Item List Report Definitions

Item List Report Definitions

You can use the (product) Item list report to view product items by Client, Product Group, or Active status.   The report shows the (product) Item Name, Description, Product Group, External SKU, Client, Active Status, and number of product offers for the (product) item. Select "Show Inactive" boxes to view inactive information in filters.

Select control options from the report tool bar.


Item List Report Column Definitions
Item Name
The name of the item
The description of the item
Product Group
The product group the item belongs to
External Sku
The external SKU of the item
The client the item belongs to
Whether or not the item is active
The weight of the item
Unit Count
The unit count of the item
Prod Offer Count
The number of product offers that use this item             
The client of the product
Product Group
The product group of the product
Whether or not the product is active


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