Once Sales Tax has been setup you must navigate to each script that will add tax to orders created. Selecting the Region/Taxes tab will bring you to location criteria of which orders must apply tax to the products based on shipping address. You will also select which
Tax Provider Account the taxed locations will use (one per script).
Continuity Processing
When Continuity Processing creates orders that are due, tax is determined and added to the order during the order creation process.
Imported Orders
Once you have setup Sales Tax and added location criteria to the script your imported orders must provide the tax values during order import.
<PRODUCT01>Test Product</PRODUCT01>
Order Entry Screen
When entering an order, after the shipping address is filled in and product selected you will notice the Tax field populate if the location criteria has been selected on the Script being used.
Order Detail Screen
After an order has been entered (manually or via import) and you navigate to the Order Detail screen you will see the Tax values on each corresponding item line.