WARNING: PAYMENT_TYPE (Column 16) has the value "Auth". 'AUTH' or 'SALE' must be a paid credit card transactions, otherwise, it must be empty.

WARNING: PAYMENT_TYPE (Column 16) has the value "Auth". 'AUTH' or 'SALE' must be a paid credit card transactions, otherwise, it must be empty.

Message:  WARNING: PAYMENT_TYPE (Column 16) has the value "Auth". 'AUTH' or 'SALE' must be a paid credit card transactions, otherwise, it must be empty.

Explanation: Capitalization matters.

Suggested Resolution
: Make sure the value is in all CAPS. For paid credit card orders, this field must contain 'AUTH' for authorized payments or 'SALE' for settled/captured payments, otherwise leave blank.

If the above suggestions have not helped you to resolve your error, please contact OrderLogix Customer Care for assistance. Thank you!