Using Zip Encryption & Decryption in OrderLogix

Using Zip Encryption & Decryption in OrderLogix

Imports, Exports, and Reports in OrderLogix have an option for Zip Decryption/Encryption. This method can be useful if you have large scheduled reports or export files which need to be sent via SMTP email delivery, but the raw files are too large to deliver with this method. This article will detail how to use Zip Encryption and Decryption in the areas of the application where this is available.



To set up your export schedule to Zip encrypt your file, you will need to click on the “Encryption” tab of the export configuration settings. Select the Encryption method of “Zip” from the dropdown menu. Enter any specific file naming you that you would like and the password that will be used to encrypt the file and save your schedule. 



To Zip encrypt a report generated through the Common Report Scheduler, click the “Encryption” tab of the schedule configurator. Select “Zip” from the dropdown menu and enter the specific file naming you that you would like and the password that will be used to encrypt the file.  Save your schedule. 



To decrypt a file that has been Zip encrypted, click the “Decryption” tab of the Import configurator. Select the Decryption method of “Zip” from the dropdown menu and enter the password that will be used to decrypt the file.

NOTE: When you open files that were Zip Encrypted you will need to  use an application such as 7Zip or WinZip in order to decrypt the file. Windows has the capability to open password-protected .zip files, but is not able to open encrypted .zip files. Please install one of the suggested applications in order to open the .zip file.


  If you still have questions regarding the material covered in this article, please contact OrderLogix Customer Care for assistance. Thank you!

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