

Module: Exports
Topic: Module Overview
Version(s): Version 5.1 and up 
Editions: Standard, Commerce, Call Center

What Are Exports

The exports page is where you can export order, media, call, and other various types of information from OrderLogix to outside sources. 
Outbound connection from OrderLogix’s network will originate from may need to provide this information to the FTP / SFTP server administrator for firewall white-listing on the remote server network.

Making The Connection

Where Will I See This Within OLX?

Navigate to Processing>Import/Export>Exports. 
From here you can run exports manually, review scheduled jobs from the Show Schedules tab, and/or review results from most recent jobs from the Show Instances tab.

Show Schedules

When you click on the Show Schedules tab an alphabetical list of your scheduled jobs for this module will display. Here you are able to make changes to any of the listed schedules. See Automated Schedule (orderlogix.com) for more information.

Show Instances - Recent

When you click on the Show Instances tab the Recent & Upcoming Instances popup will open. The Recent tab will display a list of the most recent jobs that have ran displaying the JobID, Name, Start time, and Status of the job. Clicking on the Status will open the Details popup for that specific job and display the results. There will be a "download" file link located in the results tab that allows you to save the file to your computer.


Show Instances - Upcoming

When you click on the Show Instances tab the Recent & Upcoming Instances popup will open. The Upcoming tab will display a list of scheduled jobs that are queued for their next run. If there are no scheduled jobs you will see a No records to display message.

What Reports Can Be Pulled?

  1. Shipment Batch Report Definitions (orderlogix.com)

Exports Archive and Specs

  1. Export Archive (orderlogix.com)
  2. OLX Order Import/Export V4 Spec (orderlogix.com)
  3. OLX Shipping Export v5.0 (orderlogix.com)

Trouble Shooting

  1. Error in onStart():You must set RemoteFile before attempting a download or upload

    1. Navigate to processing > imports/exports > exports > show schedules
      1. Keep schedule open, click on Delivery tab
      2. Set Folder name that is found on server
      3. Save schedule
      4. Try export again
  2. Error in onStart(). The remote server returned an error: (500) Internal Server Error

    1. Connection could not be made to server at time job tried to run. Please try to run job again, if error received a second time on same job please create a ticket
  3. Error in onStart():Error:The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized.

    1. Invalid credentials. Double check username and password is entered correctly - capitalization and spaces matter!
  4. Error in onStart():Open remote file failed [4]: Failure

    1. Pertains to duplicate file names and not being able to write over an existing file.
      1. The quickest and easiest solution to eliminate this issue is to create separate folders for each report to be dropped in.
      2. You may also want to make sure the users overwrite permissions are not being denied.
  5. Error in onStart():Open remote file failed [3]: Permission denied.

    1. Double check setup and credentials
      1. Review all special characters are appropriately placed, remove any that should not be used
      2. Review capitalization and spaces
  6. Error in onStart():ReceiveViaSFTP: Error Connecting to Remote Host Connection closed.

    1. Indicative of the remote FTP server actively denying/closing the connection. This is a good sign that that there was some administrative/maintenance work going on at the time.
  7. Error in onStart():Error:The operation has timed-out

    1. Make sure there are no other jobs running and run the export again. If you receive error a second time, please open a ticket so that we can review.


Navigate to Processing>Import/Export>Exports.

  1. Choose a client from the Client drop down list.
    1. This will determine eligible specs in following dropdown.
  2. Choose a spec from the Spec Name drop down list.
  3. If a date range is required for that spec, enter a start date and end date.
  4. If partial order options are available for that spec
    1. Require payment of all other items on the orderwill not allow any ship ready items into batch if all items are not ship ready regardless of product group(s) selected.
      This will keep orders with an item on backorder from being eligible for the remaining line items not in backorder.
    2. Require that ALL shippable items on the order are included in this export
      all ship ready items on order in product group(s) selected will ship in same batch
      If there are multiple shippable items on the order in different product groups and all product groups are not selected, none of the items will export with this option checked.
  5. Select an available product group, or multiple product groups, from the available list. 
    (Note: If you are exporting media information, you will need to select the product group that is the same exact name as one of your campaigns)
    1. Move them to the selected list by clicking the right arrow. This product group will now be available for the export.
    2. To move all product groups from the available list to the selected list, click the double right arrow icon.
    3. To remove a product group, select a product group, or multiple product groups, from the selected list.
    4. To move it back to the available list click the left arrow. The product group will no longer be available when performing this export.
    5. To remove all product groups from the selected list, click the double left arrow icon.
  6. Click the Export button to perform the export.
  7. Once the process begins, you will see the results tab displayed; and it will state "Job ran successfully" when the file is complete. 

  8. There will be a "download" file link located in the results tab that allows you to save the file to your computer.
  9. The Delivery and Encryption tabs are associated with Automated Schedules

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