Mercado Pago Payment Processor

Mercado Pago Payment Processor

Module: Payment Processor
Topic: Mercado Pago Payment Processor
Version(s): All  
Editions:  All

What is Mercado Pago

Mercado Pago is a payment gateway. Mercado Pago is more complex than some of the other payment gateways you may have used in the past (Stripe for instance). Mercado Pago allows for extended scheduled payments as well as offline (customer can go to a physical location) payments to be made.

Processing Steps

There are 2  steps when processing with Mercado Pago.
  1. OLX will send details to Mercado Pago in order to create a customer record.
  2. Mercado Pago will send back a customer id so that payment information can be transmitted from one system to the other.

Payment Methods


Order requires First/Last Name, and Email. Pre-authorization is automatically approved.
  1. Confirmation number is given
  2. Go to Oxxo (Chain of convenient stores)
  3. Give confirmation number with payment
  4. Oxxo enters payment with confirmation number
  5. Mercado Pago backend updated automatically
  6. Once showed as paid order will ship


Order requires First/Last Name, and Email. Pre-authorization is automatically approved.
    1. Confirmation number is given
    2. Go to Bank ATM
    3. Give confirmation number with payment
    4. Mercado Pago backend updated automatically
    5. Once showed as paid order will ship


    Order requires First/Last Name, and Email. Pre-authorization is automatically approved.
      1. Confirmation number is given
      2. Go to Bank ATM
      3. Give confirmation number with payment
      4. Mercado Pago backend updated automatically
      5. Once showed as paid order will ship

      Credit Card - Tokenization

      1. Mercado Pago payment gateway works with tokenization.
      2. Payment set - token pending prior to real time authorization

      Pending Approval Pre-Authorization

      1. Result will say approved
      2. Auth Code will contain:
        1. operation_type to denote if point of sale payment or another payment type
        2. issuer_id to denote who (bank who is extending credit) is responsible for receiving payment transactions
        3. payment_method_id to denote what type of credit card was used
      3. Result Text will contain:
        1. payment_type_id to denote that is is a credit card or debit card
        2. status will say in process due to status_detail
        3. status_detail to denote pending review manual that means Mercado Pago system will analyze risk and approve or not approve

      1. Order will be saved in OLX as Item Awaiting Authorization
      2. Mercado Pago has a backend site where they review orders and approve or reject

      Approved Pre-Authorization and Orders

      1. OLX receives a one time token from Mercado Pago.
        1. This single use token allows items attached to it to be refunded (partial and full) as well as payments captured.
        2. New items can NOT be added to an existing token.
      2. The Mercado Pago payment gateway will use the set token for installments.
        1. Customer Service will be prompted to select an installment plan from available installments listed when processing payments.
        2. Once the customer has agreed to an installment schedule it can not be edited at a later date.
      3. The auth does expire and again is a single use, items can not be added to it.
      4. The following is a break down of the parts of the token that is received via Mercado Pago:
        Token = xxx|xxx,xxxx,xxxx
        ( Mercado Pago's customer ID | Mercado Pago card ID , one time token given by Mercado , last 4 digits of cc )
      5. Credit card information for orders utilizing Mercado Pago's payment gateway is not stored within OLX. 


      1. Manually entered orders and Mojo (or imported) orders:
        1. If no fraud filters (Mercado Pago review) are triggered the order will come over paid
        2. If fraud filter (Mercado Pago review) is triggered the order will come over as Item Awaiting Authorization
      2. Offline order (Oxxo, Banamex, or Bancomer) goes to Item Awaiting Authorization

      3. Orders in Item Awaiting Authorization
        1. Process for MercadoPago Integration is scheduled to run within the OLX system between 5:00 am and 11:00 pm (for example: every hour of every day, 3 minutes passed the hour )
          1. Looks at all open transactions and updates orders within OLX
            1. Declined will set status to Item Decline Authorization until it works through to Item Fatal Authorization
              1. Will NEVER move to Item Ship Ready
              2. Pre Payment Processing - Resubmit declines which meet this criteria
              3. system preference - Limits setup 
            2. Approved will move item to paid and Item Ship Ready

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