Product Offer Installments

Product Offer Installments

Module: Product
Topic: Installments/Sets
Version(s): Version 5.1 and up 
Editions: All Editions

What Are Installments

Navigate to the Product Offer Installments page from the Company Data menu. (Company Data > Product Data> Installments/Sets)
The Product Offer Installments page is where you can create new installments for products and edit existing installments.

Making The Connection

Where Will I See This Within OLX?

You will see this on orders detail screen. Most times you will see the installment line items on hold.

What Reports Can Be Pulled

  1. Installment Receivables Report Definitions (
  2. Installment Configuration Report Definitions (

What Imports/Exports Relate to Installments

  1. OLX Installment Import (

Trouble Shooting

  1. Credit Card Validation is triggering too soon.

    1. You can utilize a tool like Date Duration Calculator: Days Between Dates ( to put in a start date and approximate end date to help determine how many days minimum you need set here


Tool Bar

Utilizing the buttons on the tool bar  you can: 
Go back to the previous screen 
Add new 
Minimize module 


You can use the filter options to narrow down the displayed selections.

  1. Client
  2. Description
  3. Number Of Installments
  4. Offer Name
Add additional filters by click the Add button 
Apply the filtered selections by clicking Apply Filter 
Remove the filtered selections by clicking Remove Filter 
To show inactive accounts in the displayed records check Show Inactive 
You can set the number of records to be displayed 

Add New

  1. To edit an existing record, click on the edit pencil next to the record you wish to edit.
  2. To add a new record, click on the Add New button in the blue module bar.
    1. A new window will pop up.

  1. Select the Client from the drop down
  2. Select the Initial Product Offer from the drop-down list.
  3. Select the Product Group of the installments.
  4. Select the Installments Item Type for reporting.
    1. Same as Initial Product Offer
    2. ADD - Add On
    3. CTY - Continuity
    4. ORD - Order
    5. RSH - Rush
    6. USL - Upsell
    7. XSL - Downsell
  5. Enter the Number of Installments.
    1. Note: If you enter an initial fee below, you will create one additional installment than what is set here, and you will not be able to edit the (first) installment sequences once created.
  6. Enter the Delay Increment (in days).
    1. Note: If entering the value of zero into the delay increment field, a dialog box will appear informing you that the installment items would immediately be ready to be processed.
  7. If you want to set up an initial fee for using the installment, enter it in the Initial Fee field. 
    1. Note: If you enter an initial fee, you will create one additional installment and you will not be able to edit the installment sequences once created.
  8. Enter the number of Maximum Skipped Payments.
    1. You can allow the customer to delay payment for the number of sequences entered times the Delay Increment.
  9. If you want the shipping to be distributed over the installments, check the box next to Distribute Shipping.
    1. Checked - shipping will be split between installments
    2. Unchecked - shipping is charged in full when the order is placed
  10. Check Release Only on Prior Paid to withhold releasing the next installment, if the customer has not made their prior payment.
    1. Checked - next installment will not release until previous has been paid
    2. Unchecked - next installment will release, regardless of payment status of previous installment
  11. If you want the tax to be distributed over the installments, check the box next to Distribute Tax.
    1. Checked - tax is split between installment payments
    2. Unchecked - tax is charged in full on order creation

  1. Product Offer
  2. Unit Price
    1. Distribute unit price over each installment - clicking will adjust already created installments Unit Price
      1. Editing is disabled because this installment plan has a initial fee. - no adjustments will be made
  3. Shipping
    1. Distribute shipping over each installment - clicking will adjust already created installments Shipping price
      1. Editing is disabled because this installment plan has a initial fee. - no adjustments will be made
The red hyperlinked sentence is not the status of your current setup. If clicked on it will adjust the columns on the installment record lines displayed in the grid below. The columns that are displayed show the active setup of that installment.
  1. Distribute Tax over each Installment
    1. Checked - tax is split between installment payments
    2. Unchecked - tax is charged in full on order creation
  2. Release Only on Prior Paid
    1. Checked - next installment will not release until previous has been paid
    2. Unchecked - next installment will release, regardless of payment status of previous installment
  3.  Installments Product Group
  4. Installments Item Type
    1. Same as Initial Product Offer
    2. ADD - Add On
    3. CTY - Continuity
    4. ORD - Order
    5. RSH - Rush
    6. USL - Upsell
    7. XSL - Downsell
  5. Credit Card Validation
    1. Checked - validate the credit card being used will not expire prior to the num of days set in next field
    2. Unchecked - no validation of the credit card will be done
  6. (Credit Card Validation) Num of days - the number of days in the future to validate the credit card being used will not expire prior to
  7. Max skipped payments
    1. You can allow the customer to delay payment for the number of sequences entered times the Delay Increment.
  8. Edit Icon
    1. Unit Price - what is the price being captured for this line
    2. Shipping - How much to charge for shipping with this line
    3. Delay - How long after the first payment do you want this line item to charge
    4. Charge Only - payment will be captured with no inventory utilized
      1. Check - If you want the item to go directly to "Item Paid" status and not participate in any shipment processing
      2. Uncheck - installment will participate in shipment processing
    5. Service Only - there will inventory utilized without payment being captured
      1. Check - If you want the item to go directly to "Item Ship Ready" status and not participate in any payment processing
      2. Uncheck - installment will participate in payment processing
    6. Save Icon - saves changes and closes record line
    7. Refresh Icon - removes changes and closes record line
  9. Delete Icon - This will delete that installment record
    1. This will only display on the last installment record
  10. Add New Record
    1. Unit Price - what is the price being captured for this line
    2. Shipping - How much to charge for shipping with this line
    3. Delay - How long after the first payment do you want this line item to charge
    4. Charge Only - payment will be captured with no inventory utilized
      1. Check - If you want the item to go directly to "Item Paid" status and not participate in any shipment processing
      2. Uncheck - installment will participate in shipment processing
    5. Service Only - there will inventory utilized without payment being captured
      1. Check - If you want the item to go directly to "Item Ship Ready" status and not participate in any payment processing
      2. Uncheck - installment will participate in payment processing
    6. Save Icon - saves changes and closes record line
    7. Refresh Icon - removes changes and closes record line
* To save the changes click the Save button .
* To cancel any of the current changes you have made click the Cancel button .
      This will close the window without saving any changes.
* To apply the current changes you have made click the Apply button .
* To print the current window click the Print button .
* To delete the selection click the Delete button .
      This will prompt you to make sure you want to delete this item.

  • Clicking OK will delete the selected item and close the window.

Copyright 2019
Revised 10.03.2024

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