Failure to Authenticate (OLCC User does not have sufficient permissions to perform action)
OrderLogix Real-Time Order Submission API OrderLogix Order Import V4 (Flat File and API) Exception List Message: Failure to Authenticate (OLCC User does not have sufficient permissions to perform action) Explanation: The users permissions need to be ...
WARNING: PAYMENT_METHOD has the value "X" Payment method must be either 'CC', 'CK', 'MO', 'PC', or 'IN'.
Message: WARNING: PAYMENT_METHOD has the value "X" Payment method must be either 'CC', 'CK', 'MO', 'PC', or 'IN'. Explanation: Payment method must be either 'CC', 'CK', 'MO', 'PC', or 'IN'. Suggested Resolution: The available Payment Methods can be ...
SEVERE: StartIndex cannot be less than zero. Parameter name: startIndex
Message: SEVERE: StartIndex cannot be less than zero. Parameter name: startIndex Explanation: This error is seen if you pass a value such as "redacted" or "cc removed" in field CC_NUMBER Suggested Resolution: Review field CC_NUMBER, this should only ...
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
OrderLogix Real-Time Order Submission API OrderLogix Order Import V4 (Flat File and API) Exception List Message: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. Explanation: The DNIS is missing on the order and the system is unable to associate ...
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
OrderLogix Real-Time Order Submission API Message: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. Explanation: The DNIS is missing on the order and the system is unable to associate the order to a valid Source. Suggested Resolution: Confirm ...
WARNING: PAYMENT_TYPE (Column 16) has the value "Auth". 'AUTH' or 'SALE' must be a paid credit card transactions, otherwise, it must be empty.
Message: WARNING: PAYMENT_TYPE (Column 16) has the value "Auth". 'AUTH' or 'SALE' must be a paid credit card transactions, otherwise, it must be empty. Explanation: Capitalization matters. Suggested Resolution: Make sure the value is in all CAPS. For ...
WARNING: CC_TYPE has the value "". Credit card type must be either 'V', 'MC', 'D', or 'A'.
Message: WARNING: CC_TYPE has the value "". Credit card type must be either 'V', 'MC', 'D', or 'A'. Explanation: CC_TYPE is a required field when PAYMENT_METHOD is set to CC Suggested Resolution: If the PAYMENT_METHOD is set to CC and a token is not ...
Order Import - Required Fields When Using Source Prices
Using prices, shipping, and tax from the vendor where the order is originating from is recommended, especially when importing orders with Pre-Auths or Settled payment transactions. When using the vendor's prices, shipping, and tax, there are fields ...
SEVERE: The payment type is credit card but the credit card number is invalid.
Message: SEVERE: The payment type is credit card but the credit card number is invalid. Explanation: The credit card number provided does not pass a Mod10 Check. Suggested Resolution: Check that the credit card number supplied in the CC_NUMBER field ...
SEVERE: ERROR in Function: LoadMomOrderLine Conversion from string "NO_SOLICITING" to type 'Integer' is not valid.
Message: SEVERE: ERROR in Function: LoadMomOrderLine Conversion from string "NO_SOLICITING" to type 'Integer' is not valid. Explanation: This exception indicates that you are importing a file with a header row. The import is attempting to import the ...
SEVERE: There are # DUPLICATE ENTRIES for Customer: {BILL FIRST NAME BILL LAST NAME} - Enter Order Manually
Message: SEVERE: There are # DUPLICATE ENTRIES for Customer: {BILL FIRST NAME BILL LAST NAME} - Enter Order Manually Explanation: The Customer Match settings that you have selected on import, there are still multiple customer records available to ...
WARNING: AMOUNT_ALREADY_PAID has the value "X.XX". Amount paid must match this order's calculated amount of "X.XX" OR the amount of just the first installments of "X.XX".
Message: WARNING: AMOUNT_ALREADY_PAID has the value "X.XX". Amount paid must match this order's calculated amount of "X.XX" OR the amount of just the first installments of "X.XX". Explanation: OrderLogix is calculating that the amount to be included ...
WARNING: AMOUNT_ALREADY_PAID has the value "$XX.XX". Amount paid must match this order's calculated amount of "$0.00"
Message: WARNING: AMOUNT_ALREADY_PAID has the value "$XX.XX". Amount paid must match this order's calculated amount of "$0.00". Explanation: OrderLogix is calculating that the amount to be included in the pre-auth should be $0.00 Suggested ...
