WARNING: While trying to adjust item level pricing, could not arrive at the specified order total. The remaining unshifted difference was: X.XX

WARNING: While trying to adjust item level pricing, could not arrive at the specified order total. The remaining unshifted difference was: X.XX

MessageWARNING: While trying to adjust item level pricing, could not arrive at the specified order total. The remaining unshifted difference was: X.XX

Explanation:  The calculated order total does not match the value that was provided. 

Suggested Resolution

  1. Review what you have sent for DISCOUNT_CALCULATION_METHOD.
    1. Eligible values are Order or Item. If left blank, Order is assumed.
      1. Order Level: Order Level tax calculation means that the tax rate is applied to the sum of the unit prices for the items on the order then the tax amount is rounded to the nearest penny. (this is the default for OLX order imports)
      2. Item Level: Item Level calculation is done by applying the tax rate to each item and rounding the tax amount to the nearest penny and then adding all of the item's tax amounts together.
    2. If there is a difference of 0.01 or more between the calculation methods, this exception will be shown.
  2. If QUANTITIY0# is greater than 1, review Product Offer to see if 'Multiply Shipping By Quantity' is checked.
    1. Yes, checked
      1. Set SHIPPING0# to total product shipping divided by quantity.
      2. Set TAX_SHIPPING_PROD0# to total product shipping divided by quantity.
    2. No, unchecked
      1. Do nothing here

If the above suggestions have not helped you to resolve your error, please contact OrderLogix Customer Care for assistance. Thank you!