto populate
        3. Debit Account
          1. checked - this is noted as a debit card
          2. unchecked - this is noted as a credit card

Note:   For payments, either a credit card or a telecheck can be chosen, but not both at the same time. This means that the Bank Name, Routing #, Account # and Check # will be blank for credit card orders. Likewise, the Credit Card #, Credit Card Expiration Date and Card Holder Name will be blank for Telecheck orders.  

Order History:

The Order History section of the page provides a list of the items that the customer has ordered with a summary of order details and a few customer service actions.

  • Actions: There are five action icons available for each order


  • The  sheet icon will print a receipt for the order.
  • The  sheet icon will print the packing slip for the order.
  • The  coin icon opens the Payment Detail window to view or update billing information for the order.
  • The  package icon opens the Customer Shipping Information window to view or edit the ship-to address on the order.
  • The  delete icon allows you to delete an open order that has not participated in pay or ship processing.

    • There will not be a CS event notated that the action was taken. Once the order is deleted you can not get it back.
  • Order ID and Web Ord#: The OrderLogix Order ID is the ID for which the order is identified in the OrderLogix system. The Web Order number is the order number provided from the source system for an imported order. Both of these IDs are hyperlinks, linking to the Order Detail Page for that order.
  • Items: The descriptions of the order items are listed.
  • Status: The status of the order or the item is displayed. Hover over the Item Status for an item status log with a list of dates and statuses. Click the Item Status to open the item’s Transaction Details window.
  • Order Date: The date the order was taken.
  • Icons:
    • The  shipment icon indicates that inventory is reserved for this item. Hover over the icon to preview Inventory Details. Click on the icon to open the Order Inventory Item Detail window to view inventory and lot details.
    • The  money icon indicates that he item has an approved Pre-Authorization.
  • #Item/Cred: A count of the number of items and credits on the order or the quantity of each order item.
  • Total: Total for the order or item
  • Amt Paid: Amount already paid for the order or item
  • Bal Due: Amount still due for the order or item.

Subscription Information:

The subscription information section displays details about the customer’s continuity subscriptions and future shipments.

Future Shipments:

  • This tab lists all of the customer’s continuity subscriptions.

    • Show stopped autoships: This allows agents to filter for only active subscriptions or both active and inactive subscriptions.
    • Actions:
      • Click on the  magnifying glass icon to open the Customer Sequence window to view or edit the customer’s subscription.
      • Check the box(es) to create next subscription order.
      • Exclamation icon: "Subscription cannot be created because the prior shipment was not complete."
        • All 3 of the following criteria must be met:
          • The next ship date is in the past (or current date)
          • The "created but not shipped" bit on the subscription is true
          • The subscription is not stopped or on hold
        • click on the alert icon
          • a popup will display: Subscription cannot be created because the prior shipment was not complete. Do you want to ignore this and allow the next order to be created anyway?

          • OK - will remove the hold and allow the next order to be created.
          • Cancel - exit popup with no action taken.
    • Stopped: indicates whether or not the customer’s subscription has been stopped
    • On Hold: indicates whether or not the customer’s subscription has been held
    • Sequence: the description of the continuity subscription. Click on this to view the Sequence Details.
    • Subscriber Since/ Order: the date that the subscription was created and the original base orderID.
    • Prior Shipments: the number of shipment transactions for orders associated to the subscription.
    • Last Shipment: the last product shipped for the subscription.
    • Next Shipment/Date: the next ship date for the subscription.

Subscription Order Profiles:

  • This tab lists Subscription Profiles for Payment and Shipment information.


    • Click Add Profile to add a subscription order profile using the customer’s existing billing and shipping profiles.
    • Actions: Click on the  pencil icon to open the Edit Subscription Order Profile window to edit an existing profile.
    • Profile Name: The name or ID of the subscription profile
    • Payment Method: the method of payment of the subscription profile.
    • Bill To Address: The billing address of the subscription profile.
    • ShipTo Address: the shipping address of the subscription profile.

Customer Interaction:

This section of the customer detail page contains notes and communication history for this customer.

CS Activities:

  • The C.S. Activities section of the page allows the agent to add notes regarding interactions or correspondence with the customer. This location also displays any "sys:" activities that the database automatically logs when a pop up screen is viewed or edited, displaying the most recent activities at the top of the list. The following actions can be completed in the C.S. Activities section:  
    • Filter CS Events: filter CS Events by Order ID, Activity Code, and/or reason code 
    • Group the returned records by: 
      • None - leaves records in chronological order
      • Activity Name - alphabetical order
      • Employee - alphabetical order
      • Reason Code - alphabetical order
      • Date - oldest to most recent
    • Add a new C.S. Event
      • Click the  link on the tool bar.
      • Choose the date and enter a time. If left blank, the current date and time will be filled in automatically. 
      • Choose an activity type from the activity pull down list.
      • Choose your employee # from the employee pull down list, or an alternate employee if this event is to be assigned to a different employee.
      • Enter details about the activity in the notes section, this is especially important for follow up events in order to clearly define what needs to occur.
      • If the event is completed, check the Complete checkbox.  If not, leave it unchecked and the event will show up as a follow-up reminder on your C.S. desktop.­
      • When done, click the save icon. To cancel, click the cancel edit icon.
    • Edit an existing C.S. Event:  To edit an existing event, click the pencil icon next to that event . Then edit the fields that need updating and click the  save icon. Note: You can not edit "sys:" activities as these are automatically logged in the system when an edit action is taken.
      • Mark a C.S. Event Complete: To mark a C.S Event complete you will need to edit the event. Then you will check the Complete box and click Save.
    • Delete a C.S. Event: to delete a C.S. Event, click the red “X” next to the event.


  • The Calls tab shows the Call Date, Call Time, Employee#, DNIS, Call Disposition, and other Notes from call information recorded in the Sales Order Entry screen.
    • If the call came in on a campaign with a QA Survey attached, you will see the survey edit icon next to the voice print ID. 


  • The Notifications tab contains notification information pertaining to the order. 
    • The notifications tab will show the template name, the Status of the notification (sent or unsent), Due Date, and Method (Internal or External).
    • To view the notification template, click on the template name. The template will open in a new window


  • The Surveys tab contains a record of all surveys the customer has participated in.
    • To view the survey information click the view button.
    • To edit customer information from an existing survey, click the  pencil icon next to that event.
    • Click the Add link to create a new survey for the customer.

Correspondence: (this feature is currently inactive)

  1. Messages sent from the Customer Portal on the CS Screen (for CS Staff).
    1. This feature is enabled by selecting a view mode in the Portal admin menu : Company->Email->Email View Mode 
    2. Contact Customer feature.

  1. The Contact Customer button allows agents to draft and send emails from the Customers record.
  2. Clicking on the magnifying glass  allows agents to open/review the correspondence and reply back to the customer from within the app. 


  • The All tab contains CS activity and Notification information.

Copyright 2019
Revised 12.21.2023
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