Notification Management

Notification Management

Info Module : Notifications
Path: Processing > Notifications > Notification Management
Topic : Notification Management
Version(s) : Version 5.1 and up 
Editions: Commerce & Call Center

What Is Notification Management

This is where you can create custom notifications for sales or leads based on various "triggers" including item statuses, cs activities and different script dispositions. Notifications must be setup prior to an event triggering. You cannot send notifications based on events that completed before setup.

Making The Connection

Where Will I See This Within OLX?

You will see notifications on the Customer Detail Page Customer Detail Page ( and under Process History for Job Type contains Notification.

What Reports Can Be Pulled?

  1. at this time there are no reports

What Imports/Exports Relate to Notifications

  1. at this time there are no imports/exports

Trouble Shooting

  1. Customer is not receiving notifications

    1. Check the customer record to see what the No Soliciting setting is set to
      1. True will keep notifications from sending to this customer
      2. False will allow notifications to send to this customer
    2. Check the Notification Management to make sure the scripts are selected correctly
    3. Check the Automated Delivery schedules to confirm a Prepare Only schedule is running as often as your notifications are scheduled to send

Notification Management

Edit Defaults

  1. Click the  Edit Defaults link in the Notification Config module and a new Notification Default and Preview Details window will pop up.
  2. Select the "Notification Type", you can choose call, lead or, sale from the drop-down list.
  3. Edit the Preview Value and Default value for each alias you want to change.

  • Click the    Save Button to save the Notification Defaults and the Preview Details window will close. 
  • To cancel any of the current changes you have made, click the  Cancel button.
    • This will close the Notification Defaults window without saving any changes.
  • To print the current Notification Defaults window, click the  Print button.

Email Profile

Click the  Edit Preferences link in the Notification Config module and a new Notifications Preference window will pop up. All fields are required to have a working Email Profile.

  1. Client
  2. Profile Name: This is customizable to your organization.
    1. It is recommended to relate this to what the profile will be used for within OLX.
  3. Outbound Server: The e-mail server you use to send company e-mail.
      Note, this will need to be whitelisted through the OrderLogix IT department before you can successfully send emails via that server address.
      If using SendGrid please refer to setup instructions found HERE
  4. Outbound Port Your mail provider can provide this information for you
    1. Most mainstream SMTP servers utilize 587
  5. Inbound Server The e-mail server you use to send company e-mail.
  6. Inbound Port Your mail provider can provide this information for you
    1. Most mainstream SMTP servers utilize 995
  7. Login: User login information
  8. Password: User Password
  9. Confirm Password: Reenter User Password
  10. From (default): The return address as it appears on the e-mail.
  11. Auth Mechanism: 
    1. UserPassword
    2. CRAMMD5 - challenge–response authentication mechanism
    3. NTLM
    4. Kerberos
  12. Is Active: 
    1. Check this box to activate
    2. Uncheck to deactivate profile

  • Click the    Save Button to save the Notification Preferences and the window will close. 
  • To cancel any of the current changes you have made, click the  Close button.
    • This will close the Notification Preferences window without saving any changes.
  • To test your setup, click the  Send Test Email button.

    • enter the email address to send test notification to
      • click send to send
      • click close to close the popup without sending test notification
  • To delete an existing profile, click the  delete button.

Prepare Notifications

Click the  Prepare Notifications link in the Notifications Config module in order to merge all of the customer specific alias information into the templates created.
The Prepare Notifications window will appear.

  1. Template
  2. Script Name
  3. Delivery Method
    1. All Methods
    2. Email
    3. Internal
  4. Type Code
    1. All Types
    2. Autoship
    3. Call
    4. Lead
    5. Sale
  5. Start Date
  6. End Date
  7. Click  Apply Filter to apply the sort.
  8. Count - how many notifications will be prepared for the template via the selected script and delivery/type.
  9. To select the templates to prepare, check the checkbox next to the template name.

  1. Select  Prepare to process the selected notifications. 
  2. Select  Prepare All to prepare all notifications.
    1. You will receive the following alert:
If you use the Prepare All button this will ignore the filters and options selected/not selected. ALL available notifications in the system will prepare.
    1. Click OK to finish the prepare job. 
  1. You will then see the output in the job log regarding how many notifications were prepared, as well as if there were any that could not be.

  • To cancel any of the current changes you have made, click the  Cancel button.
    • This will close the Notification Preparation window without saving any changes.
  • To print the current Notification Preparation window, click the  Print button.

Send Email/API

Click the  Send Emails link in the Notifications Config module.
The Send Emails window will appear, which is the process that takes the prepared emails that were successful then batches and sends them out to the customers. 
Note, when handling internal notifications, the prepare job automatically sends them to the internal call back queue. This send job is strictly to send out emails.

