RMA Exchange Process

RMA Exchange Process

Module: RMA Exchange Process
Topic: Process Overview
Version(s): Version 5.1 and up 
Editions: Standard, Commerce, Call Center

What Is RMA Exchange Process

When issuing a Return Merchandize Authorization (RMA), the options available are to refund the returned product or to exchange for a new product.

Making The Connection

Where Will I See This Within OLX?

RMA Lookup 

Order Detail 

When clicking on the item status of the line item specific to the return the RMA Details will pop up.
Pop up will not display if the RMA is in a closed status.

Customer Detail 

When clicking on the item status of the line item specific to the return the RMA Details will pop up.
Pop up will not display if the RMA is in a closed status.

What Reports Can Be Pulled?

  1. Returns Report
  2. Customer Service Activity Report

What Imports/Exports Relate to RMA's

Unless you have worked with a programmer to develop a custom report, there are no import/exports specifically for refunds.

Trouble Shooting

  1. Changes were not saved! Attempted to divide by zero.

    1. The price of the item being returned is less than the amount being charged for the item to exchange.
      1. If you are charging a value less than the price of the original item, it is recommended that you issue an even exchange and add a credit line item.
      2. Any price set for the exchanged item will be collected during payment processing after the RMA is closed, before the item will ship.
  2. Item will not be returned; how do I cancel?

    1. You will need to close the RMA, adding notes of why the action is being cancelled. Once the RMA is closed you can use the Cancel button on the order to cancel that line item. The RMA must be closed before the line can be cancelled.
  3. RMA reach expiration date before product was returned.

    1. Once an RMA (whether for refund OR exchange) is past the expiration date, the system will close the RMA and cancel the line item. The product set to be exchanged will not participate in payment nor shipment processing since it will have status of Item Cancelled.


Issuing an RMA:

To begin, an RMA must be issued for the customer to return the initial product. Click on the Refund button on the Order Detail Page to open the RMA details window.

  • Click the Refund Type of RMA
  • Set an Expiration date if this should be different than the default date that is pre-populated. 
  • Select Exchange under the Sold dropdown.
  • Select the new product to exchange from the Item dropdown.
  • Set the Quantity
  • Set the Price
    • Even Exchange - leave monetary values at $0
    • Exchange for item of greater value - set monetary values at price to charge above and beyond what has already been collected on the order.
    • Exchange for item of lesser value - determine if you are going to refund customer. Create even exchange, then create a credit.
  • Set the S&H amount
    • Even Exchange - leave monetary values at $0
    • Exchange for item of greater value - set monetary values at price to charge above and beyond what has already been collected on the order.
    • Exchange for item of lesser value - determine if you are going to refund customer. Create even exchange, then create a credit.
  • Set the Tax amount
    • This value will auto populate based off value set in Price and S&H fields
  • Check the box under Process for each line item to Return/Exchange
  • Select the Reason
  • Mark any Notes that are needed
  • Save the RMA Details

Exchange Item of Equal Price

  • Set the Price
    • Even Exchange - leave monetary values at $0
  • Set the S&H amount
    • Even Exchange - leave monetary values at $0
  • Set the Tax amount
    • This value will auto populate based off value set in Price and S&H fields
  • Check the box under Process for each line item to Return/Exchange

You will see a line item create for the product being exchange once the original item is sent back. This line item displays with a blue line connecting to the line item being returned. You can hover over the bottom half of the blue line to display popup details of the RMA (showing details for the item being returned)

Exchange Item of Greater Value

  • Set the Price
    • Exchange for item of greater value - set monetary values at price to charge above and beyond what has already been collected on the order.
  • Set the S&H amount
    • Exchange for item of greater value - set monetary values at price to charge above and beyond what has already been collected on the order.
  • Set the Tax amount
    • This value will auto populate based off value set in Price and S&H fields
  • Check the box under Process for each line item to Return/Exchange

You will see a line item create for the product being exchange once the original item is sent back. This line item displays with a blue line connecting to the line item being returned. You can hover over the bottom half of the blue line to display popup details of the RMA (showing details for the item being returned)

Exchange Item of Lower Price

To exchange an item of lower price, you will need to decide if you're going to do a partial refund or strictly an even exchange. If partial refund, we recommend the following steps:
  1. Create an even exchange (see above for instructions)
  2. Click the Refund button again from the order to create a Credit for the difference to be refunded to the customer.

    1. You'll notice once the credit is created, you'll have a blue line item and a red line item connecting to the item that is set to be returned. The blue line denotes product being exchanged and the red line denotes money being credited back to the customer.

Closing RMA:

Navigate to the RMA Details from either the Order Detail screen or RMA Lookup screen. You can follow instructions here for closing the RMA.

Processing New Product

Once the RMA is closed, Pre Payment Processing will need to run with setting Pre-process eligible RMA items checked. After the pre-payment job has completed (even exchange will require payment processing for $0) the line item for the exchange product will automatically go to Ship Ready and will export when the next Shipping export is run.

Copyright 2019
Revised 12.21.2023

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