The category drop down selected would be "Other." followed by the Import Type of "OLX Bin List Import." Then you will check whether or not the file includes a header row and create a BIN List File name to identify this group of data within OLX.
Preview the file first to ensure that there are no issues, and then click the process button to import the credit card ranges. This will then allow you to select this group of data to either "white list" and allow orders to be placed with the ranges imported; or "black list" the numbers and not allow orders with those credit card ranges.
Add New BIN List
Navigate to Company Data > Payment Data > BIN Lists
Utilizing the buttons on the tool bar
you can:
Go back to the previous screen
Add new
Minimize module
You can use the filter options to narrow down the displayed selections.
Add additional filters by click the Add button
Apply the filtered selections by clicking Apply Filter
Remove the filtered selections by clicking Remove Filter
To show inactive accounts in the displayed records check Show Inactive
You can set the number of records to be displayed
The secondary way to enter this data would be to navigate to Company Data->Payment Data->BIN Lists.
- To edit an existing record, click on the edit pencil next to the record you wish to edit.
- To add a new record, click on the Add New button in the blue module bar.
- A new window will pop up.
Enter the BIN List Name.
Note: This is the file name that will appear when setting up the script rule for this information, therefore you should make it identifiable.)- Click the edit pencil icon to open up the line of data, then enter the first six digits of the start of the range of credit cards you are placing on the list; in the "Start Range" field.
- Enter the first six digits of the end of the range of credit cards you are placing on the list, in the "End Range" field.
- Click the floppy disk icon to save that range.
- Enter all of the ranges that pertain to the group of credit cards that you are placing on this list.
* To save the changes click the Save button
* To cancel any of the current changes you have made click the Cancel button
This will close the window without saving any changes.
* To apply the current changes you have made click the Apply button
* To print the current window click the Print button
* To delete the selection click the Delete button
This will prompt you to make sure you want to delete this item.
Add New Script Rule
Once you have imported the desired file(s), or created the necessary lists; you will navigate to Company Data>Advertising>Maintain Scripts and click on the "Rules" tab. Once you have clicked on the tab, you will click the "Add button" to add a new rule to the script; and the following Edit Rule window will appear:
- Enter the Rule Name.
- Enter the Error Memo that will appear when the rule is broken.
- The first "If the following conditions are true..." tab should have "unconditional" selected for the condition.
- Once selecting the "Then require the following conditions" tab, you will be able to add the condition of "Credit Card BIN File" which is different than "Credit Card BIN Range" in which you would need to manually enter the ranges through the rule. Upon selecting "Credit Card BIN File" you will see all file names that have been imported via the previous step, in the "BIN List" file drop down menu.
- if you need to add multiple BIN Files you will want to use AND connectors
- To allow orders (whitelist) to be placed using the ranges that were imported in the chose file, check the "Allow Ranges Y/N" box. To disallow orders (blacklist) using those credit card ranges do not check the box.
- To see more information on setting up script rules, please refer to that section of the Help files.
* To save the changes click the Save button
* To cancel any of the current changes you have made click the Cancel button
This will close the window without saving any changes.
* To apply the current changes you have made click the Apply button
* To print the current window click the Print button
* To delete the selection click the Delete button
This will prompt you to make sure you want to delete this item.