Net Sales Report Definitions

Net Sales Report Definitions

You can view the amount of net sales for a time period based on Client, Campaign, Media Type, Product Group, Team, or Employee.

The report displays Number of Orders/Order ID, Extension/Order ID, number of Items, Product Revenue, Total Revenue, number of held items, dollar amount of held items, number Cancelled, amount Cancelled, number of Declines, amount of Declined, number Rejected, amount of Rejected, CDR Orders, CDR Items, CDR total revenue, percent of CDR orders, number of Net Orders, number of Net Items, Net Product Revenue, Net Total Revenue.

Net Sales Report Column Definitions
# Ords / Ord IDNumber of orders for the specific grouping level, order id on the detail level
Ext Ord IDExternal order number of the order
# ItemsNumber of items for the specific grouping level
$ Prd RevQuantity * Unit Price of the items for the grouping level
$ Tot RevQuantity * Unit Price + Shipping of the items for the grouping level
# HoldQuantity of items in 'Item Reg. Hold' or 'Item Auto Hold' status for the grouping level
# Hld RevQuantity * Unit Price + Shipping of Hold items for the grouping level
# Cncl OrdsNumber of orders that have an item in 'Item Cancelled' status and if the checkbox to include ship cancelled items is checked 'Item Shipment Cancelled' status
# Cncl ItemsQuantity of items in 'Item Cancelled' status and if the checkbox to include ship cancelled items is checked 'Item Shipment Cancelled' status
$ Cncl RevQuantity * Unit Price + Shipping of cancelled items for the grouping level
% Cncl Ords# Cncl Ords / # Ords for the grouping level
# Dec OrdsNumber of orders that have an item in 'Item Declined Authorization' or 'Item Fatal Authorization' status
# Dec ItemsQuantity of items in 'Item Declined Authorization' or 'Item Fatal Authorization' status
$ Dec RevQuantity * Unit Price + Shipping of declined items for the grouping level
% Dec Ords# Dec Ords / # Ords for the grouping level
# Rej OrdsNumber of orders that have an item in 'Item Invalid' status
# Rej ItemsQuantity of items in 'Item Invalid' status
$ Rej RevQuantity * Unit Price + Shipping of rejected items
% Rej Ords# Rej Ords / # Ords
# CDR OrdsThe number of orders that had a cancelled, declined or rejected item on them
# CDR Items# Cncl Items + # Dec Items + # Rej Items
$ CDR Tot Rev$ Cncl Rev + $ Dec Rev + $ Rej Rev
% CDR Ords# CDR Ords / # Ords
# Net OrdsThe number of orders that did NOT have a cancelled, declined or rejected item on them
# Net Items# Items - (# Cncl Items + # Dec Items + # Rej Items)
$ Net Prd RevQuantity * Unit Price for all items that are not cancelled, declined or rejected items
$ Net Tot Rev$ Tot Rev - ($ Cncl Rev + $ Dec Rev + $ Rej Rev)
Date TypeOrder date or payment date
Date RangeThe date range of the order or payment transaction
Order TypeRegular: An order that is not an autoship generated order and does not spawn any autoship orders. Enrollment: An order that is not an autoship generated order but DOES spawn an autoship order. Continuity: An order that IS an autoship generated order.
ClientClient of the source of the order
ScriptScript of the order
CampaignCampaign of the source of the order
Media TypesMedia type of the source of the order
Product GroupProduct group of the item
Product OfferProduct offer of the item
TeamTeam of the employee who placed the order
EmployeeEmployee who placed the order
CountryShip to country of the order
Item TypeItem type of the item
Processing AcctProcessing account used in the payment transaction (if available, 'None' otherwise)
Show # Ords and % for Cncl, Dec, RejWhen this is checked there will be addition columns for # and % Ords for Cncl, Dec and Rej
Include Ship Cncld in Cncld columnsWhen this is checked items in the status 'Item Shipment Cancelled' will be included in the Cancelled columns
CampaignCampaign of the source of the order
ClientClient of the source of the order
CountryShip to country of the order
Custom1Custom1 field of the order
DateThe date range of the order or payment transaction based on date type selection
DNISThe DNIS of the source of the order
EmployeeEmployee who placed the order
Fiscal WeekFiscal week of the order or payment transaction date based on date type selection
Item TypeItem type of the item
Media TypeMedia type of the source of the order
MonthMonth of the order or payment transaction date based on date type selection
Order TypeRegular: An order that is not an autoship generated order and does not spawn any autoship orders. Enrollment: An order that is not an autoship generated order but DOES spawn an autoship order. Continuity: An order that IS an autoship generated order.
Payment MethodPayment method of the order
Processing AccountProcessing account used in the payment transaction (if available, 'None' otherwise)
Product GroupProduct group of the item
Product NameProduct offer of the item
Promo CodePromo code of the order (if available, 'None' otherwise)
ScriptScript of the order
StateShip to state of the order
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