Module: Imports Path: Processing > Imports/Exports > Imports Topic: OLX Autoship Sequence Import Spec Version(s): 5.1 & up Editions: Commerce, Call Center What Is OLX Autoship Sequence ImportThe OLX Autoship Sequence Import automates the functionality found within the application for manually creating Autoship Sequences (Products > Product Data > Autoship Sequences in the new Autoship Sequence Manager window). This is accomplished by creating a CSV (a file with information fields, each separated by a single comma) with the required autoship sequence information. This document will cover in detail, the specifications needed to create a valid file that OrderLogix can successfully import. Making The ConnectionWhere Will I See This Within OLX?This import is used to setup continuity on your product offers that will display on the customer record when the offer is sold. What Reports Can Be Pulled?What Imports/Exports Relate to xxxxTrouble Shooting
SetupImport ConfigurationNavigate to Processing > Import/Export > Imports
Data Source
Configuration Tab
Decryption Tab
Results Tab |
The Results tab will display a summary of information imported or information about any potential error(s) to help you resolve and try again. |
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