The top of the sales desktop contains a row of tiles. These tiles will display quick stats for the day to the agent. They also serve as hyperlinks to resources for the sales agent.
Order Lookup
Product Lookup
RMA Lookup
CS Event Lookup
Training Documents
View Scripts
Order Entry
The Order Entry module can be used to log a call or enter a sale when talking to a customer. From the C.S. Agent desktop choose to enter an order based on the DNIS, Promo Code or Source Name.
Enter the value of either the DNIS or the source of the call, then enter the ANI if available (Customer’s telephone #), and click the go button. The Order Entry screen will appear.
Unread Correspondence
*New Feature Coming Soon*
Unresolved Events
Unresolved Events module will display a list event that are not complete for the User. The Event Date, Customer Name, Activity, and Notes are listed. Click the
magnifying glass icon to see the even on the
Customer Detail Page.
Notification Queue
The Notification Queue module allows the agent to retrieve outbound call back notifications.
- Choose the Notification Queue.
- Select the Notification Template.
- Define the time zone you with the make calls to and click next. If the calls are outside the allowed callback times set in Notification Calling Profiles, you will be prompted to confirm this decision. The Internal Notification Detail screen will appear.
Today's CS Events
CS Event module displays a pie chart to visualize the proportion of
CS Event Records added on this date for the CS Agent. Hovering over the chart will display percentages for each event.
Copyright 2019
Revised 12.27.2024