WARNING: Duplicate order found in the import file. Order was not imported.

WARNING: Duplicate order found in the import file. Order was not imported.

Message: WARNING: Duplicate order found in the import file. Order was not imported. 

Explanation: The order number that you have provided matches a web order number that is already in use. This logic prevents duplicate orders from being imported to avoid customers from being improperly charged twice.

Suggested Resolution: Lookup the ORDER_NUMBER to find the existing order with a matching web order number to verify whether this is the same order or not. If not, modify the ORDER_NUMBER and re-import

Special Considerations: If you have orders being imported from multiple external sources, you may come across a case where both vendors have used the same order number for an order. Appending a prefix to the order number, as suggested in the Order Field Specification guides, will ensure that this exception will not occur because the order numbers would always be unique. 

If the above suggestions have not helped you to resolve your error, please contact OrderLogix Customer Care for assistance. Thank you!