Manage Finder Files

Manage Finder Files

Module: Manage Finder Files
Path: Campaigns > Advertising > Manage Finder Files
Topic: Manage Finder Files
Version(s):  5.1 and up
Editions: Reach out to OLX Customer Support for more information

What Is Manage Finder Files

Manage Finder Files in a new addition to the app that allows users to have access to their finder files after upload and make edits as needed. Previously a Tier 3 request would have to be made to delete files but now you can delete files from within the app or manually edit a record instead of having to upload a file multiple times for one or two corrections.

Finder Files and Keycodes is a good article to review if you are not yet familiar with Finder Files in OLX

Finder Files are records of customer information with a unique string assigned that can be used for reporting/data collection.
There are 2 modules that have to be installed for Finder Files to work correctly: Lookup Module (script); Finder File Import (import)
This is an optional module and does not come by default with your OrderLogix instance. Please contact OLX Customer Care team for more information

Making The Connection

Where Will I See This Within OLX?

During order entry on both Classic and SIM screens.

The DNIS being used for order entry will determine which Finder File is referenced due to the associated Campaign/Client:

Classic Order Entry

There are two ways to access Finder Files with classic order entry. The first is to enter the order entry form as you always have by using the DNIS, SOURCE, or PROMO and utilizing the Lookup button on the Sales Order Entry screen

The second, and most effective, is to perform the Finder File lookup before you enter the Sales Order Entry screen:

SIM Order Entry

(example only, SIM allows for customization that Classic does not)

Order Detail

The Order Detail screen CUSTOM1 under Campaign Information will list the KeyCode used during order entry.

What Reports Can Be Pulled?

  1. You may opt to use a custom field on the Script to hold the Finder Number or KeyCode.
    1. Any report that provides the custom value fields will display this information

What Imports/Exports Relate to Finder Files

  1. Finder File import
  2. There is an optional export of data to client(s)

Trouble Shooting

  1. No record could be located for the specified Customer Number

    1. make sure the file is associated to the same client and campaign the DNIS is associated to


Tool Bar

Utilizing the buttons on the tool bar  you can:
Minimize module 

Add New

  1. To edit an existing batch, click on the edit pencil next to the record you wish to edit.
  2. To add a new batch, click on the Add New button  in the module bar.
    1. A new window will pop up.

* Denotes a required field
  1. *File Name - This is used to determine which list of records you are working with within the system
  2. Custom Field - This is the Custom Field location the KeyCode is associated with via the Script Setting
  3. Mail Drop Data - this will automatically populate to todays date
  4. Success Records - this will display results if file was uploaded via Finder File Import
  5. Error Records - this will display results if file was uploaded via Finder File Import
  6. Total Records - this will display results if file was uploaded via Finder File Import
  7. Filter - this can be used to search for records within the specific Finder File
  8. Navigation Buttons   - The directional buttons will allow you to move to the first page, to the next page, to the previous page, and to the last page with a click of a button
  9. Go To  - allows you to navigate to a specific page immediately, bypassing pages in between
  10. Records to Display  - this allows you to determine how many results you would to see on the lister page
* To save the changes click the Save button 
* To exit without saving click the Close button 

Add New Record To File

Finder File must be saved before you can add a new record
  1. To edit an existing record, click on the edit pencil next to the record you wish to edit.
  2. To add a new record, click on the Add New button  on the module bar.
    1. A new window will pop up.

* Denotes a required field
  1. *First Name - Customers first name
  2. *Last Name - Customers last name
  3. *Address One - Customers address
  4. Address Two - Customers address
  5. *City - will automatically populate based off zip code entered
  6. *State - will automatically populate based off zip code entered
  7. *Zip Code - Customers zip code
  8. *Campaign - OLX campaign associated to the Finder File
  9. Customer # - This is not the OLX customerID. 
  10. *Key Code - This will be on the Finder File
  11. *Finder # - This will be on the Finder File
  12. *File Name - This will auto populate to match the file the current record is being added to
  13. *File Line # - This will auto populate to increment to the next record #
  14. *File Run Date - The date this file is considered active
* To save the changes click the Save button 
* To exit without saving click the Close button 

* To save the changes click the Save button .

* To cancel any of the current changes you have made click the Close button .
      This will close the window without saving any changes.
* To delete the selection, click the Delete button .
      This will prompt you to make sure you want to delete this item.

  • Clicking Yes will delete the selected item and close the window.

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