Purchase Orders

Purchase Orders

Module : Product 
Topic : Purchase Orders 
Version(s) : Version 5.1 and up  
Editions : Commerce & Call Center edition 

What Are Purchase Orders

The Inventory Purchase Orders within OrderLogix make it possible to keep track of details and print orders for new inventory.

Making The Connection

Where Will I See This Within OLX?

This module works with your inventory module.

What Reports Can Be Pulled?

  1. Supplier Purchase Report Definitions (orderlogix.com)
  2. Supplier Item Report Definitions (orderlogix.com)

What Imports/Exports Relate to Purchase Orders?

  1. Automated Purchasing

Trouble Shooting

  1. the location on dropdown does not match location on inventory item

    1. There are times where a warehouse location is edited and the edited information displays on the inventory item but not on the purchase order sku drop down. Please open a ticket if you see this. 


Tool Bar

  1. Utilizing the buttons on the tool bar  you can: 
  1. Go back to the previous screen 
  2. Add new 
  3. Print 
  4. Minimize module 


You can use the filter options to narrow down the displayed selections.

  1. Order Number
  2. Batch Name
  3. PO Type
    1. OLX Stock - this is the default type
  4. Status
    1. Open - Order is Open for New Items, Edits and Changes
    2. Approved - Order has been Approved
    3. Sent - Order has been Sent to the Supplier
    4. Partial - Partially Received Purchase Order
    5. Received - Order has been Received from the Supplier
    6. Cancel - Order has been Cancelled
  5. Order Date
    1. Date Purchase Order was created
  6. Due Date
    1. The expected delivery date of the inventory for the purchase order.
  7. Supplier
    1. Supplier associated to Purchase Order
  8. Contact Name
    1. This is the Supplier contact information
  9. No Of Lines
    1. This is the number of records for SKUs created in the purchase order
  10. Cost
    1. Sum of each SKU unit cost*SKU order qty
  11. Contact Phone
    1. This is the Supplier contact information
  12. Client
    1. Client associated to Purchase Order

Add additional filters by click the Add button 

Apply the filtered selections by clicking Apply Filter 
Remove the filtered selections by clicking Remove Filter 
To show inactive accounts in the displayed records check Show Inactive 
You can set the number of records to be displayed 

Add New

  1. To copy an existing record, click on the copy button next to the record you want to copy.
  2. To edit an existing record, click on the edit pencil next to the record you wish to edit.
  3. To add a new record, click on the Add New button  in the blue module bar.
    1. A new window will pop up.

  1. Main Purchase Order Details - The main details of the purchase order are as follows:

    1. Client: Not required

      1. drop down will be filtered based on client restrictions of agent.

    2. Supplier: Name of the supplier where the ordered products will come from.

      1. If a client is set above the Supplier list will be filtered to Suppliers associated

        1. to the client selected above

        2. and set to client = none

      2. The SKU’s that can be added to this order will be filtered by supplier selected.

    3. PO Number: The unique number for this purchase order.

      1. This number is automatically generated but can be manually changed if so desired.

    4. Reference: This is an optional field, to provide an additional reference number.

    5. Payment Terms: The payment terms to be associated with this order. 

    6. Shipping Method: The shipping method to be associated with this order.

    7. Order Date: The date that this purchase order was created.

    8. Due Date: The expected delivery date of the inventory for the purchase order.

    9. Status: Overall status of the order. The status’ can be as follows:

      1. Open - If the received count = 0 on a purchase order item.

        1. initial status of the purchase order. this indicates that it was created but no action has been taken yet.

      2. Approve

        1. purchase order has been reviewed and accepted. once approved, no further edits can be made

      3. Cancel - If the purchase order is no longer valid and no inventory has been received for it as of yet, it can be cancelled so that a new one can be created.

        1. the purchase order was cancelled

    10. Contact Name: Contact name of the supplier for this purchase order.

    11. Contact Phone: Contact number of the supplier for this purchase order.

    12. Comments: Optional comments field for any additional information to be kept with this purchase order. 

  2. Ordered Products Grid - This area contains all the details about the specific products that have been ordered. The products that can be added to this grid depend on which Supplier is selected, as well as which client is selected from the Bill From field. The columns in this grid contain the following details:

    1. SKU: This is the SKU (according to OLX) for the desired product.

      1. SKU dropdown will be filtered based on Supplier selected and then further filtered based on Client selected

    2. Supplier SKU: This is the suppliers own SKU name for the same product that is selected.

    3. Short Description: A short description of the SKU being ordered.

    4. Order UOM: A supplier may offer a particular SKU in various sizes. For example, they may sell by the palette, case, or crate. This field indicates which unit is being ordered.

    5. Unit Cost: An estimated cost of the item according to the SKU’s configuration on the Supplier screen. The actual cost will be entered with the receipt is made for this purchase order.

    6. Order Qty: The number of units ordered, in the unit indicated by the Order UOM column.

    7. Ext Cost: An estimated full cost of the line item, based on the number of units ordered. This is calculated when the line item is saved.

  3. Billing & Shipping Information: This area contains two dropdown selectors, one for the Bill From and the other for the Ship To addresses. A preview of the address is shown in the box below these selections. These are the addresses that will be printed on the purchase order form itself. 

    1. The Bill From selector includes both warehouses and client names.

      1. This allows billing to be handled either by the warehouse owner, or by specific clients.

      2. If a client is selected in the Bill From selector, the products available for order will be filtered down to include only products that are being sold by that client in OrderLogix.

