Sales Agent Commission Summary Report Definitions

Sales Agent Commission Summary Report Definitions

This report is run by commission batches that are created and breaks out the commission batch by team and employee.

Sales Agent Commission Summary Report Column Definitions
TeamTeam Name
Emp. #Employee Number
EmployeeEmployee Name (Last, First)
# Items# Of Items employee had in selected Commission Batch
$ Debit PriceUnit price of debit items sold by employee
$ Credit PriceUnit price of credit items sold by employee
$ Other PriceUnit price of items that are not debit, credit or pending sold by an employee
$ Pending PriceUnit price of pending items sold by an employee (commiss has not been paid yet)
$ Total PriceUnit price of # Items sold by employee
$ ShippingShipping amount of # Items sold by employee
$TaxTax amount of # Items sold by employee
$ Gross CommGross commission amount of # Items sold by employee
$ Adj CommAdjusted commission amount of # Items sold by employee, amount will be based on items that met appropriate requirements          
Commission BatchThe commission batch
TeamThe team of the employee
Active/All EmployeesWhether or not to include inactive employees
Items in Final StatusWhether or not the item is in a final status (no more commissions will be paid after this)
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