The OLX Lead Import allows for loading contact information from an internal dataset or 3rd party source, into existing call notification queues in the OrderLogix application. File Format: ASCII text. The file must contain one line per addition, with each field enclosed in double quotes and comma separated, ending with a Carriage Return (↵) <CR>. All unused fields will be left blank and remain separated by a single comma. File Naming: <Organization Identifier><YYYYMMDD>.csv Import Definitions: #
| Field Name | Req. | Type | Max | Field Description | 1 | FIRST NAME | NO | Alpha | 25 | | 2 | MIDDLE INITIAL | NO | Alpha | 12 | | 3 | LAST NAME | NO | Alpha | 25 | | 4 | ADDRESS 1 | NO | Alpha | 255 | | 5 | ADDRESS 2 | NO | Alpha | 255 | | 6 | CITY | NO | Alpha | 50 | | 7 | STATE OR PROVINCE | NO | Alpha | 20 | | 8 | POSTAL CODE | NO | Alpha | 20 | | 9 | COUNTRY | NO | Alpha | 50 | | 10 | PHONE NUMBER | YES | Alpha | 30 | 0000000000 format (ex. 1235556789) | 11 | EMAIL ADDRESS | NO | Alpha | 255 | | 12 | AGE | NO | Numeric | 10 | | 13 | GENDER | NO | Alpha | 30 | | 14 | DOB | NO | Date | 10 | MM/DD/YYYY format | 15 | CUSTOM 1 | NO | Alpha | 255 | | 16 | CUSTOM 2 | NO | Alpha | 255 | | 17 | CUSTOM 3 | NO | Alpha | 255 | | 18 | CUSTOM 4 | NO | Alpha | 255 | | 19 | CUSTOM 5 | NO | Alpha | 255 | | 20 | NOTES | NO | Alpha | 1000 | | 21 | IMPORT ID | NO | Alpha | 50 | | 22 | SOURCE ID | NO | Numeric | 20 | | 23 | ORIGINAL CUSTOMER ID | YES | Numeric | 20 | If not available or relevant, pass 0 | 24 | ORIGINAL ORDER ID | YES | Numeric | 20 | If not available or relevant, pass 0 |
The attached documentation includes the OLX Lead Import Spec, Template, and Example.
Note: This is not the same as the OLX Lead Export Spec. |