Module: Customer Portal
Path: Addresses
Topic: Addresses
OLX Version(s): 5.1
OLX Editions: Commerce, Call Center
The Addresses tab will list the Billing and Shipping addresses associated to your customer. If the Billing and Shipping address match only one record will be displayed.
If the Billing and Shipping addresses are different there will be two records displayed.
Depending on the settings configured on the
Admin > Addresses tab the customer may or may not be able to edit the addresses listed on this screen or add a new address.
Clicking on the edit icon
will display the Edit Address popup
There is no data validation done when an address is updated. If incorrect information is given the system will not display an error letting the customer know.
For example if the zip and city do not match the profile can still be saved.
From here the customer can edit the following fields:
- First Name
- Middle Initial
- Last Name
- Address
- Address Line 2
- City
- State
- The dropdown will display all of the areas the OLX instance is configured to sale to within the script rules
- Zip
- Country
- The dropdown will display all of the areas the OLX instance is configured to sale to within the script rules
- Phone
- The delete button will display an additional popup asking to confirm.
- If there is any reason the address profile can not be deleted a message will display
- If the address profile is removed successfully a confirmation message will display
- The save button will update changes made and close the popup
- The cancel button will not save any changes and close the popup
Add Address
Clicking on the Add Address button will display a Add Address popup
There is no data validation done when an address is updated. If incorrect information is given the system will not display an error letting the customer know.
For example if the zip and city do not match the profile can still be saved.
From here the customer can fill in the following fields:
- First Name
- Middle Initial
- Last Name
- Address
- Address Line 2
- City
- State
- The dropdown will display all of the areas the OLX instance is configured to sale to within the script rules
- Zip
- Country
- The dropdown will display all of the areas the OLX instance is configured to sale to within the script rules
- Phone
- The save button will update changes made and close the popup
- The cancel button will not save any changes and close the popup