Schedule List Report

Schedule List Report

Module: Reports
Path: Reports > Processing Reports > Schedule List Report
Topic: Schedule List Report
Version(s):  5.1 and up
Editions: All

What Is Schedule List Report

Schedule List Report is a list of all automated schedules within your OrderLogix instance.

Making The Connection

Where Will I See This Within OLX?

All jobs that are scheduled can populate as a result on this report depending on the Job Type selected.

What Imports/Exports Relate to Schedule List Report?

At this time no Imports/Exports are created specifically for schedules


Navigate to Reports > Processing Reports > Schedule List Report


You'll notice control buttons displayed just above the results. Review Report Tools ( article for more infomation on how to utilize each control button. :
  1. View Report  - Displays results
    1. Displays the toolbar 
  2. Hide Controls - Hides report filters
    1. Show Controls - Displays report filters
  3. Show Schedules  - Displays schedule editor
    1. Format filter will display at top of screen
    2. Delivery and Encryption tabs will display on bottom left of screen
  4. Show Instances - Displays list of previously ran and pending reports. Click on the status to review the job log.
  5. Close  - Close out of the report popup.

Report Definitions


Job Type

Job Status
  1. All - will not filter based on job status
  2. Active - job will run based on schedule settings, without manual intervention
  3. Inactive - job will not run on its own, requires to be run manually

(only shows when setting up a schedule)
This is the format that the report will export in:
  1. PDF
  2. Excel
  3. CSV

 Column Definitions

Job Name
Label on the schedule for this job record
Job Type
Scheduled Month
  1. Linked - job is linked and will run based off that job's settings
  2. Every month - job will run every month
  3. Jan-Dec - if the job is scheduled for a specific month
Scheduled Day
  1. Linked - job is linked and will run based off that job's settings
  1. Which day(s) of the week the schedule will run
Scheduled Hour
  1. Linked - job is linked and will run based off that job's settings
Scheduled Minute
  1. Linked - job is linked and will run based off that job's settings
Linked to Schedule
Schedule name of the job that will kick off this job record
Linked Status
  1. Nothing Listed - means schedule is setup for Unconditional
  2. On Sucess - schedule will only run if job it is linked to was successful
  3. On Failure - schedule will only run if job it is linked to was not successful
Start Date
  1. No start date - system will look at all qualifying records in the system with no regard to a date
  2. Rundate (-) - day of that the job run subtracting set days
    1. example: rundate-1 = "today" (of the day the job runs) minus one day = yesterday
  3. Rundate - day of that the job runs
  4. Rundate (+) - day of that the job run plus additional set days
    1. example: rundate+1 = "today" (of the day the job runs) plus one day = tomorrow
  5. No end date - system will look at all qualifying records in the system with no regard to a date
End Date
  1. No start date - system will look at all qualifying records in the system with no regard to a date
  2. Rundate (-) - day of that the job run subtracting set days
    1. example: rundate-1 = "today" (of the day the job runs) minus one day = yesterday
  3. Rundate - day of that the job runs
  4. Rundate (+) - day of that the job run plus additional set days
    1. example: rundate+1 = "today" (of the day the job runs) plus one day = tomorrow
  5. No end date - system will look at all qualifying records in the system with no regard to a date

Require Payment
  1. will not allow any ship ready items into batch if all items are not ship ready regardless of product group(s) selected.
    1. N/A - setting is not a configuration of schedule
    2. False - setting is not checked on schedule
    3. True - setting is check on schedule
Require ALL Shippable
  1. all ship ready items on order in product group(s) selected will ship in same batch
    1. N/A
    2. False
    3. True
Report Name
If record line is a scheduled report, report type will be listed
Create Date
mm/dd/yyyy hr:min:sec am/pm
Last Modified Date
mm/dd/yyyy hr:min:sec am/pm
Last Modified By
agent who made the most recent change
Active ?
  1. Yes - job will run based on schedule settings, without manual intervention
  2. No - job will not run on its own, requires to be run manually
Runs last 1 hr.
  1. How many times in the last hour has this scheduled job run 
Runs last 8 hrs.
  1. How many times in the last 8 hours has this scheduled job run
Runs last 24 hrs.
  1. How many times in the last 24 hours has this scheduled job run

Copyright 2023
Revised 8.12.2024

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