What Imports/Exports Relate to Product Lookup?
Trouble Shooting
Most recent orders are not displaying
Order Lookup will display the first 1,000 records starting with the oldest order ID eligible for the filters being used
Utilizing the buttons on the tool bar
you can:
Go back to the previous screen
Minimize module
You can use the filter options to narrow down the displayed selections.
- Bank Name
- Bill to Address
- Bill to City
- Bill to First Name
- Bill to Last Name
- Bill to Phone
- Bill to State
- Bill to ZipCode
- Billing Info
- Check Number
- Client
- Customer Address
- Customer City
- Customer First Name
- Customer ID
- Customer Info
- Customer Last Name
- Customer Phone
- Customer State
- Customer ZipCode
- Employee First Name
- Employee Last Name
- Employee Number
- Order Date
- Order ID
- Order Info
- Payment Method
- RMO Expiration Date
- RMA Open Date
- RMA Status
- Ship to Address
- Ship to City
- Ship to First Name
- Ship to Phone
- Ship to State
- Ship to ZipCode
- Shipping Info
- Voice Print ID
- Web Order Number
Add additional filters by click the Add button
Apply the filtered selections by clicking Apply Filter
Remove the filtered selections by clicking Remove Filter
To show inactive accounts in the displayed records check Show Inactive
You can set the number of records to be displayed
Reviewing Results
Results are displayed with the following columns of information:
- Keep - record to keep as main record when utilizing Dedupe function
- DeDupe - record to merge into main record when utilizing Dedupe function
- Product Info - Product Offer Name(with hyperlink to order record), OrderID/Web Order Number, Order Date, Description, Employee will be displayed
- Shipping Info - Shipping last name, first name (with hyperlink to customer record), address line one, city, state, zip code, and phone will be displayed
- Billing Info - Billing last name, first name, address line one, city, state, zip code, and phone will be displayed
- Customer Info - Customer last name, first name, address line one, city, state, zip code, and phone will be displayed
- Client - displays the client related to the customer or will say Multi if more than one customer associated to customer.
- hovering over client will display a popup of additional information for the client or list of clients if Multi
You can click on any column header to sort results in ascending or descending order of that column
Dedupe button
will take each record checked in the DeDupe column and merge into the record checked in the Keep column.
Product Lookup
Copyright 2019
Revised 12.9.2024