Required Steps to Use Tokens on New Order Entry
Module: Payment Processing Account
Topic: Tokenization
Version(s): All
Editions: All
What Is Tokenization?
Tokenization, when applied to data security, is the process of substituting a sensitive data element with a non-sensitive equivalent, referred to as a token, that has no extrinsic or exploitable meaning or value. The token is a reference that maps back to the sensitive data through a tokenization system. Wikipedia
Making The Connection
Where Will I See This Within OLX?
What Reports Can Be Pulled?
at this time there are no reports available
What Imports/Exports Relate to Tokenization
at this time there are no import/exports available
Trouble Shooting
- Orders are declining
- Confirm the script being used has an account selected for Tokenization.
- Confirm you are using the correct token format for the gateway associated to the payment processing account tied to the order.
- For example:
- Authorize.Net typically uses a format of customer/payment/last4
- Paypal typically uses a format of ?/email/last4
How To
If you wish to capture tokens rather than a credit card number on the New Order Entry page, you will need to take the following steps, as outlined below:
- First, you need to verify the gateway being used is coded for Tokenization.
- The payment processing account needs have the setting Allow Tokenization checked.

- You will need to check “Allow Real Time CC Authorization” Pay/Shipping tab of the Script Properties window for the script which you would like to accept tokens for.
- On this same Pay/Shipping tab, you will need to select a Payment Processing Account from the drop down window that has “Allow Tokenization” checked off. Save the script settings.

- Once you have begun placed your order, on the Payment Method portion of the New Order Entry Screen, select the proper credit card type from the Pay Type drop down menu
- If entering token:
- and check off the “Token” box.

- Enter the token, as generated by your merchant processor into the Credit Card Number box and the card’s expiration date in the Expires box.
- If entering credit card and creating token:
- click on set payment

- Customer First and Last name are required to be supplied on order first
- fill in payment information in popup

- click save
- Click “Process” if you are performing a pre-authorization. Then submit the order.
Please contact Customer Care if you have any further questions about entering token on the New Order Screen. Thank you!
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