The OLX Autoship Sequence Import automates the functionality found within the application for manually creating Autoship Sequences (Company Data > Product Data > Autoship Sequences in the new Autoship Sequence Manager window). This is accomplished by creating a CSV (a file with information fields, each separated by a single comma) with the required autoship sequence information. This document will cover in detail, the specifications needed to create a valid file that OrderLogix can successfully import. File Format: ASCII text (standard US-English letters, numbers and keyboard characters). The file must contain one line per addition, with each field enclosed in double quotes and comma separated, ending with a Carriage Return (↵) <CR>. All unused fields will be left blank and remain separated by a single comma. File Naming: <Organization Identifier><YYYYMMDD>.csv Import Definitions: #
| Field Name | Req. | Type | Max | Field Description | 1 | STARTING OFFER NAME | YES | Alpha | 255 | Product offer name for the base autoship | 2 | PAY PREFERENCE | For Seq. | Alpha | 255 | Commission payment preference. (Ex. All Orders, Approved Sales or Net Orders) | 3 | ITEM TYPE | For Seq. | Alpha | 50 | Item type for the autoship offers. (Ex. ORD, CTY, RSH, ADD, XSL or USL) | 4 | DESCRIPTION | NO | Alpha | 100 | Sequence description. | 5 | MAX DISCOUNT | NO | Numeric | 3 | Maximum discount percentage for autoship offers between 0-100. | 6 | INITIAL DELAY DAYS | For Seq. | Numeric | 8 | Number of days between the base order and the first autoshipment. | 7 | USE BASE ITEM COMMISSION | For Seq. | Boolean | 1 | Use the base autoship offer commission and pay preference settings for the subsequent autoship offers. | 8 | TAKE BACK COMMISSION | For Seq. | Boolean | 1 | Take back paid commissions on subsequent autoship offers. | 9 | USE QTY FROM INITIAL ORD | For Seq. | Boolean | 1 | Use the quantity from the initial order for subsequent offers (1) or use the quantity set in the subsequent offer (0). | 10 | ADD CYCLE DAYS TO ORD DATE | For Seq. | Boolean | 1 | Use the next ship date off of the order date (1) or the shipment date (0). | 11 | USE BASE SHIP METHOD | For Seq. | Boolean | 1 | Use the ship method of the base order. | 12 | SHIP METHOD | NO | Alpha | 255 | If not using the base ship method, specify a ship charge profile name to use for the autoship generated orders. | 13 | NEW AUTOSHIP? | YES | Boolean | 1 | 1 = New autoship, 0 = Update existing. | 14 | SEQUENCE # | For Prod | Numeric | 8 | Sequence number for the autoship offer, starting with 1. | 15 | OFFER NAME | For Prod | Alpha | 255 | Product offer name for the autoship offer. | 16 | QUANTITY | For Prod | Numeric | 8 | Quantity of the autoship offer. | 17 | UNIT PRICE | For Prod | Numeric | 9 | Unit price of the autoship offer. | 18 | SHIPPING | For Prod | Numeric | 9 | Shipping of the autoship offer. | 19 | RUSH | For Prod | Numeric | 9 | Rush of the autoship offer. | 20 | CYCLE DAYS | For Prod | Numeric | 8 | Number of days between the shipments. | 21 | REPEAT COUNT | For Prod | Numeric | 8 | Number of recurring shipments for the autoship offer. IMPORTANT: 0 for infinite recurrence. |
The attached documentation includes the OLX Autoship Sequence Import Spec, Template, and Example. |