Process Payment Batches

Process Payment Batches

Module: Process Payment Batches
Path: Processing > Processing > Payment Processing
Topic: Process Payment Batches
Version(s):  5.1 & up
Editions: All

What is Payment Batch Processing?

Payment Batch Processing is when you send a created payment batch to the gateway and determine payment status for the transaction.

Making The Connection

Where Will I See This Within OLX?

You will see the results of Payment Batches on the order detail screen with specific item status:
  1. Item Invalid
    1. Item has failed monetary validation criteria.
      1. Item will remain in this state indefinitely until corrective action is taken. 
        1. The payment information will need to be updated
          1. then when the box next to ""Release fixed invalid items"" is checked during PrePayment Processing, the item will be released to Pay Ready status.
  2. Item Pay Ready
    1. Item is ready to be payment processed
  3. Item Awaiting Authorization
    1. Item is in process for payment. When payment processing result is received, item status is set to Item Payment Declined, Item Fatal Auth, Item Ship Ready, Item Paid or Item Refund Accepted.
  4. Item Declined Authorization
    1. When payment was processed, merchant declined to transfer funds. For a specified number of attempts and a period of days between attempts, the item will automatically be resubmitted for payment. Item will revert to Item Awaiting Authorization.
  5. Item Fatal Authorization
    1. After a specified number of processing attempts that all resulted in a decline, item is set to this status to prevent future automated processing attempts. Item will remain in this state indefinitely until corrective action is taken. This will either be the final status or can be moved to Item Bad Debt if the option is allowed within your OLX instance.
  6. Item Paid
    1. An item that is set as a Charge Only item and has a completed successful payment transaction.
  7. Item Refund Accepted
    1. Item has been credited and approved by merchant.

What Reports Can Be Pulled?

  1. Payment Batch Report Definitions (

What Imports/Exports Relate to xxxx

  1. at this time there are no imports/exports related to Processing Payment Batch.

Trouble Shooting

  1. Batch is still In Process

    1. click the second action icon and click on the Process Batch button at the bottom left. This will restart processing and show you any errors the batch is coming up against that need to be reviewed.
    2. any time a batch is restarted we recommend review the payment batch report and looking over the orders in debit other status


A payment batch must be created before you able to continue with payment processing.

Tool Bar

Utilizing the buttons on the tool bar  you can: 
Go back to the previous screen 
Minimize module 


You can use the filter options to narrow down the displayed selections.

  1. # Trans
  2. Batch Name
  3. Created
  4. Exported?
  5. Mode
  6. Processing Account
  7. Status
    1. Created - Batch is created and needs processed
    2. In Process - Batch has started processing but has not completed.
    3. Completed - Batch has completed processing.
Add additional filters by click the Add button 
Apply the filtered selections by clicking Apply Filter 
Remove the filtered selections by clicking Remove Filter 
To show in
active accounts in the displayed records check Show Inactive 
You can set the number of records to be displayed 

How To:

Navigate to Processing>Payment Processing. From the Process Payment Batches page you can view batch reports, view quick stats and process the batches.

The batch lister screen displays the batch name, the mode of the batch, the status of the batch, the payment processing account that the batch was created with, the number of transactions in the batch, the date that the batch was created and if the batch was exported. The only batches that should display a true or false value in the export column are ECheck batches, credit card batches will display "N/A."

Note: if you see "RT" displayed at the end of the batch name that entails that the batch was created via a real time process on the order detail screen
    1. To view the batch report, click on the View Batch Report button next to the batch whose report you wish to see. The Payment Batch Report Viewer will appear.

    1. To process a batch, click on the Process Batch button next to the batch you wish to process. You will be directed to the batch processing page.

      1. Abort batch after # consecutive transactions with no processor response.
        1. By default this is checked and set to 5
        2. Checked - This setting controls how much server time is spent trying to process a batch when the gateway is down/under maintenance, or some other form of technical interruption.
        3. Unchecked - The server will not automatically stop trying to process the batch. This may keep other jobs from running within the app.
      2. Submit zero-dollar ($0.00) transactions to the processor.
        1. Checked - zero dollar orders will be submitted to the processor.
        2. Unchecked - zero dollar orders will not be submitted to the processor.

    1. To process a multiple batch, click on the Multiple Batch Processing button.
      Note:   Payment Batches must be configured to be processed as a multiple batch for this to happen.   

    1. To view the quick stats of a batch, click on the View Quick Stats button next to the batch whose quick stats you wish to see. A new page will popup containing the quick stats for that batch.

      1. Data displays:
        1. if there are any remaining transactions that need to be completed
        2. how many debit items were
          1. approved
          2. declined
          3. other
            1. these are transactions that should be reviewed via the gateway to determine if transaction can be marked paid.
            2. if you have fraud filters set at the gateway you will see a lot of 'other' transactions. we recommend not using too many fraud settings on the gateway to mitigate this.
        3. how many credit items were
          1. approved
          2. declined
          3. other
        4. the monetary value of credit items that were
          1. approved
          2. declined other

Process Payment Batches
Copyright 2019
Revised 6.3.2024

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