Add/View Employees

Add/View Employees

Module: Add/View Employees
Path: Company > HR > Add/View Employees
Topic: Add/View Employees
Version(s):  5.1 & up
Editions: all editions

What is Add/View Employees

The Add/View Employee section of OrderLogix allows you to set up and manage your employees including their permissions and roles within the system. 
Only Administrator level users can use this function.

Making The Connection

Where Will I See This Within OLX?

Creating employees allow agents and vendors to use the application.

What Reports Can Be Pulled?

  1. Employee List Report
  2. Manager Override Report

What Imports/Exports Relate to Add/View Employees

  1. at this time there are no imports/exports related to employees

Trouble Shooting

  1. How do I remove an agent?

    1. To deactivate an agent, edit the employee record and uncheck the Is Active checkbox.
  2. Agent is not able to complete CS event

    1. You will need to make sure the agent in question has the following permission
      1. Unused Tab close_open_csevents
  3. Agent is locked out of their account

    1. Let your admin know the user that is locked out. That will be able to edit the agent record and click on 


Tool Bar

Utilizing the buttons on the tool bar  you can: 
Go back to the previous screen 
Add new 
Minimize module 


You can use the filter options to narrow down the displayed selections.

  1. CTI Emp No.
  2. Current Comm Level
  3. Employee isActive
  4. First Name
  5. Hire Date
  6. HourlyWage
  7. Last Name
  8. Team
  9. Termination Date
  10. User Login
Add additional filters by click the Add button 
Apply the filtered selections by clicking Apply Filter 
Remove the filtered selections by clicking Remove Filter 
To show inactive accounts in the displayed records check Show Inactive 
You can set the number of records to be displayed 

Add New

  1. To copy an existing record, click on the copy button next to the record you want to copy.
  2. To edit an existing record, click on the edit pencil next to the record you wish to edit.
  3. To add a new record, click on the Add New button in the blue module bar.
    1. A new window will pop up.


User Properties - Details
 The required fields are signified with the red asterisks symbol.

  1. Enter the first name, middle initial, and last name of the user and a title.
  2. Enter a username.  The username must be unique.
  3. Enter a password for the user. 
    1. There are four complexity rules for creating a new password. You must meet each requirement.
      1. Should be between 10 and 200 characters long.
      2. Should contain a mix of lower and UPPER case letters.
      3. Should contain numbers.
      4. Should contain special characters like # % * & @
    2. Note: Upon the employee logging into the system for the first time, they will be prompted to change their password.
  4. Confirm the password to ensure that you typed it as you expected.
  5. Enter the work phone number of the user.
  6. Enter the phone extension.
  7. Select which team the user is on. If not on any, leave defaulted to 'Not on a team'.
  8. Enter the employee number and the CTI employee number.
    1. If the CTI employee number is left blank the employee number will be used.
  9. Enter the hire date and end date.
  10. Enter the Hourly Wage.
  11. Enter the override code for the user if applicable.
  12. If the user is a timecard user, check the box next to Timecard User.
  13. If the user is CTI enabled, check the box next to CTI Enabled. 
    1. A soft phone will appear on the agent desktop the next time they log in.
  14. If the user is active, check the box next to 'Is Active.'
    1. To deactivate user uncheck the 'Is Active' box.
  15. Next, click on the Roles tab to enter information about roles.


User Properties - Roles 

A user of the system must have a role(s) in order to use the system.  The role determines the access to system functionality in regards to the menu navigation bar. For instance, a Sales Agent may need access to the Sales Agent menu items but would not need access to the Company Data menu items.

From the list of available roles, select the role, or multiple roles, you wish to add to the list of selected roles.
To add the selected role(s) to the selected list, click on the right arrow icon. You will see the menus that will be given to the user under "Visible Menus."
To add all the roles on the available list to the selected list, click on the double right arrow icon.
To remove a role, or multiple roles, from the selected list, select the role(s) you wish to move and click on the left arrow icon.
To remove all the roles from the selected list and put them back on the available list, click the double left arrow icon.
Notice that a list of visible menus is provided to help you choose the most appropriate Role.
Next, click on the Groups tab to enter information about groups.
Note: The Administrator role automatically assigns all permissions in the system.


User Properties - Groups/Dept

The Groups determines what permissions are available to the agent.
The Departments determine what will appear when the user is accessing the timecard feature in the system.

