Authorize.Net - Payment Processing Account With Tokenization

Authorize.Net - Payment Processing Account With Tokenization

Module: Payment Processing Account 
Topic: Authorize.Net Payment Processing Account with Tokenization 
Version(s): Version 5.1 & up
Editions: All Editions


The Payment Processing Account Token Generation feature is optional and turned on by default. This feature allows tokenization of payment methods within OrderLogix in order to securely process payments for the customer. Tokenization replaces sensitive data with non-sensitive data and is used to safeguard a card's PAN (primary account number) by replacing it with a unique string of numbers. This secure token can then also be stored in the customer's payment profiles on the customer's detail center for future billing use.

There are multiple places within OrderLogix to take into consideration when it comes to generating and managing tokens. The first step is to set up the payment processing account that the tokens will be created through. This article will show you how to set up and manage this feature for the "Authoriz.Net" payment gateway.


This feature is for creating Token profiles, not updating Token profiles. If a customers credit card expires you can:
  1. You can login to your Authorize.Net account, navigate to Tools > Account Updater and sign up for this paid service.
    1. Account Updater automatically checks for changes to card information stored with your recurring subscriptions and customer profiles, and updates the card information if available from the card issuer. Using Account Updater can help you avoid declines due to out-of-date card numbers or expiration dates.
  2. Create a new Token profile and associate open orders and continuities with the new Token profile.
    1. Updating the expiration date on current Token profile in the system will not update the gateway with the new expiration date and orders will continue to fail payment processing.

Payment Processing Account Set up:

Navigate to Company Data>Payment Data>Payment processing accounts and click the  edit pencil icon next to the one you are modifying or the  add new button to create a brand new account:

Once you enter all of the required fields for the account, and ensure that the "Allow Tokenization" checkbox is selected you can save the settings and then move on to associating to desired script(s).

Where to Find The Values in Authorize.Net

  1. Login to your Authorize.Net Account
  2. Select the Account tab
  3. Scroll down to Security Settings
  4. Scroll down to General Security Settings
    1. Select Manage Public Client Key
      1. Client Public Key = Client Key
    2. Select API Credentials & Keys
      1. API Login ID = API Login ID
      2. Transaction Key = Transaction Key
      3. Confirm Password = Transaction Key

Maintaining Scripts:

Navigate to Company Data > Advertising > Maintain Scripts > edit Script or Create New > click on the "Payment" tab

Allow Real Time CC Authorization must be selected in order to select the payment processing account for pre-auth during manual order entry.

You have the option to require authorization and set the max amount of processing attempts allowed before denying the order.

You will notice when you allow real time auth for pre-authorizations, not only does the standard "payment processing account" display but now there is also a "payment processing account" for tokenization's and these MUST be the same IF selecting an account under Tokenization.

 If you have 2 different accounts selected, you will see the following message appear:

Order Entry:

  1. During Order Entry, after you have completed the billing information section you will select the credit card pay type from the dropdown for payment method.

  2. Click set Payment and enter the credit information in the popup 
    ***FName, LName, and Email are required fields before being eligible to Set Payment***

      1. Click save to prepare order for payment -  Token = Pending
      2. Token is set once pre auth is processed or order is submitted if no pre auth is required
      3. Submit the order to navigate to the order detail screen.
Each order can only have one pre-auth

Order Detail Screen:

Once on the Order Detail Screen you will see the credit card information is not displayed, instead you will see the token generated by the gateway. 

Customer Detail Screen:

Navigate to the Customer Detail Center  and select the Payment Profiles tab.
You will see a generic card number on the lister page with the expiration date.
 Edit the payment profile and you will see
  1. payment type
  2. the token
  3. the account the token is associated to
  4. the expiration date
  5. if it is a debit account
  6. token details (you can use these to easily find the customer on the gateway)

Portal Users

The Portal admin screen (payment tab) should be configured to use the Auth.NET tokenization interface.

Importing orders with tokens:

A Token generated via different payment gateways can be used for continuity or one time billing, and imported via either the OrderLogix API or Order Import v4.

To accompany the Token, the following must also be sent:
- the method of payment = CC.
- the credit card type.
- the credit card expiration date.
- the name of the Payment Processing Account, as set up in OrderLogix.

OrderLogix API Details:
The Billing Agreement ID will be passed in the XML element.
The name of the Payment Processing Account will be passed in the XML element.
The method of Payment (CC) will be passed in the XML element.
The credit card type will be passed in the element.
The card expiration date will be passed in the XML element.

Authorize.Net Your PPA

Payment Gateways will have different formats of information that needs to be passed in the token field, please see integrated list formats below:
Authorize.Net Gateway:        
CustomerID,Payment ProfileID,CC Last 4
  1. CustomerID = Authorize.Net Customer ID,
  2. Payment ProfileID = Authorize.Net Payment Profile ID,
  3. CC Last 4 = last 4 digits of the credit card being used

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