  1. Template
  2. Script Name
  3. Type Code
    1. All Types
    2. Autoship
    3. Call
    4. Lead
    5. Sale
  4. Start Date
  5. End Date
  6. Click  Apply Filter to apply the sort.
  7. Count - how many notifications will be sent for the template via the selected script and delivery/type.
  8. To select the templates to prepare, check the checkbox next to the template name.
  1. Click the  send button to send the notifications selected
  2. Click the  send all button to send everything that was prepared.
    1. You will receive the following alert:

If you use the Send All button this will ignore the filters and options selected/not selected. ALL available notifications in the system will send.
      1. click OK to send the notifications
  1. You will then see the output in the job log regarding how many notifications were sent, as well as if there were any that could not be.

  2. To cancel any of the current changes you have made, click the  Cancel button.
    1. This will close the Notification Send window without saving any changes.
  3. To print the current Notification Send window, click the  Print button.

Purge Notifications

Click the  Purge Notifications link in the Notifications Configuration Module.

The Purge Notifications window will appear, which is the process that allows you to delete old emails through a specific date that may not have been sent for some reason.

  1. Notification Type
    1. All Notifications - will display all available options from the Prepare Notification window and the Send Email/API window
    2. Unprepared Notifications - will display available options from the Prepare Notification window
    3. Unsent Notifications - will display available options from the Send Email/API window
  2. Start Date
  3. End Date
  4. Click  Apply Filter to apply the sort.
  5. Template
  6. Script Name
  7. Delivery Method
    1. Email
    2. Internal
  8. Status
    1. Unprepared - if purged will remove available options from the Prepare Notification window
    2. Unsent - if purged will remove available options from the Send Email/API window
  9. Count - how many notifications will be purged for the template via the selected script and delivery/status.
  10. To select the templates to purge, check the checkbox next to the template name.

  1. Click the  delete button to send the notifications selected
    1. You will receive the following alert:

      1. click ok
  2. Click the  delete all button to send everything that was prepared.
    1. You will receive the following alert:

If you use the Delete All button this will ignore the filters and options selected/not selected. ALL available notifications in the system will be deleted.
    1. click OK to delete the notifications
  1. You will then see the output in the job log regarding how many notifications were Purged, as well as if there were any that could not be.

  2. To cancel any of the current changes you have made, click the  Cancel button.
    1. This will close the Purge Notification window without saving any changes.
  3. To print the current Purge Notification window, click the  Print button.

Automated Delivery

*New Feature Coming Soon*

When you click on  Automated Delivery icon you will be taken to Automated Delivery menu.

Daily Notifications Graph

*New Feature Coming Soon*

Unsent Notifications Graph

*New Feature Coming Soon*

Notification Event Configuration

Script Disposition

When navigating to the management section, you will automatically be defaulted to the "Script Disposition" tab. These notifications allow you to trigger an internal notification to call a customer back, or send an email based on a call not converting to a sale. 


You can use the filter options to narrow down the displayed selections.

  1. #Scripts
  2. Delay Time
  3. Delivery Method
  4. Disposition
  5. Template
Add additional filters by click the Add button 
Apply the filtered selections by clicking Apply Filter 
Remove the filtered selections by clicking Remove Filter 
You can set the number of records to be displayed 

Add New Script Disposition Notification

Click the   'Add New Script Disposition Notification' button and a new Script Disposition Notification Details window will pop up.

  1. Select the Disposition from the Disposition drop-down list.
  2. Move the script(s) that will trigger the notification template from the Available Scripts to the Selected Scripts.
  3. Select the delivery method
    1. Email - this will send to your customers
      1. can be applied to a Sale or Lead template for a Sale disposition,
      2. or a Lead Template for any "non-sale" disposition.
    2. Internal - this will need to be applied to a Queue Template which will then filter any of the dispositioned calls into that queue for call back.
  4. From the Notification Template drop-down list, select the template you want to add.
  5. enter a delay time if applicable or leave 0 - this how long the system will wait to send notification once the above criteria have been triggered.
  6. Select the type of delay time: 
    1. Minutes
    2. Hours
    3. Days
    4. Weeks
  • Click the  Save Button to save the script disposition notification template. 
  • To cancel any of the current changes you have made, click the   Cancel button.
    • This will close the Script Disposition Notification Details window without saving any changes.
  • To delete an existing notification click the   delete button.
  • To print the current Script Disposition Notification Details window, click the   Print button.

Item Status


You can use the filter options to narrow down the displayed selections.