WARNING: AMOUNT_ALREADY_PAID has the value "$XX.XX". Amount paid must match this order's calculated amount of "$X.XX".
Message: WARNING: AMOUNT_ALREADY_PAID has the value "$XX.XX". Amount paid must match this order's calculated amount of "$X.XX". Explanation: OrderLogix is calculating that the amount to be included in the pre-auth is different than the amount ...
WARNING: AMOUNT_ALREADY_PAID has the value "$XX.XX". Amount paid must match sum of the item's paid amount of "$XX.XX".
Message: WARNING: AMOUNT_ALREADY_PAID has the value "$XX.XX". Amount paid must match sum of the item's paid amount of "$XX.XX". Explanation: The Amount Already Paid does not match the sum of the Paid Price, Paid Shipping, and calculated Paid Tax for ...
WARNING: ORDER_TOTAL has the value "$XX.XX". Total must match this order's calculated amount "$XX.XX”.
Message: WARNING: ORDER_TOTAL has the value "$XX.XX". Total must match this order's calculated amount "$XX.XX”. Explanation: The total supplied for the order does not match the calculated amount using the formula: quantity * (unit price – discount) + ...
WARNING: ORDER_SUBTOTAL has the value "$XX.XX". Subtotal must match this order's calculated amount "$XX.XX"
Message: WARNING: ORDER_SUBTOTAL has the value "$XX.XX". Subtotal must match this order's calculated amount "$XX.XX" Explanation: The subtotal supplied for the order does not match the calculated amount using the formula: quantity * (unit price – ...
WARNING: ORDER_FEDERAL_SALES_TAX has the value "X.XX". Federal tax must match this order's calculated amount "X.XX".
Message: WARNING: ORDER_FEDERAL_SALES_TAX has the value "X.XX". Federal tax must match this order's calculated amount "X.XX". Explanation: The federal tax supplied for the order does not match the amount that is being calculated during the ...
WARNING: ORDER_STATE_SALES_TAX has the value "$X.XX". State tax must match this order's calculated amount "$X.XX".
Message: WARNING: ORDER_STATE_SALES_TAX has the value "$X.XX". State tax must match this order's calculated amount "$X.XX". Explanation: The tax supplied for the order does not match the amount that is being calculated during the validation check ...
WARNING: SHIPPING has the value "$XX.XX". Shipping must match this order's calculated amount "$XX.XX"
OrderLogix Real-Time Order Submission API OrderLogix Order Import V4 (Flat File and API) Exception List Message: WARNING: SHIPPING has the value "$XX.XX". Shipping must match this order's calculated amount "$XX.XX" Explanation: The shipping amount ...
WARNING: While trying to adjust item level pricing, could not arrive at the specified order total. The remaining unshifted difference was: X.XX
Message: WARNING: While trying to adjust item level pricing, could not arrive at the specified order total. The remaining unshifted difference was: X.XX Explanation: The calculated order total does not match the value that was provided. Suggested ...
WARNING: While trying to adjust item level pricing, could not arrive at the specified order level discount. The remaining unshifted difference was: X.XX
Message: WARNING: While trying to adjust item level pricing, could not arrive at the specified order level discount. The remaining unshifted difference was: X.XX Explanation: The calculated order level discount does not match the value that was ...
WARNING: Imported item price of XX.XX does not match the OLX price of XX.XX for this item (Price validation enabled)
Message: WARNING: Imported item price of XX.XX does not match the OLX price of XX.XX for this item (Price validation enabled) Explanation: The price supplied upon import does not match the price set up for the product in OrderLogix. Suggested ...
WARNING: The discount price is greater than the product amount
Message: WARNING: The discount price is greater than the product amount. Explanation: When a discount amount is passed for a product, it cannot exceed the value of the item because this would result in a negative price. Suggested Resolution: Check ...
WARNING: EXP_DATE has the value "XX/XX". This Expiration Date is Expired or Malformed.
Message: WARNING: EXP_DATE has the value "XX/XX". This Expiration Date is Expired or Malformed. Explanation: The credit card expiration date provided is expired or is formatted improperly. Suggested Resolution: Check that the EXP_DATE is in the ...
WARNING: MERCHANT_TRANSACTION_ID has the value "". Authorized orders must have a transaction id from the merchant processor.
Message: WARNING: MERCHANT_TRANSACTION_ID has the value "". Authorized orders must have a transaction id from the merchant processor. Explanation: Authorized orders will require a transaction ID from the merchant processor. Suggested Resolution: ...
