Recommended Daily System Checks

Recommended Daily System Checks

Topic: Recommended Daily System Checks
OLX Version(s):  5.1
OLX Editions: All

Recommended Daily System Checks

OrderLogix is a robust platform with a lot of moving pieces. We understand it can become daunting at times and offer Managed Service. With Managed Service a member of the Customer Support team will login every morning to check on the core components of the system to make sure jobs are running without errors and communicating to your external vendors.

We have also put together an outline of recommended daily system checks if you would like to keep this task internal to your team. 


Data Warehouse Export

    1. Reports > Processing Reports > Data Warehouse Export
        1. Filter
          1. Columns (at minimum we recommend the following, but you can add or remove as needed)
            1. status
            2. datecreated
            3. DateProc
            4. Iscredit
            5. PayProcAcct
            6. DateShip
            7. ShipState
            8. shipTransID
            9. custnum
            10. ordered
            11. CampaignName
            12. dnis
            13. productoffer
            14. prodgroup
            15. total
          2. Item Status
            1. Item Pending Review
              1. These are orders that must be manually handled by agents in order to move the order forward. Check the CS Event on the customer record to help determine resolution.
            2. Invalid
              1. These are orders that must be manually handled by agents in order to move the order forward. If the customer has an autoship associated to them an order in Item Invalid status will prohibit the autoship from creating and moving forward. These orders will hold inventory counts if your system is setup with inventory. Will be either due to high $ filter being met OR credit card has expired.
            3. Not Yet Available
              1. Orders creating in the system will go to Not Yet Available. If payment processing has already run for the day this would require a review of prepayment processing. Prepayment processing should pick these orders up and move them to Item Pay Ready or Item Ship Ready (dependent on base item settings).  
              2. If prepayment processing is run hourly, it could be the order is brand new and the next schedule run has not been reached.  If you hover over the status, you will see the date and time the order was created, and this will help determine if there is an issue.
            4. Item Pay Ready
              1. If payment processing has already run for the day this would require a review of payment processing. Confirm the product group is selected on the payment schedule (you will need to check each product offer on the order). Confirm the Payment Processing Account (PPA) is set correctly on the campaign, script and/or product group.  A quick way to check is to grab the DNIS from the order "stuck" in item pay ready, navigate to Campaigns > Source > filter DNIS = [insert DNIS from order]. Confirm if you need to schedule a payment batch.
              2. If payment processing is run hourly, it could be the order is brand new and the next schedule run has not been reached.  If you hover over the status, you will see the date and time the order was created, and this will help determine if there is an issue.
            5. Item Awaiting Authorization
              1. This tells you the item is in a payment batch. If payment processing has already run for the day this would require a review of payment batches to confirm batches are all in a status of complete. 
            6. Item Ship Ready
              1. Sort by date created.  Anything in the current date can be ignored as it’s most likely just waiting to get into a batch.  Prior days should be checked to see if there’s an issue such as product groups not selected on the scheduled job or if the prior job log is reporting an error (even if the job has a status of Succeeded there may still be errors listed in the job log). Another potential issue is the base item on the offer may not be set to allow shipping.
              2. If processing is run hourly, it could be the order is brand new and the next schedule run has not been reached.  If you hover over the status, you will see the date and time the order was created, and this will help determine if there is an issue.
            7. Item Awaiting Ship Confirm
              1. Determine reasonable turn around for warehouse to ship orders, in days. You are only interested in seeing anything that’s older than this time frame, anything newer can be ignored.  Keep an eye on order/ship date to make sure orders are being confirmed in a timely manner. This will let you know if the fulfillment center is having issues or if you need to review your ship confirm schedule.
            8. SAS (Shipped Awaiting Settlement) 
              1. These are all orders that have been confirmed but they are waiting to get into settle batch or are in a batch that’s waiting to process.  These should all be current.  If they aren’t then there’s a possibility that product groups aren’t selected, or something is amiss with the processing account for auth vs settle.
              2. If payment processing is run hourly, it could be the next schedule run has not been reached.  If you hover over the status, you will see the date and time the order was confirmed, and this will help determine if there is an issue.
    2. Purpose
      1. To keep the system cleaned up and orders moving into a closed/final status.

Real Time Auth Report

  1. Reports > Processing Reports > Real Time Auth Report
    1. Filter
      1. Date Range – set for time period to review. Recommended to do 2-4 weeks
      2. Report Layout = Date/Campaign/Client
      3. Trans Type = Approved with no order
    2. Purpose
      1. To make sure all orders are created.
      2. There are on occasion technical glitches when submitting an order (double clicking submit button, internet/electric outages, system restarts) and the system does not capture all of the information it needs to create the order. There is a system job that runs every 15 minutes to find these orders and check a couple of tables to collect the missing data and create the order. However, if there's not enough data collected during the Call this report will inform you and display as much data as we have.