  1. # Scripts
  2. Delay Time
  3. Delivery Method
  4. Item Status
  5. Template
Add additional filters by click the Add button 
Apply the filtered selections by clicking Apply Filter 
Remove the filtered selections by clicking Remove Filter 
You can set the number of records to be displayed 

Add New Script Item Status Notification

Click the    'Add New Script Item Status Notification' button and a new Script Item Status Notification Details window will pop up.

  1. Move the script(s) that will trigger the notification template from the Available Scripts to the Selected Scripts.
  2. Select the item status
  3. Select the delivery method
    1. Email - this will send to your customers; can ONLY be applied to Sale templates for item status notifications.
    2. Internal - this will need to be applied to a Queue Template which will then filter any of the dispositioned calls into that queue for call back.
  4. From the Notification Template drop-down list, select the template you want to add.
  5. enter a delay time if applicable or leave 0 - this is how long the system will wait to send notification once the above criteria have been triggered.
  6. Select the type of delay time: 
    1. Minutes
    2. Hours
    3. Days
    4. Weeks
  7. "Exclude Autoships"
    1. Check if you do not want the notification to be delivered for continuity orders.
    2. Uncheck to deliver on continuity orders
  8. "Include ONLY Autoships"
    1. Check if you want a specific notification to be delivered for only continuity orders.
    2. Uncheck if you want notification to be delivered for all order types.
  9. "Exclude Installments"
    1. Check if you do not want the notification to be delivered for each multi-pay offer on the order that ends up in the eligible status.
    2. Uncheck if you want notification to be delivered for all order types.
  10. "Exclude Set Items"
    1. Check if you do not want the notification to be delivered for each item that is on the order as a set.
    2. Uncheck if you want notification to be delivered for all order types.
  11. "Cancel if Item Status Changes:"
    1. Check if you do not want the notification to be delivered if the status of the item changes.
    2. Uncheck if you want the notification to be delivered regardless of if there has been a change to the item status.

  • Click the  Save Button to save the item status notification template. 
  • To cancel any of the current changes you have made, click the  Cancel button. This will close the item status Notification Details window without saving any changes.
  • To delete an existing notification, click the  delete button.
  • To print the current item status Notification Details window, click the  Print button.

Customer Service Activity 


You can use the filter options to narrow down the displayed selections.

  1. # Scripts
  2. CS Activity
  3. Delay Time
  4. Delivery Method
  5. Template
Add additional filters by click the Add button 
Apply the filtered selections by clicking Apply Filter 
Remove the filtered selections by clicking Remove Filter 
You can set the number of records to be displayed 

Add New Customer Service Activity Notification

Click the   'Add New Customer Service Activity Notification' button and a new Customer Service Activity Notification Details window will pop up.

  1. Move the script(s) that will trigger the notification template from the Available Scripts to the Selected Scripts.
  2. Select the CS Activity
  3. Select the Reason Code
    1. Note that if you are selecting a manual CS Activity code rather than a "SYS:" code, this field will be defaulted to "All Reason Codes."
  4. Select the delivery method
    1. Email - this will send to your customers; can ONLY be applied to a Sale templates.
    2. Internal - this will need to be applied to a Queue Template which will then filter any of the dispositioned calls into that queue for call back.
  5. From the Notification Template drop-down list, select the template you want to add.
  6. enter a delay time if applicable or leave 0 - this is how long the system will wait to send notification once the above criteria have been triggered.
  7. Select the type of delay time: 
    1. Minutes
    2. Hours
    3. Days
    4. Weeks

  • Click the  Save Button to save the CS Activity disposition notification template. 
  • To cancel any of the current changes you have made, click the  Cancel button. This will close the CS Activity Notification Details window without saving any changes.
  • To delete an existing notification click the  delete button.
  • To print the current CS Activity Notification Details window, click the  Print button.

Dropped Call

This tab is only available in Call Center Edition


You can use the filter options to narrow down the displayed selections.
  1. # DNIS
  2. Campaign
  3. Client
  4. Queue Name
  5. Queue Template
Add additional filters by click the Add button 
Apply the filtered selections by clicking Apply Filter 
Remove the filtered selections by clicking Remove Filter 
You can set the number of records to be displayed 

Add New Dropped Call Notification

Click the   'Add New Dropped Call Notification' button and a new Dropped Call Notification Details window will pop up.

  1. select the Client from the drop down
  2. select the Campaign from the drop down
    1. list will filter off Client selected above
  3. Queue from the drop down
  4. Queue Template from the drop down
    1. list will filter off Queue selected above

Notification Management
Copyright 2019
Revised 12.27.2024

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