Continuity Retention Analysis Report Definitions

Continuity Retention Analysis Report Definitions

This report shows more in depth statistics for continuity generated orders in OLX.

Continuity Retention Analysis Report Column Definitions
Initial Number of initial continuity orders in the date range
Cancel Number of continuities that are cancelled
Pending Number of continuities that are not paid for or shipped yet
Waiting Number of continuities that are paid but are waiting for their next cycle
Gr Actv Number of continuities that are still active
%Gr Stk Gr Actv / Initial
Nt Actv Number of continuities that are paid but are waiting for their next cycle
%Nt Stk Nt Actv / Initial
$Gross (Quantity * UnitPrice) + Shipping for the continuity items and any installment items attached to that continuity item
$Paid (Quantity * UnitPrice) + Shipping for the continuity items and any installment items attached to that continuity item that had successful payment transactions
$Ret Gr (Quantity * UnitPrice) + Shipping for credit items items attached to that continuity item
$ Ret Nt (Quantity * UnitPrice) + Shipping for credit items items attached to that continuity item that had successful payment transactions
%Ret Gr $Ret Gr / $Gross
% Ret Nt $ Ret Nt / $Paid
$Adj Gross $Gross - $Ret Gr
$Adj Net $Paid - $ Ret Nt
Orders Created Number of continuities created that cycle
Orders Paid Number of continuities with a successful payment transaction that cycle
Cancels Gross Number of continuities stopped that cycle
Cancels Paid Number of continuities stopped with a successful payment transaction that cycle
Pendings Unpaid Number of continuities that are not paid for or shipped yet that cycle
Pendings Paid Number of continuities that are paid but are waiting for their next cycle that cycle
Gross Retention Cycle % Orders Created - Cancels Gross / Orders Created that cycle
Gross Retention Cum. % Orders Created that cycle / Initial orders
Net Retention Cycle % Orders Paid - Cancels Paid / Orders Paid that cycle
Net Retention Cum. % Orders Paid that cycle / Initial orders
Total Order Revenue $ Gross Rev           (Quantity * UnitPrice) + Shipping for the continuity items and any installment items attached to that continuity  item
Total Order Revenue $ Paid Rev (Quantity * UnitPrice) + Shipping for the continuity items and any installment items attached to that continuity item that had successful payment transactions            
Credits Issued $ Gross (Quantity * UnitPrice) + Shipping for credit items items attached to that continuity item
Credits Issued $ Paid (Quantity * UnitPrice) + Shipping for credit items items attached to that continuity item that had successful payment transactions
Return Rate Gross % Credits Issued $ Gross / Total Order Revenue $ Gross Rev that cycle
Return Rate Paid % Credits Issued $ Paid / Total Order Revenue $ Gross Rev that cycle
Adjusted Revenue $ Gross Rev Total Order Revenue $ Gross Rev - Credits Issued $ Gross that cycle
Adjusted Revenue $ Net Rev Total Order Revenue $ Paid Rev - Credits Issued $ Paid that cycle
Date Range Date range of the initial continuity order
Client The client of the base product of the continuity sequence
Campaign The campaign of the initial continuity order
Product The product of the initial continuity order
Sequence The continuity sequence
Employee The employee that took the initial continuity order
Single DNIS The DNIS of the initial continuity order
Sequence The continuity sequence
Campaign The campaign of the initial continuity order
Media Type The media type of the source of the initial continuity order

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