Payment Batch Report

  1. Reports>Processing Reports>Payment Batch Report
  2. Payment Batch Report Definitions (
    1. Choose the start date of the day you last checked and leave the end date as is.  For instance, on Monday you would have a start date of the last Friday.  On Tuesday you would have the start date of Monday, so on and so forth.  Under the batch name drop down go to the bottom and select all.  You want all the information for all batches pulled into one report. Run the report. 
      1. Unknown result - Once complied scroll all the way to the end to see if there are any orders that are in “unknown result”.  This means something occurred with these orders during processing where the result from the processor did not get brought into the system.  These orders will need to be looked up in your merchant account.  If there was no capture you can manually mark the item as declined and resubmit it.  If you show payment was captured, you can manually mark the item as paid.  If you are unable to do this, you will need to enter a ticket.  These are rare occurrences.
      2. Debit Other – Look for the first credit and the last debit (debits are blue, credits are red).  Between these if there were any issues you will see anything in the status of Debit Other.  This means that something occurred in the processing that’s outside of the normal processing constraints.  You will need to go to the order and click on the status to see the result and enter a ticket so we can investigate.  
      3. No Result – These will be at the very beginning of the batch and are most likely the check credits that have not yet been created, mailed, and the transaction marked as paid.  

Continuity Mailing List Report

  1. Reports>Continuity/Installment Reports> Continuity Customer List
  2. Continuity Customer List Report Definitions (
    1. Keeping Current
      1. Date Range - prior week
      2. Report Layout - Next Ship Date/Sequence/Customer
      3. check - Do Not Show Declined Autoshipments
      4. check - Do Not Show Held Autoshipments
      5. Date Type - Immediate Next Ship Date
      6. Status - Active Only
      7. View Report and check each customer listed to see if continuity can be saved.
        1. If last order was created but did not reach a favorable item status
          1. click on alert icon to allow system to ignore the last order and create the next.

              1. click OK
            1. edit sequence and update the Next Ship Date

        2. Confirm customer sequence has a profile associated to it

    2. System Cleanup
      1. On Hold Subscriptions that need to be stopped:
        1. Date Range - determine how far back you want to stop continuities without calling customer to save the sale
        2. Report Layout - Next Ship Date/Sequence/Customer
        3. Date Type - Immediate Next Ship Date
        4. Status - On Hold Only
          1. If continuity is too old to save/make active go ahead and stop.
            1. Edit sequence
            2. Click Stop (top right corner)
            3. Save sequence
      2. On Hold Subscriptions that need to be restarted:
        1. Date Range - determine how far back you want to restart continuities without calling customer
        2. Report Layout - Next Ship Date/Sequence/Customer
        3. Date Type - Immediate Next Ship Date
        4. Status - On Hold Only
          1. Edit sequence
          2. Click Active (top right corner)
          3. Save sequence
      3. Active Subscriptions where previous order did not reach a favorable status:
        1. Date Range - determine how far back you want to stop continuities without calling customer to save the sale
        2. Report Layout - Next Ship Date/Sequence/Customer
        3. Date Type - Immediate Next Ship Date
        4. Status - Active Only
          1. If continuity is too old to save/make active go ahead and stop.
            1. Edit sequence
            2. Click Stop (top right corner)
            3. Save sequence

Manage Order Exceptions

  1. Processing > Import/Export > Manage Order Exceptions
    1. Using the magnifying glass open the order and make the necessary correction. 
      1. Once you have made the necessary corrections scroll over to the preview and process buttons. 
      2. Preview first as a test to see if you have cleared the error.   
        1. If you see a successful result: 
          1. Review the last grid Item List As it was Imported 
          2. If data is correct, you can then process the order.  
          3. When you return to the exceptions screen the exception will no longer exist. 
        2. If you see a new error, continue troubleshooting.
    2. Purpose
      1. To make sure all orders are importing successfully.
      2. On occasion an imported order will run into an issue and needs to be handled manually to be brought into the system.

Import Logs

  1. Processing > Import/Export > Import Logs
    1. Filter
      1. Process Stamp >= (yesterdays date OR beginning date range to check)
      2. Process Stamp <= (todays date OR ending date range to check)
      3. Import File Name contains (you will need to know the different files importing into your system to enter a few characters of each to search individually - you can skip this filter if you want to see all falls in date range regardless of specific file name)
    2. Purpose
      1. For counts - to make sure counts match in OLX and vendor side