From the list of available groups and departments, select the group(s) or department(s), you wish to add to the list of selected lists.
To add the selections to the selected list, click on the right arrow icon.
To add all the selections on the available list to the selected list, click on the double right arrow icon.
To remove a selection(s) from the selected list, select the selection(s) you wish to move and click on the left arrow icon.
To remove all the selections from the selected list and put them back on the available list, click the double left arrow icon.
Next, click on the Permissions tab to enter information about permissions.


User Properties - Permissions

Permissions allow a user to edit perform functions within the application.

You will see the permissions that are granted at the "group level" displayed with a (g) beside the permission. All user assigned permissions will be signified by a (u) beside the selection.

From the list of available permissions, select the permission, or multiple permissions, you wish to add to the list of selected permissions.
To add the selected permission(s) to the selected list, click on the right arrow icon.
To add all the permissions on the available list to the selected list, click on the double right arrow icon.
To remove a permission, or multiple permissions, from the selected list, select the permission(s) you wish to move and click on the left arrow icon.
To remove all the permissions from the selected list and put them back on the available list, click the double left arrow icon.
Next, click on the Calendar tab to enter information about Calendar rights.


User Properties - Calendar Permissions

This step allows you to configure what other users, or groups of users can add, view, edit or delete calendar events for this user.
Note: Administrators can add, edit and delete calendar events for a user.

Choose a user or group from the drop-down menu.
To give the selected user or group access to the user's calendar, click the Add button.
To edit a user or group that has already been selected, click the edit icon.
You can then change the following rights to the calendar for the specified group or user:
View Private Entries
To cancel editing, click the cancel icon. This will cancel any changes made to that user or group.
To save the changes, click the save icon.
To delete a user or group that has already been selected, click the delete icon.
Next, click on the Commissions tab to enter information about commissions.


User Properties - Commissions

The Commissions tab allows you to assign commission levels for an employee based on whatever criteria you choose.
Choose a commission level from the drop-down list. This will be the commission level assigned to the employee starting on the given date.  Note: The first commission level will automatically start on the current date.
To change the comission level, click the pencil icon in the Edit column.
To cancel the commission level, click the cancel icon in the Edit column. 
To delete a commission level, click the delete icon in the Edit column.
To save the current comission level, click the save icon in the Edit column.

If desired, click Add Commission Level to add a new Commission Level for a future date.
Select a date from the pop up calendar or enter a date in the Start Date field.
Next, click on the Clients tab to enter information about Clients.


User Properties - Clients

The Clients tab allows you to evoke client restriction access for this user. If you do not wish to restrict the user to only being able to view certain client's information in the system, you do not want to move over any clients in the list view. 

Next, click on the Notes tab to enter information about the Employee.


User Properties - Notes

The Notes section allows you to store employee information within the database.

Next, click on the Wages tab to view/modify shifts.


User Properties - Wages

The Wages tab allows you to attach different shift wages based on departments, to this employee's information.

Choose a department from the drop-down menu, and a shift that corresponds to that department

To attach the shift to the employee's information, click the Add button.
To edit a shift that has already been selected, click the edit icon.
You can then change the Wage for the specified shift.
To cancel editing, click the cancel icon. This will cancel any changes made to that user or group.
To save the changes, click the save icon.
To delete a user or group that has already been selected, click the delete icon.
Next, click on the Custom Values tab to add any applicable custom values for the user.

Custom Values

User Properties - Custom Values

The custom values feature allows users to assign custom name/value pairs to certain features in OLX.
Enter the custom name into the first field, and then the value into the second. The value can be any string, it does not have to be numeric.
This requires programming from OLX.
Note: Field names must be unique for each individual feature.

* To save the changes click the Save button .
* To cancel any of the current changes you have made click the Cancel button .
      This will close the window without saving any changes.
* To apply the current changes you have made click the Apply button .
* To print the current window click the Print button .



Roles determine what menus the user has access to.

  1. Role
    1. Visible Menus
      1. Menus in OLX that will be eligible for viewing.
  2. Admins
    1. Visible Menus
      1. Home
      2. Company Data
      3. Processing
      4. Media
      5. Sales
      6. Customer Service
      7. QA Agent
      8. Reports
      9. System
      10. HR
  3. CS Manager on Duty
    1. Visible Menus
      1. Home
      2. Sales
      3. Customer Service
      4. Reports
      5. System
  4. CSR's
    1. Visible Menus
      1. Home
      2. Sales
      3. Customer Service
  5. Data Entry Clerks
    1. Visible Menus
      1. Home
      2. Company Data
      3. Sales
      4. Customer Service
  6. Data Processors
    1. Visible Menus
      1. Home
      2. Company Data
      3. Processing 
      4. Sales
      5. Customer Service
      6. Reports
      7. System
  7. Executives
    1. Visible Menus
      1. Home
      2. Company Data
      3. Sales
      4. Customer Service
      5. Reports
  8. Human Resources
    1. Visible Menus
      1. Home
      2. System
      3. HR
  9. Managers
    1. Visible Menus
      1. Home
      2. Company Data
      3. Processing
      4. Sales
      5. Customer Service
      6. Reports
      7. System
  10. QA Agents
    1. Visible Menus
      1. Home
      2. QA Agent
  11. Read Only
    1. Visible Menus
      1. Home
      2. Customer Service
      3. Reports
  12. Sales Agents
    1. Visible Menus
      1. Home
      2. Sales
  13. Sales Manager

    1. Visible Menus
      1. Home
      2. Sales
      3. Customer Service
      4. Reports
      5. System
  14. Sales Manager on Duty
    1. Visible Menus
      1. Home
      2. Sales
      3. Customer Service
      4. Reports
      5. System
  15. Trainer
    1. Visible Menus
      1. Home
      2. Company Data
      3. Sales
      4. Customer Service
      5. Reports
      6. System


Groups determine access to specific functions (Permissions) in the application.
  1. Group Type
    1. Function in App
      1. Permission automatically added to the user with group type.
  2. Administrator
    1. * The Administrator group is automatically granted all permissions.
  3. API User
    1. Function in App
      1. Unused Tab api_ActivateCustomerAccount
      2. Unused Tab api_AddAddressProfile
      3. Unused Tab api_AddPaymentProfile
      4. Unused Tab api_cancelAutoshipSubscription
      5. Unused Tab api_CustomerLookup
      6. Unused Tab api_DeleteAddressProfile
      7. Unused Tab api_DeletePaymentProfile
      8. Unused Tab api_HoldOrderForReview
      9. Unused Tab api_insertCSNote
      10. Unused Tab api_insertOrder
      11. Unused Tab api_RegisteredCustomerLookup
      12. Unused Tab api_RushOrderOpenItems
      13. Unused Tab api_UpdateAddressProfile
      14. Unused Tab api_UpdateAutoshipSubscriptionNextShipDate
      15. Unused Tab api_updateCustomerEmail
      16. Unused Tab api_updateCustomerName
      17. Unused Tab api_updateOrderBillingAddress
      18. Unused Tab api_updateOrderPaymentMethod
      19. Unused Tab api_updateOrderShippingAddress
      20. Unused Tab api_UpdatePaymentProfile
      21. Unused Tab api_UpdateSubscriptionItemTemplate
  4. Customer Service
    1. Function in App
      1. Customer Detail add_address_profile
      2. Customer Detail add_cs_activity
      3. Customer Detail add_payament_profile
      4. Unused Tab bulk_close_open_csevents
      5. Customer Detail cancel_customer
      6. Unused Tab close_open_csevents
      7. Customer Detail cred_card_edit_no_mask
      8. Customer Detail disallow_cs_event_datetime_edit
      9. Customer Detail edit_address
      10. Customer Detail edit_address_profile
      11. Customer Detail edit_auto_hold
      12. Customer Detail edit_auto_subscription
      13. Customer Detail edit_cs_event
      14. Customer Detail edit_payment_profile
      15. Customer Detail edit_shipment_trans
      16. Customer Detail future_shipments
      17. Customer Detail order_entry
      18. Customer Service credit_card_lookup
      19. Customer Service cs_event_lookup
      20. Customer Service customer_lookup
      21. Customer Service event_dispositions
      22. Customer Service notification_queue_csr
      23. Customer Service order_as_different_user
      24. Customer Service order_lookup
      25. Customer Service product_lookup
      26. Customer Service rma_lookup
      27. Customer Service scripts_csr
      28. Customer Service time_card
      29. Customer Service training_csr
      30. Customer Service upcoming_events
      31. Order Detail bad_debt
      32. Order Detail cancel
      33. Order Detail edit
      34. Order Detail edit_bill
      35. Order Detail edit_campaign
      36. Order Detail edit_payment
      37. Order Detail edit_ship
      38. Order Detail mark as paid
      39. Order Detail mark as shipped
      40. Order Detail new
      41. Order Detail order_details
      42. Order Detail process payment
      43. Order Detail refund
      44. Order Detail release hold
      45. Order Detail reship
      46. Order Detail resubmit
      47. Order Detail rma edit
      48. Order Detail rma_return_item
      49. Order Detail rush
      50. Sales call_dispositions
      51. Sales call_log
      52. Sales order_entry
      53. Sales performance_report
      54. Sales sales_commission_tracking
      55. Sales time_card
  5. Human Resources
    1. Function in App
      1. Reports agent_ratio
      2. Reports employee_timecard
      3. Reports payroll_batch
      4. Reports sales_agent_commission
  6. Level 2 Customer Service
    1. Function in App
      1. Customer Detail add_address_profile
      2. Customer Detail add_cs_activity
      3. Customer Detail add_payament_profile
      4. Unused Tab bulk_close_open_csevents
      5. Customer Detail cancel_customer
      6. Unused Tab close_open_csevents
      7. Customer Detail cred_card_edit_no_mask
      8. Customer Detail delete_cs_event_others
      9. Customer Detail delete_cs_event_self
      10. Customer Detail disallow_cs_event_datetime_edit
      11. Customer Detail edit_address
      12. Customer Detail edit_address_profile
      13. Customer Detail edit_auto_hold
      14. Customer Detail edit_auto_sold_by
      15. Customer Detail edit_auto_subscription
      16. Customer Detail edit_cs_event
      17. Customer Detail edit_cs_event_24
      18. Customer Detail edit_cs_event_others
      19. Customer Detail edit_cs_event_self
      20. Customer Detail edit_payment_profile
      21. Customer Detail edit_shipment_trans
      22. Customer Detail future_shipments
      23. Customer Detail order_entry
      24. Customer Service credit_card_lookup
      25. Customer Service cs_event_lookup
      26. Customer Service customer_lookup
      27. Customer Service event_dispositions
      28. Customer Service notification_queue_csr
      29. Customer Service order_as_different_user
      30. Customer Service order_change_dnis
      31. Customer Service order_lookup
      32. Customer Service product_lookup
      33. Customer Service rma_lookup
      34. Customer Service scripts_csr
      35. Customer Service time_card
      36. Customer Service training_csr
      37. Customer Service upcoming_events
      38. Order Detail bad_debt
      39. Order Detail cancel
      40. Order Detail edit
      41. Order Detail edit_bill
      42. Order Detail edit_campaign
      43. Order Detail edit_item_sold_by
      44. Order Detail edit_payment
      45. Order Detail edit_ship
      46. Order Detail mark as paid
      47. Order Detail mark as shipped
      48. Order Detail new
      49. Order Detail order_details
      50. Order Detail process payment
      51. Order Detail refund
      52. Order Detail release hold
      53. Order Detail reship
      54. Order Detail resubmit
      55. Order Detail rma edit
      56. Order Detail rma_return_item
      57. Order Detail rush
      58. Sales call_dispositions
      59. Sales call_log
      60. Sales order_entry
      61. Sales performance_report
      62. Sales sales_commission_tracking
      63. Sales time_card
  7. Quality Assurance
    1. Function in App
      1. Customer Detail cs_add_edit_survey
      2. Customer Service qa_survey_lookup
      3. Order Detail add_edit_survey
  8. Read Only
    1. Function in App
      1. Customer Service customer_lookup
      2. Customer Service order_lookup
      3. Customer Service product_lookup
  9. Sales
    1. Function in App
      1. Order Detail order_details
      2. Sales call_dispositions
      3. Sales call_log
      4. Sales notification_queue_sales
      5. Sales order_entry
      6. Sales performance_report
      7. Sales sales_commission_tracking
      8. Sales scripts_sales
      9. Sales time_card
      10. Sales training_sales


  1. OLX Menu-->function on menu
  2. Customer Detail--> add_address_profile
  3. Customer Detail--> add_cs_activity
  4. Customer Detail--> add_payament_profile
  5. Unused Tab--> bulk_close_open_csevents
  6. Customer Detail--> cancel_customer
  7. Unused Tab--> close_open_csevents
  8. Customer Detail--> cred_card_edit_no_mask
  9. Customer Detail--> cs_add_edit_survey
  10. Customer Detail--> delete_cs_event_others
  11. Customer Detail--> delete_cs_event_self
  12. Customer Detail--> delete_order
  13. Customer Detail--> disallow_cs_event_datetime_edit
  14. Customer Detail--> edit_address
  15. Customer Detail--> edit_address_profile
  16. Customer Detail--> edit_auto_commission_to
  17. Customer Detail--> edit_auto_hold
  18. Customer Detail--> edit_auto_sold_by
  19. Customer Detail--> edit_auto_subscription
  20. Customer Detail--> edit_auto_type
  21. Customer Detail--> edit_cs_event
  22. Customer Detail--> edit_cs_event_24
  23. Customer Detail--> edit_cs_event_others
  24. Customer Detail--> edit_cs_event_self
  25. Customer Detail--> edit_payment_profile
  26. Customer Detail--> edit_shipment_trans
  27. Customer Detail--> future_shipments
  28. Customer Detail--> order_entry
  29. Customer Service--> credit_card_lookup
  30. Customer Service--> cs_event_lookup
  31. Customer Service--> customer_lookup
  32. Customer Service--> event_dispositions
  33. Customer Service--> notification_queue_csr
  34. Customer Service--> order_as_different_user
  35. Customer Service--> order_change_dnis
  36. Customer Service--> order_lookup
  37. Customer Service--> product_lookup
  38. Customer Service--> qa_survey_lookup
  39. Customer Service--> rma_lookup
  40. Customer Service--> scripts_csr
  41. Customer Service--> time_card
  42. Customer Service--> training_csr
  43. Customer Service--> upcoming_events
  44. Export Archives--> save_export_file
  45. Order Detail--> add_edit_survey
  46. Order Detail--> bad_debt
  47. Order Detail--> cancel
  48. Order Detail--> edit
  49. Order Detail--> edit_bill
  50. Order Detail--> edit_campaign
  51. Order Detail--> edit_do_not_pay_commission
  52. Order Detail--> edit_item_commission_to
  53. Order Detail--> edit_item_sold_by
  54. Order Detail--> edit_item_type
  55. Order Detail--> edit_payment
  56. Order Detail--> edit_ship
  57. Order Detail--> mark as paid
  58. Order Detail--> mark as shipped
  59. Order Detail--> new
  60. Order Detail--> order_details
  61. Order Detail--> order_edit_auth_trans
  62. Order Detail--> payment_processing_override
  63. Order Detail--> payment_processing_single_trans_pref
  64. Order Detail--> process payment
  65. Order Detail--> refund
  66. Order Detail--> release hold
  67. Order Detail--> reship
  68. Order Detail--> resubmit
  69. Order Detail--> rma edit
  70. Order Detail--> rma_return_item
  71. Order Detail--> rush
  72. Reports--> accounting_return
  73. Reports--> ad_copy_list
  74. Reports--> add_ons_by_promotion
  75. Reports--> adjusted_client_performance
  76. Reports--> adjusted_performance
  77. Reports--> agent_call
  78. Reports--> agent_call_disposition
  79. Reports--> Agent_Performance 
  80. Reports--> agent_performance_visualizer
  81. Reports--> agent_ratio
  82. Reports--> agent_ratio_details
  83. Reports--> agent_revenue
  84. Reports--> approved_payments
  85. Reports--> autoship_batch
  86. Reports--> autoship_configuration
  87. Reports--> autoship_projection
  88. Reports--> autoship_retention
  89. Reports--> autoship_retention_analysis
  90. Reports--> autoship_status
  91. Reports--> call_projection
  92. Reports--> call_type_disposition
  93. Reports--> CallCenterSummaryDashboardWAVReport
  94. Reports--> calls_by_dnis
  95. Reports--> campaign_stats_by_hour
  96. Reports--> cash_flow
  97. Reports--> CCDetailReportByMTWAVReport
  98. Reports--> client_list
  99. Reports--> client_performance
  100. Reports--> code_type_list
  101. Reports--> continuity_customer_list
  102. Reports--> coupon
  103. Reports--> coupon_details
  104. Reports--> cs_activity
  105. Reports--> cs_comments_export
  106. Reports--> cs_performance
  107. Reports--> cty_and_one_time_buyer
  108. Reports--> daily_board
  109. Reports--> DailyDashboradReport
  110. Reports--> data_entry_batch_detail
  111. Reports--> data_warehouse_export
  112. Reports--> deferred_revenue
