Customer Lookup

Customer Lookup

Module: Customer Service
Path: Customer Service > Customer Service > Customer Lookup
Topic: Customer Lookup
Version(s): Version 5.1 and up 
Editions: All Editions

What Is Customer Lookup

Use the Customer Lookup to find a customer by various information.

Making The Connection

Where Will I See This Within OLX?

Order Detail 

The Order Detail screen has a Customer icon in the top right corner that will take you to the customer record associated with that order.

Customer Detail 

What Reports Can Be Pulled?

  1. Flattened Export Definitions
  2. Datawarehouse Export Definitions

What Imports/Exports Relate to Customer Lookup?

  1. OLX Order Import/Export V4 Spec
  2. OrderLogix Real-Time Order Submission API
  3. Shopify Order Import
  4. Imports

Trouble Shooting


Tool Bar

Utilizing the buttons on the tool bar  you can: 
Go back to the previous screen 
Go to Order Lookup 
Minimize module 


You can use the filter options to narrow down the displayed selections.

  1. Address
  2. City
  3. Client
  4. Company Name
  5. Customer ID
  6. Email
  7. Evening Phone
  8. First Name
  9. Last Name
  10. Phone
  11. State
  12. ZipCode
Add additional filters by click the Add button 
Apply the filtered selections by clicking Apply Filter 
Remove the filtered selections by clicking Remove Filter 
To show inactive accounts in the displayed records check Show Inactive 
You can set the number of records to be displayed 

Reviewing Results

Results are displayed with the following columns of information:
  1. Keep - record to keep as main record when utilizing Dedupe function
  2. DeDupe - record to merge into main record when utilizing Dedupe function
  3. Customer ID - hyper link numerical value, unique to that customer
  4. First Name - 
  5. Last Name
  6. Address
  7. City
  8. State
  9. ZipCode
  10. Phone
  11. Evening Phone
  12. Email
  13. Client - displays the client related to the customer or will say Multi if more than one customer associated to customer. 
    1. hovering over client will display a popup of additional information for the client or list of clients if Multi

You can click on any column header to sort results in ascending or descending order of that column
The Dedupe button  will take each record checked in the DeDupe column and merge into the record checked in the Keep column.

Customer Lookup
Copyright 2019
Revised 12.10.2024

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