

Module: Imports 
Topic : Module Overview 
Version(s): Version 5.1 and up  
Editions : Standard, Commerce, Call Center 

What Are Imports

Navigate to Processing>Import/Exports>Imports.
You can import files from your computer into OrderLogix from the Imports page.

Making The Connection

Where Will I See This Within OLX?

This is the area you can setup schedules to import data into your system.

What Reports Can Be Pulled?

  1. User Guide | Reports Knowledge Base

What Imports/Exports Relate to xxxx

  1. see below links

Trouble Shooting

Knowledgebase | Imports Knowledge Base


Navigate to Processing > Import/Export > Import

Select the category of import you wish to perform from the Category drop down list, this will filter the Import Type drop down below.
  1. Order Imports
  2. Payment Imports
  3. Shipping Imports
  4. Call Imports
  5. Media Imports
  6. Lead Imports
  7. Inventory Imports
  8. Other Imports
Select the type of import you wish to perform from the Import Type drop down list. This will set the Configuration tab settings for that specific import type See below for links to the OrderLogix import specs.

Data Source - Select the file you wish to import by clicking the Browse button and choosing the file you wish to import.
    1. Upload

      1. This will allow you to upload a file directly from the device you are working from
      2. Select Choose File to initiate a file window popup that will allow you to navigate to the specific file you are trying to upload
    2. FTP

    3. SFTP (SSH)

    4. FTPS (SSL)

    5. Email

Order Imports

WooCommerce Order Import

Payment Imports

AuthDotNet Telecheck Import

Shipping Imports

Call Imports

Media Imports

Lead Imports

Inventory Imports

Other Imports

OLX Tax Import
OLX Item Import V5

Show Schedules

Have the configuration and delivery already set for job being scheduled. You will have to save the job after changes are made to any settings.

Clicking the Show Schedules  button will display the schedule editor.

To modify an existing schedule click on the maximize arrow beside the schedule name and the attributes for that schedule will be displayed.

To close the view of that schedule click on the minimize arrow beside the schedule name and you will be returned to the list of the schedules in the editor.

To add a new schedule click on the Add  button located in the Edit Schedules window and a new schedule will appear:

The toggle  button allows you the option to setup the new schedule either based off Time or Linked to another scheduled job.

Time - Schedule Type

  1. New Schedule - Enter the name of the schedule. 
  2. Choose when the schedule will run from the Month, Day, Hour, and Minute drop down menus.
    1. Month,
      1. Every - to run the schedule every month, select every.
      2. Month Specific - to run the schedule only one specific month you can select the name of the month.
    2. Day,
      1. Daily - to run the schedule every day, select daily.
        1. A list of the days of the week will display. Select the day(s) you want the schedule to run:

      2. Date Specific - to run the schedule on a specific date you can select the numerical value of that date. 
        1. example 15 = 15th of the month
    3. Hour, 
      1. Every - to run the schedule every hour, select every.
        1. If Every is selected you will notice a settings icon display beside Hour - 
        2. Click on the settings icon to display the Hourly Options popup

          1. Range Start - this designates what time of the day the job will begin running.
            1. Click on the clock icon immediately to the right  to display the Time Picker popup with a list of every hour.

          2. End - this designates what time of the day the job will stop running.
            1. Click on the clock icon immediately to the right  to display the Time Picker popup with a list of every hour.

          3. Add Time - this will set the times for the job to run between the above Start and End range
            1. Toggle the Add Timebutton
            2. select the duration of how often the job should run between the Start and End range

            3. click on Add once you've made your selection
              1. The schedule times will display beside a red X

            4. Click on the red X to delete any time listed that you do not want the job to run.
            5. If you have time listed in this box the Minute option will be disabled
          4. Close - this will close the popup
      2. Hour Specific - to run the schedule only during a specific hour you can select the hour.
        1. example am 08 = 8:00 am - 8:59 am
    4. Minute
      1. Enabled
        1. Every - this will run the job every minute of the hour/s selected.
        2. Every 5 - this will run the job every 5 minutes of the hour/s selected.
        3. Every 10 - this will run the job every 10 minutes of the hour/s selected.
        4. Every 15 - this will run the job every 15 minutes of the hour/s selected.
        5. Every 30 - this will run the job every 30 minutes of the hour/s selected.
        6. 00 - 59 - this will run the job only for the specific minute of the hour/s selected.
          1. example: if you select 03 here the job will run 1:03, 2:03, 3:03 etc. 
      2. Disabled

