Topic: Delivery Fee
Version(s): 5.1
Editions: All
What Are Delivery Fees
Delivery Fees are state required fees that must be added to an order. Some states, such as Colorado, require a specific naming convention to be used and allow districts within the state to determine if they are going to charge a fee over and above the state's fee.

Please reach out to OrderLogix to inform them of which state(s) you need the tax to apply to. The backend table will need to be updated to your specific needs.
Making The Connection
Where Will I See This Within OLX?
This specific feature requires setup in the following areas:
- Base items
- Tax providers
- Product Offers
- Continuities
- Script Rules
What Reports Can Be Pulled?
- Inventory Item Association
- Item List
- Product Offer List
- Data Warehouse Export
What Imports/Exports Relate to xxxx
- OLX Autoship Sequence Import Spec
- OLX Item Offer Import Spec
Trouble Shooting
The offer is creating on orders for shipping states that do not apply
The backend table needs to be updated for your specific setup. Please open a ticket with OrderLogix.
I created an offer but it's not showing when I try to setup the script rule
Review the
tax category on the base item for the offer you are looking for.
- Default (OLX internal tax tables) = Delivery Fee (as Tax)
- If you use an external tax provider, make sure to check with the vendor to determine the correct category to use here. **You may require an update to your external tax providers tax tables within OLX
The delivery fee is not creating on customer continuities
Each required offer listed in the Per-Order tab will be added to each continuity order
UNLESS… The offers product is tagged with the delivery fee tax category AND…
The resulting total amount of the item (Unit Price+Shipping+Tax) is Zero
If the aforementioned logic indicates that the item is not needed, it will not be included in the new
continuity order
How do I add the Delivery Fee to an order via Order Import or API Order Import?
- We have handled everything for you. There are no special settings that need to be taken into consideration when importing an order with the Delivery Fee. Just make sure:
- the offer name matches the offer setup in OLX
- the price is set to $0
- the shipping price is set to $0
- tax value is added in the following fields:
- You will receive an acceptance message when an order is received with this offer attached:
Fee as tax item detected (Delivery Fee). Skipped calculation and used provided tax for this item.
Orders in import file: 1
Orders imported: 1
Duplicate orders: 0
New customers: 0
Errors Encountered: 0
The base item must be created first, followed by the product offer, and global script rule. The fee can then be added to continuities already created in the system.
Base Item
Product Offer
- Create your product offer as you normally would (instructions can be found here).
- Pay attention to state requirements when setting Offer Name if creating for a specific state.
- Unit Price MUST = 0.00
- Shipping MUST = 0.00
- Rush Fee MUST = 0.00
- Select the Delivery Fee base item created above.
When creating new continuities navigate to Per-Order Offers. Select the delivery fee offer created above and click Add. Save the Continuity Sequence Manager Popup.
When updating existing continuities, navigate to Per-Order Offers. Select the delivery fee offer created above and click Add. Check the box for Update existing customers. Click Yes or No to Please Confirm popup (will depend if other adjustments were made to the continuity in question - if only adding Delivery Fee you can select No). Save the Continuity Sequence Manager Popup.
Add Offer to Script/s

Don't forget to add the offer to the scripts for that client
Global Script Rule
- Create your script rule as you normally would
- IF Condition =
- Shipping Address Match
- Match Y/N = checked
- Address = *
- City = *
- State = State abbreviation
- County = *
- Zip = *
- THEN Condition =
- Condition = Required Fee
- Product Offers = [offer created for delivery fee]
- Selected = checked