WARNING: AMOUNT_ALREADY_PAID has the value "$XX.XX". Amount paid must match this order's calculated amount of "$X.XX".

WARNING: AMOUNT_ALREADY_PAID has the value "$XX.XX". Amount paid must match this order's calculated amount of "$X.XX".

Message: WARNING: AMOUNT_ALREADY_PAID has the value "$XX.XX". Amount paid must match this order's calculated amount of "$X.XX".

Explanation: OrderLogix is calculating that the amount to be included in the pre-auth is different than the amount indicated in the imported Amount Already Paid.

Suggested Resolution: If OLX is calculating the Amount Already Paid to be different than what was calculated prior to import, you may wish to evaluate the TAX_CALCULATION_METHOD being sent for the order, as this is the most common reason why this exception is displayed. By default, the Order Import will use ORDER calculation method. If a different method was used when calculating tax for the pre-auth you may see a difference of a few cents. For more on Tax Calculation methods see our article here.

Special Considerations: This value can differ for other reasons as well, such as the Tax Rounding Method used, whether tax is charged on shipping or not, or whether tax is distributed across installments. 

If the above suggestions have not helped you to resolve your error, please contact OrderLogix Customer Care for assistance. Thank you!