- To copy an existing record, click on the copy button next to the record you want to copy.
- To edit an existing record, click on the edit pencil next to the record you wish to edit.
- To add a new record, click on the Add New button in the blue module bar.
- A new window will pop up.
User Properties - Details
The required fields are signified with the red asterisks symbol.
- Enter the first name, middle initial, and last name of the user and a title.
- Enter a username. The username must be unique.
- Enter a password for the user.
There are four complexity rules for creating a new password. You must meet each requirement.
- Should be between 10 and 200 characters long.
- Should contain a mix of lower and UPPER case letters.
- Should contain numbers.
- Should contain special characters like # % * & @
- Note: Upon the employee logging into the system for the first time, they will be prompted to change their password.
- Confirm the password to ensure that you typed it as you expected.
- Enter the work phone number of the user.
- Enter the phone extension.
- Select which team the user is on. If not on any, leave defaulted to 'Not on a team'.
- Enter the employee number and the CTI employee number.
- If the CTI employee number is left blank the employee number will be used.
- Enter the hire date and end date.
- Enter the Hourly Wage.
- Enter the override code for the user if applicable.
- If the user is a timecard user, check the box next to Timecard User.
- If the user is CTI enabled, check the box next to CTI Enabled.
- A soft phone will appear on the agent desktop the next time they log in.
- If the user is active, check the box next to 'Is Active.'
- To deactivate user uncheck the 'Is Active' box.
- Next, click on the Roles tab to enter information about roles.
User Properties - Roles
A user of the system must have a
role(s) in order to use the system. The role determines the access to system functionality in regards to the menu navigation bar. For instance, a Sales Agent may need access to the Sales Agent menu items but would not need access to the Company Data menu items.
From the list of available roles, select the role, or multiple roles, you wish to add to the list of selected roles.
To add the selected role(s) to the selected list, click on the right arrow icon. You will see the menus that will be given to the user under "Visible Menus."
To add all the roles on the available list to the selected list, click on the double right arrow icon.
To remove a role, or multiple roles, from the selected list, select the role(s) you wish to move and click on the left arrow icon.
To remove all the roles from the selected list and put them back on the available list, click the double left arrow icon.
Notice that a list of visible menus is provided to help you choose the most appropriate Role.
Next, click on the Groups tab to enter information about groups.
Note: The Administrator role automatically assigns all permissions in the system.
User Properties - Groups/Dept
Groups determines what permissions are available to the agent.
Departments determine what will appear when the user is accessing the
timecard feature in the system.
From the list of available groups and departments, select the group(s) or department(s), you wish to add to the list of selected lists.
To add the selections to the selected list, click on the right arrow icon.
To add all the selections on the available list to the selected list, click on the double right arrow icon.
To remove a selection(s) from the selected list, select the selection(s) you wish to move and click on the left arrow icon.
To remove all the selections from the selected list and put them back on the available list, click the double left arrow icon.
Next, click on the Permissions tab to enter information about permissions.
User Properties - Permissions
Permissions allow a user to edit perform functions within the application.
You will see the permissions that are granted at the "group level" displayed with a (g) beside the permission. All user assigned permissions will be signified by a (u) beside the selection.
From the list of available permissions, select the permission, or multiple permissions, you wish to add to the list of selected permissions.
To add the selected permission(s) to the selected list, click on the right arrow icon.
To add all the permissions on the available list to the selected list, click on the double right arrow icon.
To remove a permission, or multiple permissions, from the selected list, select the permission(s) you wish to move and click on the left arrow icon.
To remove all the permissions from the selected list and put them back on the available list, click the double left arrow icon.
Next, click on the Calendar tab to enter information about Calendar rights.
User Properties - Calendar Permissions
This step allows you to configure what other users, or groups of users can add, view, edit or delete
calendar events for this user.
Note: Administrators can add, edit and delete calendar events for a user.
Choose a user or group from the drop-down menu.
To give the selected user or group access to the user's calendar, click the Add button.
To edit a user or group that has already been selected, click the edit icon.
You can then change the following rights to the calendar for the specified group or user:
View Private Entries
To cancel editing, click the cancel icon. This will cancel any changes made to that user or group.
To save the changes, click the save icon.
To delete a user or group that has already been selected, click the delete icon.
Next, click on the Commissions tab to enter information about commissions.
User Properties - Commissions
The Commissions tab allows you to assign
commission levels for an employee based on whatever criteria you choose.
Choose a commission level from the drop-down list. This will be the commission level assigned to the employee starting on the given date. Note: The first commission level will automatically start on the current date.
To change the comission level, click the pencil icon in the Edit column.
To cancel the commission level, click the cancel icon in the Edit column.
To delete a commission level, click the delete icon in the Edit column.
To save the current comission level, click the save icon in the Edit column.
If desired, click Add Commission Level to add a new Commission Level for a future date.
Select a date from the pop up calendar or enter a date in the Start Date field.
Next, click on the Clients tab to enter information about Clients.
User Properties - Clients
The Clients tab allows you to evoke client restriction access for this user. If you do not wish to restrict the user to only being able to view certain client's information in the system, you do not want to move over any clients in the list view.
Next, click on the Notes tab to enter information about the Employee.
User Properties - Notes
The Notes section allows you to store employee information within the database.
Next, click on the Wages tab to view/modify shifts.
User Properties - Wages
The Wages tab allows you to attach different shift wages based on departments, to this employee's information.
Choose a
department from the drop-down menu, and a
shift that corresponds to that department
To attach the shift to the employee's information, click the Add button.
To edit a shift that has already been selected, click the edit icon.
You can then change the Wage for the specified shift.
To cancel editing, click the cancel icon. This will cancel any changes made to that user or group.
To save the changes, click the save icon.
To delete a user or group that has already been selected, click the delete icon.
Next, click on the Custom Values tab to add any applicable custom values for the user.
Custom Values
User Properties - Custom Values
The custom values feature allows users to assign custom name/value pairs to certain features in OLX.
Enter the custom name into the first field, and then the value into the second. The value can be any string, it does not have to be numeric.
This requires programming from OLX.
Note: Field names must be unique for each individual feature.