

Module: Customer Portal
Path: Profile
Topic:  Profile
OLX Version(s):  5.1
OLX Editions: Commerce, Call Center

The Profile tab within Customer Portal will allow your customer to change their password and/or request to have their personal information removed from your site.
At this time if a customer requests to have their information purged from the system you will have to create a ticket with OLX Customer Care and we will be happy to get this done for you.


Clicking on the Change my password button will display the Change Password display

It is important to note that passwords must:
  1. At Least 8 Characters
  2. Must contain Letters and Numbers
  3. Must Contain Special Characters
  4. Must contain upper and lower case characters
  5. Once the password has been changed the customer can click on the Change button  to update the password for future sign-ins. 
  6. Clicking Cancel will exit the popup without saving any changes


Customers can request a copy of their personal information on file or request to have the data removed from the system.
Selecting Other Request allows the customer to make any request they have and a message will be sent to your CSR team.

The notes field allows for the customer to add additional information as they deem necessary. 
Clicking the send button  will send a message to your CSR team.
You will need to be sure to have email setup on the Admin - Company - Email tab.

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