WARNING: CC_TYPE has the value "". Credit card type must be either 'V', 'MC', 'D', or 'A'.

WARNING: CC_TYPE has the value "". Credit card type must be either 'V', 'MC', 'D', or 'A'.

Message: WARNING: CC_TYPE has the value "". Credit card type must be either 'V', 'MC', 'D', or 'A'.

Explanation: CC_TYPE is a required field when PAYMENT_METHOD is set to CC

Suggested Resolution
: If the PAYMENT_METHOD is set to CC and a token is not being passed you must supply the credit card type of  'V', 'MC', 'D', or 'A'.

V=Visa, MC=MasterCard, D=Discover, A = American Express

If passing payment with token, confirm the payment gateway being used is supported by the integration.

If the above suggestions have not helped you to resolve your error, please contact OrderLogix Customer Care for assistance. Thank you!