Navigate to Processing>Import/Exports>Imports.
You can import files from your computer into OrderLogix from the Imports page.
Select the category of import you wish to perform from the Category drop down list. Choose from the following:
- Order Imports
- Payment Imports
- Shipping Imports
- Call Imports
- Media Imports
- Lead Imports
Select the type of import you wish to perform from the Import Type drop down list. Another set of options will appear. Note: The Data Source drop down allows you to manually "upload" files, retrieve them from a FTP site, retrieve them from an SFTP site or retrieve them from an email account. You will see more details on these options and the decryption tab in the Automated Schedule section, however keep in mind that changing the data source without creating a new schedule; will result in a one time selection.
Select the file you wish to import by clicking the Browse button and choosing the file you wish to import. Choose any of the following if applicable: Note : If you check the box that states "Always use default" beside the proper drop down menus, the choice you have selected will override whatever is associated for that column; in the file you are importing.
- Default DNIS.
- Default Employee.
- Default Location.
- Default Shipping Account.
- Credit Card Payment Settlement Account.
- Check and Money Order Account.
- Other Payment Account.
Check File Includes Header row if importing from a file with a header.
Check Validate Sales tax to validate proper calculation of tax.
Select the priority of import.
Note: High priority imports may cause reduced performance for agents during peak usage periods.
Select the payment account information.
- Credit Card Payment Settlement Account.
- Check and Money Order Account.
- Other payment account
Check Use Default Payment Accounts to allow orders from a campaign not associated with a payment processing account to be imported.
Note: Any orders not associated with a payment processing account will be attached to the payment account selected in the drop down list.
Select criteria to use to establish a new customer on the bottom of the Configuration tab. Filtering by Client and Campaign will create a new customer, if the existing customer doesn't have any orders with the Client and Campaign from the import: