Employee Commissions

Employee Commissions

Module: Human Resources
Topic: Employee Commissions
Version(s): Version 5.1 and up 
Editions: All Editions

Navigate to the Employee Commissions module from the Human Resources menu. (HR> Employee Data > Employee Commissions)

To print the module, click the Print button.

  1. To add a new employee commission, click on the  Add New Employee Commission button in the blue module bar.
  2. To edit an existing employee commission, click on the  edit pencil next to the commission you wish to edit.
  3. A new Employee Commission Details window will pop up.

  1. Enter the commission name.
  2. Enter the ADD multiplier.
  3. Enter the CTY multiplier.
  4. Enter the ORD multiplier.
  5. Enter the RSH multiplier.
  6. Enter the USL multiplier.
  7. Enter the XSL multiplier.
  8. Enter the Autoship multiplier.
  9. Enter the Rush Shipping multiplier.
  • Click the Save button and the employee commission will be added and the Employee Commission Details window will close.
  • To cancel any of the current changes you have made, click the Cancel button. This will close the Employee Commission Details window without saving any changes.
  • To delete the employee commission, click the Delete button. This will prompt you to make sure you want to delete this item. Clicking yes will delete the employee commission and close the Employee Commission Details window.

    Note: You cannot delete when you are trying to add a new employee commission.
  • To print the current Employee Commission Details window, click the Print button.

Employee Commissions
Copyright 2019
Revised 5.7.2019

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