        1. if utilizing time management from the Hour gear icon the Minute option will be disabled
          1. if only utilizing start and end time from the Hour gear icon you will still be able to use the Minute option
  3. Schedule is Active - check this box to activate schedule
    1. Uncheck this box to deactivate a schedule
  4. If you need to delete the schedule click the delete  icon.
  5. Click Alert envelope to setup the Process Alert

Linked - Schedule Type

  1. New Schedule - Enter the name of the schedule. 
  2. Choose when the schedule will run:
    1. Job Type - drop down provides different types of jobs within your system to narrow down the options for the Schedule drop down (see below)
    2. Schedule - drop down provides a list of all schedule jobs within the above selected Job Type
    3. Condition -
      1. Unconditional - Every time the above selection runs, the newly created job will run directly after
      2. On Success - Only if the above job runs successfully will the newly created job will run directly after
      3. On Failure - Only if the above job fails will the newly created job will run directly after
  3. Schedule is Active - check this box to activate schedule
    1. Uncheck this box to deactivate a schedule
  4. If you need to delete the schedule click the delete  icon.
  5. Click Alert envelope to setup the Process Alert
If the job is linked to another job you will not see any records in the Show Upcoming section.

Process Alert

Process Alert notify you of key pieces of information for the task depending on the status; Unconditional, Successful, or Failed. Process Alerts are a great way to stay proactive within your system.

  1. Click on the "Alert" Envelope  located beside the "Schedule is active" checkbox and a Process Alert window will appear.

  2. Enter the name of the Alert.
  3. Select from the drop down menu whether the alert should be sent unconditionally, if the job runs Successfully, or on Failure.

  4. Enter the from email address to match the DefaultDeliveryProfile setup in your instance.
  5. Enter the email address that the processing alert is to be sent to. 
    NotesNote: You can verify the email address by clicking on the  "Validate Email" button .
  6. Enter any CC recipients in the "CC" field, and separate multiple addresses by semi colons.
  7. Enter the subject of the email.
  8. Enter the body of the email message.
  9. Place the cursor where you wish to add an alias.
    1. Select the alias from the drop down menu.
      EndTime - {EndTime} is Job Ending Time
      JobLog - {JobLog} is the job log messages
      JobName - {JobName} is Job {FileName} 
      JobStatus - {JobStatus} is Job Status e.g Pending, Running, Succeeded, Failed, Cancelled, SysCancelled
      StartTime - {StartTime} is Job Starting Time

    2. Click the Insert  button.
  10. If you need to have more than one alert set up with different criteria for a given job, select the "Select Other" button  which will prompt a dialog box asking if you want to keep changes for this alert. 

  11. By clicking "OK" you will be brought to the process alert lister screen, allowing you to add multiple alerts and edit any existing alerts.

  • Click the  Save button, the changes will be saved and the Edit Schedule window will close.
  • To cancel any of the current changes you have made, click the  Cancel button. This will close the Edit Schedule window without saving any changes.

Show Upcoming

By clicking the Show Upcoming  button you will see all upcoming scheduled and the most recently ran jobs for this section of your system.

If the job is linked to another job you will not see any records in the Show Upcoming section.

  1. ID - this is the jobID; can be referenced on the Process History screen
  2. Name - name of the job
  3. Start - day and time the job started; can be referenced on the Process History screen
  4. Status -
    1. Pending - job will run at a future date
    2. Succeeded - job ran successfully but may or may not have errors found within the job log
    3. Failed - job did not complete due to an error
    4. SysCancelled - job was cancelled

Clicking on the status of jobs that have already ran will display a popup with the job log.

You will start to see some screens now say Show Instance and have a different view. We are in the process of updating all of our scheduling screens to this new view. See below for more information

Show Instances

Clicking the Show Instances  button will display a popup with a tab for Recent (the most recently ran jobs) and Upcoming (shows all upcoming scheduled jobs) for this section of your system.

  1. ID - this is the jobID; can be referenced on the Process History screen
  2. Name - name of the job
  3. Start - day and time the job started; can be referenced on the Process History screen
  4. Status -
    1. Pending - job will run at a future date
    2. Succeeded - job ran successfully but may or may not have errors found within the job log
    3. Failed - job did not complete due to an error
    4. SysCancelled - job was cancelled

Under the Recent tab, clicking on the status of jobs that have already ran will display a popup with the job log.

Under the Upcoming tab you will see jobs that are schedule to run at a future time.

Copyright 2019
Revised 11.07.2024

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