      3. If the Bill From address is the warehouse itself, any SKU for the selected supplier can be added to the order. 

    2. The Ship To address is simply the address to the warehouse where the inventory will be shipped.

Purchase Order Printing:  Typically, in OLX, the  print button will output a snapshot of the current screen to the printer. This screen is an exception. Rather than printing the screen, an actual Purchase Order form can be printed or saved as a PDF for emailing to a supplier. This will then display a printable PDF document with the details of the purchase order:

* To save the changes click the Save button .
* To cancel any of the current changes you have made click the Cancel button .
      This will close the window without saving any changes.
* To print the current window click the Print button .
* To delete the selection click the Delete button .
      This will prompt you to make sure you want to delete this item.

  • Clicking OK will delete the selected item and close the window.

Edit Existing

  1.  edit pencil icon
    1. will be replaced with the  limited edits icon once purchase order has been approved
  2.  limited edits icon will display after purchase order has been approved.
  3.  copy icon, there are some additional buttons which correspond to the following actions:
  4.  Approve purchase order, so that it can be received.
    1. After a purchase order has been marked as approved, only limited edits can be made to it.
    2. This icon will disappear once the purchase order has been approved.
    3. The edit pencil will be replaced with the  limited edits icon. 
  5.  Create a receipt for a purchase order.
    1. As receipts are added to the purchase order, the status will move from Open > Approved > Partial > Received. 


  1. open can go to approve or cancel
  2. approved can go to sent or cancel
  3. partial can go to 
  4. received can go to cancel
  5. cancel cannot be updated
  6. sent can go to receive or cancel

  1. Main Purchase Order Details - The main details of the purchase order are as follows:

    1. not eligible for edit Client: Not required

      1. drop down will be filtered based on client restrictions of agent.

    2. not eligible for edit Supplier: Name of the supplier where the ordered products will come from.

      1. If a client is set above the Supplier list will be filtered to Suppliers associated

        1. to the client selected above

        2. and set to client = none

      2. The SKU’s that can be added to this order will be filtered by supplier selected.

    3. PO Number: The unique number for this purchase order.

      1. This number is automatically generated but can be manually changed if so desired.

    4. Reference: This is an optional field, to provide an additional reference number.

    5. Payment Terms: The payment terms to be associated with this order. 

    6. Shipping Method: The shipping method to be associated with this order.

    7. Order Date: The date that this purchase order was created.

    8. Due Date: The expected delivery date of the inventory for the purchase order.

    9. Status: Overall status of the order. The status’ can be as follows:

      1. Open - If the received count = 0 on a purchase order item.

        1. initial status of the purchase order. this indicates that it was created but no action has been taken yet.

      2. Approved - 

        1. purchase order has been reviewed and accepted. once approved, no further edits can be made

      3. Sent

        1. indicates that a print-out of the purchase order has been mailed to the supplier. olx does not track this directly, so this status must be set manually from the purchase order screen

      4. Partial - If the received difference is < 0 on a purchase order item.

        1. indicates that at least one receipt has been created against the purchase order, however not everything on the order has been received.

      5. Received - If the received count has been fulfilled exactly on a purchase order item.

        1. the purchase order is closed, all ordered products have been received.

      6. Over - If the received difference is > 0 on a purchase order item.

      7. Cancel - If the purchase order is no longer valid and no inventory has been received for it as of yet, it can be cancelled so that a new one can be created.

        1. the purchase order was cancelled

    10. Contact Name: Contact name of the supplier for this purchase order.

    11. Contact Phone: Contact number of the supplier for this purchase order.

    12. Comments: Optional comments field for any additional information to be kept with this purchase order. 

  2. Ordered Products Grid - This area contains all the details about the specific products that have been ordered. The products that can be added to this grid depend on which Supplier is selected, as well as which client is selected from the Bill From field. The columns in this grid contain the following details:

    1. SKU: This is the SKU (according to OLX) for the desired product.

      1. SKU dropdown will be filtered based on Supplier selected and then further filtered based on Client selected

    2. Supplier SKU: This is the suppliers own SKU name for the same product that is selected.

    3. Short Description: A short description of the SKU being ordered.

    4. Order UOM: A supplier may offer a particular SKU in various sizes. For example, they may sell by the palette, case, or crate. This field indicates which unit is being ordered.

    5. Unit Cost: An estimated cost of the item according to the SKU’s configuration on the Supplier screen. The actual cost will be entered with the receipt is made for this purchase order.

    6. Order Qty: The number of units ordered, in the unit indicated by the Order UOM column.

    7. Ext Cost: An estimated full cost of the line item, based on the number of units ordered. This is calculated when the line item is saved.

  3. Billing & Shipping Information: This area contains two dropdown selectors, one for the Bill From and the other for the Ship To addresses. A preview of the address is shown in the box below these selections. These are the addresses that will be printed on the purchase order form itself. 

    1. The Bill From selector includes both warehouses and client names.

      1. This allows billing to be handled either by the warehouse owner, or by specific clients.

      2. If a client is selected in the Bill From selector, the products available for order will be filtered down to include only products that are being sold by that client in OrderLogix.

      3. If the Bill From address is the warehouse itself, any SKU for the selected supplier can be added to the order. 

    2. The Ship To address is simply the address to the warehouse where the inventory will be shipped.

Purchase Order Printing:  Typically, in OLX, the  print button will output a snapshot of the current screen to the printer. This screen is an exception. Rather than printing the screen, an actual Purchase Order form can be printed or saved as a PDF for emailing to a supplier. This will then display a printable PDF document with the details of the purchase order:

* To save the changes click the Save button .
* To cancel any of the current changes you have made click the Cancel button .
      This will close the window without saving any changes.
* To print the current window click the Print button .
* To delete the selection click the Delete button .
      This will prompt you to make sure you want to delete this item.

  • Clicking OK will delete the selected item and close the window.

Copyright 2019
Revised 1.14.2024

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