WARNING: SHIPPING has the value "$XX.XX". Shipping must match this order's calculated amount "$XX.XX"
Message: WARNING: SHIPPING has the value "$XX.XX". Shipping must match this order's calculated amount "$XX.XX"
Explanation: The shipping amount supplied for the order does not match the sum of the SHIPPING## fields.
Suggested Resolution: Verify that you have supplied shipping amounts at the product level in the SHIPPING## fields. These fields must add up to match the order level shipping field.
Special Considerations: If you are not charging shipping on an item-by-item basis on only at an order level, you can set the shipping amount to the first product on the order in SHIPPING01.
If you have more than one page on the order (more than 5 products on the order), navigate to the additional pages and remove (not on page 1!) the values in SHIPPING01 and PAID_SHIPPING_PROD01 fields.
If you are utilizing the setting for multiply shipping by quantity (product > product offer), you may need to take the value from PAID_SHIPPING_PROD01 and divide by value in QUANTITY01. This will be the new SHIPPING01.
If the above suggestions have not helped you to resolve your error, please contact OrderLogix Customer Care for assistance. Thank you!