WARNING: PAYMENT_TYPE has the value "SALE"". But, the Amount Already Paid or Merchant Transaction ID is Missing.

WARNING: PAYMENT_TYPE has the value "SALE"". But, the Amount Already Paid or Merchant Transaction ID is Missing.

Message:  WARNING: PAYMENT_TYPE has the value "SALE". But, the Amount Already Paid or Merchant Transaction ID is Missing

Explanation: A Payment Type indicating that an settled payment transaction is included, must include all required components.

Suggested Resolution
: If the PAYMENT_TYPE is "AUTH" or "SALE", then the AMOUNT_ALREADY_PAID (the amount that that the transaction is for) and the MERCHANT_TRANSACTION_ID (the transaction ID received from the payment processor for this payment transaction) must both also be included with the order.

If the above suggestions have not helped you to resolve your error, please contact OrderLogix Customer Care for assistance. Thank you!