Module: Customer Service
Topic: Customer Lookup
Version(s): Version 5.1 and up
Editions: All Editions
Navigate to the Customer Lookup screen from the C.S. Agent menu. (C.S. Agent > Customer Lookup) Use the Customer Lookup to find a customer by address information.
- Select a filter option from the drop down menu and then enter the value of that search option. Click a 2nd, 3rd and or 4th filter to further narrow down the results.
To sort the records, click on the hyperlink of the column header you wish to sort by. Click once for ascending, and then again for descending sort order. These include:
- Customer ID
- First Name
- Last Name
- Address
- City
- State
- Zip
- Phone
- Evening Phone
Once you see the customer you want to view, click on the Customer ID hyperlink beside their name. This will bring you to the customer detail screen.
- To return to the previous page, click the back button.
- To navigate to the product lookup page, click the product lookup button.
- To navigate to the order lookup page, click the order lookup button.
- To print the current page, click the print button.
Customer Lookup
Copyright 2019
Revised 5.7.2019