  113. Reports--> deferred_revenue_information
  114. Reports--> demographics
  115. Reports--> DirectMailPerformanceReport
  116. Reports--> DirectMailResultsReport
  117. Reports--> employee_list
  118. Reports--> employee_timecard
  119. Reports--> flattened_export
  120. Reports--> gross_margin
  121. Reports--> gross_margin_item
  122. Reports--> gross_royalty
  123. Reports--> gross_sales
  124. Reports--> gross_sales_summary
  125. Reports--> installment_configuration
  126. Reports--> installment_receivables
  127. Reports--> inventory_item
  128. Reports--> inventory_item_Association
  129. Reports--> inventory_item_location
  130. Reports--> Inventory_SKU_Substitution_Config
  131. Reports--> item_list
  132. Reports--> item_status
  133. Reports--> lead_list
  134. Reports--> manager_override
  135. Reports--> media_call
  136. Reports--> media_source_list
  137. Reports--> MediaByMonthWAVReport
  138. Reports--> MediaForecastReportByMediaTypeByWeek
  139. Reports--> MediaSummaryByMTByModeWAVReport
  140. Reports--> MediaSummaryDashboardWAVReport
  141. Reports--> MediaTypeByCreativeByMediaAgencyReport
  142. Reports--> MediaTypeStationDetailReport
  143. Reports--> mod_timecard
  144. Reports--> net_sales
  145. Reports--> notification_penetration
  146. Reports--> online_stats_dashboard
  147. Reports--> order_aging
  148. Reports--> Order_Submission_Status_Report
  149. Reports--> order_summaries
  150. Reports--> OverallCCComparisonWAVReport
  151. Reports--> payment_batch
  152. Reports--> payment_success
  153. Reports--> payroll_batch
  154. Reports--> pbx_daily_calls
  155. Reports--> pending_autoship
  156. Reports--> performance
  157. Reports--> product_offer_list
  158. Reports--> quality_assurance_agent
  159. Reports--> quality_assurance_campaign
  160. Reports--> realtime_auth
  161. Reports--> return_analysis
  162. Reports--> return_on_investment
  163. Reports--> returns
  164. Reports--> run_schedule
  165. Reports--> Sales_Agent_Call_Disposition
  166. Reports--> sales_agent_commission
  167. Reports--> sales_agent_commission_detail
  168. Reports--> sales_agent_commission_Summary
  169. Reports--> sales_by_origin
  170. Reports--> sales_by_postal_code
  171. Reports--> sales_tax
  172. Reports--> sales_tax_by_state
  173. Reports--> sales_tax_by_state_and_order
  174. Reports--> schedule_history
  175. Reports--> schedule_list
  176. Reports--> shipment_batch
  177. Reports--> shipments_by_date_and_product
  178. Reports--> station_list
  179. Reports--> supplier_item
  180. Reports--> supplier_purchase
  181. Reports--> survey
  182. Reports--> telemarketing
  183. Reports--> toll_free_no_list
  184. Reports--> transaction_billing
  185. Reports--> trial_offer_data
  186. Reports--> user_login
  187. Reports--> void_report
  188. Reports--> warehouse
  189. Reports--> WTDCCDetailReportByMTWAVReport
  190. Sales--> call_dispositions
  191. Sales--> call_log
  192. Sales--> notification_queue_sales
  193. Sales--> order_entry
  194. Sales--> performance_report
  195. Sales--> sales_commission_tracking
  196. Sales--> scripts_sales
  197. Sales--> time_card
  198. Sales--> training_sales
  199. Unused Tab--> api_ActivateCustomerAccount
  200. Unused Tab--> api_AddAddressProfile
  201. Unused Tab--> api_AddPaymentProfile
  202. Unused Tab--> api_cancelAutoshipSubscription
  203. Unused Tab--> api_CustomerLookup
  204. Unused Tab--> api_DeleteAddressProfile
  205. Unused Tab--> api_DeletePaymentProfile
  206. Unused Tab--> api_HoldOrderForReview
  207. Unused Tab--> api_insertCSNote
  208. Unused Tab--> api_insertOrder
  209. Unused Tab--> api_RegisteredCustomerLookup
  210. Unused Tab--> api_RushOrderOpenItems
  211. Unused Tab--> api_UpdateAddressProfile
  212. Unused Tab--> api_UpdateAutoshipSubscriptionNextShipDate
  213. Unused Tab--> api_updateCustomerEmail
  214. Unused Tab--> api_updateCustomerName
  215. Unused Tab--> api_updateOrderBillingAddress
  216. Unused Tab--> api_updateOrderPaymentMethod
  217. Unused Tab--> api_updateOrderShippingAddress
  218. Unused Tab--> api_UpdatePaymentProfile
  219. Unused Tab--> api_UpdateSubscriptionItemTemplate
  220. Unused Tab--> bulk_close_open_csevents
  221. Unused Tab--> close_open_csevents

Copyright 2019
Revised 4.12.2023

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