WARNING: ORDER_DATE has the value "1/02/2018". ORDER_DATE cannot be greater than 1/1/2018.
Message: WARNING: ORDER_DATE has the value "1/02/2018". ORDER_DATE cannot be greater than 1/1/2018 Explanation: The Order Date provided exceeds the date and/or time on the server at the time of order submission. Suggested Resolution: OrderLogix uses ...
WARNING: COUNTRY has the value "XXX". Country code is Invalid.
Message: WARNING: COUNTRY has the value "XXX". Country code is Invalid. Explanation: The country code provided does not match one of the acceptable codes for Untied States or Canada. Suggested Resolution: Ensure that that both COUNTRY and SCOUNTRY ...
WARNING: NO_SOLICITING has the value "X". NO_SOLICITING must be either '1' '0' or empty.
Message: WARNING: NO_SOLICITING has the value "X". NO_SOLICITING must be either '1' '0' or empty. Explanation: No Soliciting includes a value other than "1" or "0", which cannot be accepted. Suggested Resolution: Modify the No Soliciting field to ...
WARNING: EMAIL has the value EMAIL. E-mail address must be in the format username@domain.com.
Message: WARNING: EMAIL has the value EMAIL. E-mail address must be in the format username@domain.com. Explanation: The email address was not provided in the correct format. Suggested Resolution: Check that the email accompanying the order is in the ...
WARNING: PAYMENT_TYPE has the value "SALE"". But, the Amount Already Paid or Merchant Transaction ID is Missing.
Message: WARNING: PAYMENT_TYPE has the value "SALE". But, the Amount Already Paid or Merchant Transaction ID is Missing Explanation: A Payment Type indicating that an settled payment transaction is included, must include all required components. ...
WARNING: PAYMENT_TYPE has the value "AUTH". But, the Amount Already Paid or Merchant Transaction ID is Missing.
Message: WARNING: PAYMENT_TYPE has the value "AUTH". But, the Amount Already Paid or Merchant Transaction ID is Missing Explanation: A Payment Type indicating that an auth payment transaction is included, must include all required components. ...
WARNING: USE_PRICES, USE_SHIPPING and USE_TAXES must have the SAME value. Either Y or N.
Message: WARNING: USE_PRICES, USE_SHIPPING and USE_TAXES must have the SAME value. Either Y or N Explanation: These three settings need to have the same value, either Y to use the vendor's values passed in the file or N to use OrderLogix values as ...
NO_ITEMS: Order does not have any items attached to it.
Message: NO_ITEMS: Order does not have any items attached to it. Explanation: Products are required to be included for an order to be accepted to Import. Suggested Resolution: There must be a Product Offer Name in at least one PRODUCT## field. ...
WARNING: Duplicate order found in the import file. Order was not imported.
Message: WARNING: Duplicate order found in the import file. Order was not imported. Explanation: The order number that you have provided matches a web order number that is already in use. This logic prevents duplicate orders from being imported to ...
WARNING: This order did not pass script rule validation.
Message: WARNING: This order did not pass script rule validation. Details: Error Memo Here Explanation: The order was rejected due to a script rule in place on the script. Suggested Resolution: The script rules can be viewed on the “Rules” tab of the ...
WARNING: CUSTOM_1 has the value "". This custom field (Custom1) is required for this script and can not be empty.
Message: WARNING: CUSTOM_1 has the value "". This custom field (Custom1) is required for this script and cannot be empty. Explanation: The script has required this custom field, but the order left it empty. Suggested Resolution: The Custom fields and ...
WARNING: COUPON_CODE has the value "X". Coupon Code is either expired or does not exist!
Message: WARNING: COUPON_CODE has the value "X". Coupon Code is either expired or does not exist! Explanation: The coupon code provided does not match an existing active coupon code. Suggested Resolution: Check that the Coupon Code provided matches ...
WARNING: Order does not have a payment processing account associated with it.
Message: WARNING: Order does not have a payment processing account associated with it. Explanation: There is no payment processing account that is able to be associated to this order. Suggested Resolution: The Payment Processing Account should be ...
WARNING: PAY_PROC_ACCT has the value "X". This account does not support tokenization.
Message: WARNING: PAY_PROC_ACCT has the value "X". This account does not support tokenization. Explanation: The Payment Processing Account specified does not support tokenization. Suggested Resolution: Check that the Payment Processing Account that ...
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