XML Error or Incorrect Syntax Error

XML Error or Incorrect Syntax Error

Special Characters may create issues in OLCC!

Issues such as an XML error, an incorrect syntax error, product offers not loading on the Order Entry screen, or misformatting of columns in an import or export may be caused by any of the following special characters which should be avoided within the fields of an import file, in customer records, and in your setup in OLCC:

- ampersand (&)

- single quote or apostrophe  (')

- double quote (")


- percentage (%)


- comma (,)...  This is only in some cases such as within a CSV file that does not use wrapped fields


- hyphen or dash (-)...  This is an issue only in some cases as well such as in the case of the Client name on any orders exported using any version of the OLT Orders Export or in an Employee User Login. As a result it should generally be avoided.