Payment Processing

  1. Processing > Payment Processing
    1. Filter
      1. status does not contain Complete
        1. This allows you to see quickly batches that are in status of:
          1. In Process 
            1. Using the second icon, click into the Process Batch screen and then click on Process Batch button at the bottom of the screen. The batch will continue to process, and orders will move into Approved, Declined, or Other. If there are errors review the payment batch report by clicking on the first icon. Look for special characters in the customer's name/address or mal formatted payment profile.
          2. Created
            1. Using the second icon, click into the Process Batch screen and then click on Process Batch button at the bottom of the screen. The batch will process, and orders will move into Approved, Declined, or Other. If there are errors review the payment batch report by clicking on the first icon. Look for special characters in the customer's name/address or mal formatted payment profile.
        2. You may see the EXT batch name; these are check refunds that are in process.  The batch was created but they have not been sent so nothing in the batch is marked as paid. If you are still seeing an EXT batch after 2 weeks you should check with finance to see if maybe a check was missed.  
    2. Purpose
      1. to make sure all created batches are processing and money is being captured.

Process History 

    1. Processing > Processing > Process History
    2. Show System Jobs checked

Job Status

        1. Filter
          1. job status contains
            1. running 
              1. you want to make sure jobs are not running longer than two hours and appear stuck.  > open support ticket with OLX
            2. failed
              1. did the job run successfully after a fail?
              2. are there issues in the job that need to be handled to successfully run?
                1. Export failed. The following error has occurred:~~ Transaction (Process ID 60) was deadlocked on lock resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction. DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact your system administrator. ~~ Error occurred after completing export:Export failed Error in onStart():Export failed 
                2. Orders will be sent to Pending Review (if any picked up in batch)  
                3. Confirm order is not showing in warehouse before releasing from pending review. 
                  1. If order is at warehouse DO NOT release.
                    1. Put in a ticket for item status change to Awaiting Ship Confirm 
                  2. If order is not at warehouse,
                    1. Release from pending review. Order will pickup in next export. 
            3. cancelled
              1. did the job run successfully after being cancelled?
              2. are there issues in the job that need to be handled to successfully run?
                1. If export to warehouse/fulfillment center that all orders were successfully exported  
                  1. Updated to awaiting ship confirm
                    1. If orders are not showing at warehouse > open support ticket with OLX for Shipment Rollback 
                    2. Give JobID of SysCancelled job 
                    3. Send signed rollback form 
      1. Purpose
        1. to make sure there are no jobs "hung up" in the system that need to be cancelled
        2. to make sure there are no issues with jobs that may have stopped during run time

imports (looking for errors within job)

    1. Inventory Sync
      1. Filter
        1. Adjust Job type contains import
        2. Adjust Job Name contains sync (or a portion of your inventory sync job name)
      2. Purpose
        1. to ensure inventory is being updated correctly
    2. Ship Confirm
      1. Filter
        1. Adjust Job type contains import
        2. Adjust Job name contains confirm (or a portion of your ship confirm job name)
      2. Purpose
        1. to confirm shipments are being confirmed and item statuses are being set to Ship Delivered and orders are able to go to a closed status 

exports (looking for errors within job)

    1. Filter
      1. Adjust job type contains export
      2. Adjust job name contains (a portion of your export job name)
        1. Order Export look for following types of issues:
          1. orders where at least 1 item has no inventory associated.
          2. once all files are open ctrl+f for 'RESPONSE << HTTP_STATUS(4' to get total count and orderID's to review  
          3. once all files are open ctrl+f for 'RESPONSE << HTTP_STATUS(-' to get total count and orderID's to review
    2. other export jobs
      1. make sure to review any other export jobs you have in your system and open the most recent to see if there are any errors that need to be addressed.
      2. Job status of Succeeded does not mean there are no errors within the data of the job that need to be handled. Only that the job ran from start to finish with no technical errors.

Notifications (looking for errors within job)

      1. Filter
        1. Adjust Job type = Notification Delivery
        2. Remove Job Name
      2. Purpose
        1. make sure credentials are good
        2. make sure all notifications sent - if they did not send you can try to force a send via Processing > Notifications > Notification Management > Send Email/API
        3. Notification Management (

 Daily Continuity Processing (looking for errors within job)

      1. Continuity Processing (
        1. Filter
          1. Adjust Job type = Continuity Processing
        2. Purpose
          1. to make sure continuities/subscriptions are creating without error

Notification Management

Send Email/API 

    1. Processing > Notifications > Notification Management >Send Email/API 
    2. you'll want to set the end date to 24-48 hrs prior  
    3. This allows you to send notification batches they may have gotten "stuck" due to an address that was formatted incorrectly. 
    4. You will not be able to send the batch that has the incorrect email but you will be able to send other batches that got stuck as well 

Purge Notifications

    1. Processing > Notifications > Notification Management > Purge Notifications
    2. you'll want to set the end date to 24-48 hrs prior
    3. if there are still notification showing that need purged this is a good indication you may need to review how you have your schedule setup
    4. the first time you start looking at this you may need to decide how far back you are wanting to review and go ahead and purge anything showing up to that date.

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