WARNING: AMOUNT_ALREADY_PAID has the value "$XX.XX". Amount paid must match sum of the item's paid amount of "$XX.XX".

WARNING: AMOUNT_ALREADY_PAID has the value "$XX.XX". Amount paid must match sum of the item's paid amount of "$XX.XX".

Message: WARNING: AMOUNT_ALREADY_PAID has the value "$XX.XX". Amount paid must match sum of the item's paid amount of "$XX.XX".

Explanation: The Amount Already Paid does not match the sum of the Paid Price, Paid Shipping, and calculated Paid Tax for all items on the order. 

Suggested Resolution: Check that the Paid Price, Paid Shipping, and calculated Paid Tax for all of the items on the order add up to the amount passed in the Amount Already Paid field.

Special Considerations: Confirm PAYMENT_TYPE is being passed with value of AUTH or SALE.

If any of the items on your order are multi-pay items, be sure that the amount included in the Paid Price and the Amount Already Paid is the amount for the first installment only.

If OLX is excluding item(s) in the Amount Already Paid, this is because the Offer(s) on the order were not set to be included in Realtime Auth on the Script. To change this, locate the script associated to the DNIS used on the order on the Source Page (Company Data-->Advertising-->Source). On the Prod Offers tab of the Script Properties Window, ensure that Realtime Auth is set to "True" for the offer name(s) included on this order. 

If the above suggestions have not helped you to resolve your error, please contact OrderLogix Customer Care for assistance. Thank you!