WARNING: COUNTRY has the value "XXX". Country code is Invalid.

WARNING: COUNTRY has the value "XXX". Country code is Invalid.

MessageWARNING: COUNTRY has the value "XXX". Country code is Invalid.

Explanation: The country code provided does not match one of the acceptable codes for Untied States or Canada.

Suggested Resolution
: Ensure that that both COUNTRY and SCOUNTRY have been populated with the correct country codes.
          United States: 001 or USA
          Canada: 034 or CAN

Special Considerations: If you allow billing and shipping addresses outside of US and Canada, then you will need to check off the box “Allow International Bill/Ship Info” on the Details tab of the Script Properties window. When this box is checked, there is no validation done on the address formatting, including for Country Codes.

If the above suggestions have not helped you to resolve your error, please contact OrderLogix Customer Care for assistance. Thank you!