WARNING: ACH_IS_SAVINGS_ACCOUNT has the value "X". ACH_IS_SAVINGS_ACCOUNT must be either '1' '0' or empty.

WARNING: ACH_IS_SAVINGS_ACCOUNT has the value "X". ACH_IS_SAVINGS_ACCOUNT must be either '1' '0' or empty.

Message: WARNING: ACH_IS_SAVINGS_ACCOUNT has the value "X". ACH_IS_SAVINGS_ACCOUNT must be either '1' '0' or empty.

Explanation: A value other than 0, 1, or empty was passed in the field ACH Is Savings Account.

Suggested Resolution
: Correct the value in the ACH is Savings Account to be 0, 1, or leave the field empty.

If the above suggestions have not helped you to resolve your error, please contact OrderLogix Customer Care for assistance. Thank you!